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the Federal Government through USA.gov > Search Tips
Search the Federal Government through USA.gov:
Search Tips
USA.gov is a public-private partnership, led by a cross-agency board
and administered by the Office of USA.gov in the General Services Administration's
Office of Governmentwide Policy. Launched in September 2000, it is a U.S.
Government portal to 30 million pages of government information, services,
and online transactions.
1. From the pull down menu that defaults to the phrase "All Words,"
select one of the following choices:
- All Words: All words typed in the search box must
be in each result.
- Any Words: Any or all of the words typed in the
search box must be in each result.
- Phrase: The exact phrase typed in the search box
must be in each result.
2. Enter a query in the search box. Quotation marks, commas, other
punctuation, and/or Boolean capabilities are not required.
3. Select a radio button to search in the entire Federal Government
or restrict the query to search only GPO Access. Selecting
the "Federal Government" radio button will retrieve results
from all Federal Government pages, and selecting "Only GPO
Access" will only search GPO Access pages.
4. The results page may be set to return 10, 20, or 50 results on a
page. Results may be configured to display in either detailed or brief
format. Choosing the "detailed" radio button will display
results that include a page's title, description, and URL, while "brief"
only displays the title.
5. Click "Search" to begin.
NOTE: When using this search engine, you may leave GPO's
servers. Please be aware that the U.S. Government Printing Office is not
responsible for the content of the sites not on its servers.