US Forest Service Woody Biomass Utilization

Woody Biomass Utilization

Woody Biomass Utilization

An Opportunity We Cannot Afford to Waste

One of the greatest challenges facing forest managers in the United States on both public and private lands is restoring and maintaining the health and resilience of forest ecosystems. Adapting to climate change and mitigating the effects increases both the magnitude of the effort needed and the urgency of taking action. One option for adaptation and mitigation is sustainable woody biomass utilization.

Our goal to increase the amount of America’s energy that comes from forests requires we coordinate to improve the use of woody biomass in tandem with forest management activities on public and private lands.



US Forest Service
Woody Biomass Utilization Team
Sidney R.Yates Federal Building
3rd Floor Southwest
201 14th Street, S.W. at Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250

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Last modified: Tuesday, 05-Aug-2008 13:46:42 EDT