Welcome to the
- The Database of IPM Resources

Database of IPM Resources (DIR) is an information retrieval and referral system and a compendium of customized directories of worldwide IPM information resources accessible through the Internet. With DIR, one can quickly find the way to thousands of IPM information sites.  The DIR presents these web resources in a logical, structured, and searchable way that greatly reduces the frustration and disappointment often encountered when using general search engines on the web.  The DIR covers a wide array of crops, pests, control tactics, regions, organizations, and related topics in a user-friendly format.  DIR's contents span most of the disciplines involved in IPM.

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DIR is a collaborative effort of:

Consortium for International Crop Protection (CICP), 
University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA

Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC),
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA

National IPM Network (NIPMN),
North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Integrated Pest Management Collaborative 
Research Support Program (IPM CRSP
Office of International Research and Development (OIRD), 
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, VA, USA


Database of IPM Resources (DIR) is being developed under the technical/professional guidance of: Marcos KoganRichard E. Ford, and  Ron Stinner.

Author & System Administrator:  Waheed Ibrahim Bajwa 

Acknowledgment: DIR gratefully acknowledges the hundreds of developers of web sites that are its foundation.

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Last Updated: August 7, 2000 
© Copyright IPMnet. DIR information may be reproduced, stored and transmitted for non-commercial purposes. Acknowledgment to IPMnet would be appreciated.