Climate action is a powerful engine for new industries and jobs, and the next challenge for America's Genius

PCAP Cover The Presidential Climate Action Plan
Security, Opportunity, Stewardship

The principal challenge facing the 44th President of the United States is to rally the nation to create a new 21st century economy. The United States, like other industrialized nations, has arrived at the cusp between two eras. The outgoing era has been powered largely by carbon-rich fossil fuels with an operating ethic of dominion over natural systems. The incoming era will embrace the responsibility of stewardship and will be powered by carbon-free and largely renewable resources. » Read More
The Presidential Climate Action Project and St. Martin's Press of New York have issued a condensed version of PCAP's presidential climate action plan in book form – an early glimpse of what we'll submit to the next President of the United States. The book is available in electronic format to reduce its carbon footprint. It features hyperlinks to many of the studies and other documents on which the plan's recommendations are based.Click here if you'd like to purchase the book. Net proceeds will support PCAP's continuing work on presidential climate leadership.



Feature of the Week ~ posted 11/19/08

Duke Study Pinpoints Potential 'Green-Collar' Job Growth in U.S.

During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama proposed an economic plan that would create 5 million jobs in environmental industries. These so-called "green collar" jobs do, in fact, present the next frontier for U.S. manufacturing, says a new report from Duke University. Read the press release or download the full report in HTML or PDF format.

What Others are Saying...

The PCAP team is finding intense interest from around the world about the climate and energy policies likely to be implemented under President Obama. Here's a post from Tony Manwaring of Great Britain.

NESE logo

PCAP, in partnership with the National Council on Science and the Environment is seeking nominations for climate critical positions in the next administration. Please visit their website to see a list of critical positions and nominate individuals who have extensive knowledge and experience relevant to those.

A Letter to the Next President

Sign the Letter to the Next PresidentA group of concerned scientists, environmental activists and public policy experts decided at a meeting last July to draft a letter calling for urgent action by the next President of the United States to address climate change. PCAP has endorsed the letter and urges Sen. Obama and Sen. McCain to respond, and to commit to immediate, effective action to address the climate emergency upon taking office. Read and Sign The Letter »


A Field and Stream Guest Editorial by Larry Schweiger, President of the National Wildlife Foundation

A Sub-Prime Energy Future?

At the very time that Wall Street financiers are staggering around dazed and confused in the rubble of a smoke-and-mirrors game gone terribly awry, the oil industry and its political allies are selling Americans another sub-prime investment. Read More »