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Faculty Representatives

The Chair and Vice Chair of the UC systemwide Academic Council sit on the Board of Regents as Faculty Representatives. Based on a judgment made by the Academic Senate in the mid-1970s, the Faculty Representatives do not vote but by Regental policy are fully included in all discussion and debate, including Regents Only sessions.

Beginning in the Fall 2002, the Faculty Representatives also serve formally as Advisory Members on all Standing and/or Special Committees of The Regents. This arrangement allows for the free flow of information and ideas between the UC Academic Senate and the Board of Regents.

The Faculty Representatives welcome the input of their colleagues on any issues of concern. The current Faculty Representatives are:

Mary Croughan, Chair Academic Senate
Advisory Member on Regents' Committees on Compliance and Audit, Compensation, Finance, Long Range Planning, and Oversight of the DOE Laboratories

Harry Powell, Vice Chair Academic Senate
Advisory Member on Regents' Committees on Educational Policy, Grounds and Buildings, Health Services, and Investments


Faculty Representatives - The Regents of the University of California The Regents of the University of California