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Sustainability in Agriculture
Alternative Crops and Plants
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Grazing Systems and Alternative Livestock Breeds
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AFSIC Publication Archive

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) publications – bibliographies, resource guides, directories and databases – orient searchers to sustainable agriculture topics and information sources, provide research guidance and optimize data retrieval.

This list of archived resources cites AFSIC publications released before 1999. It does not include titles published by other institutions. Our list of current publications also is available.


Sustainability in Agriculture


Alternative Crops and Plants


Education and Research


Farm Energy Options


Farms and Community


Grazing Systems and Alternative Livestock Breeds


Alternative Marketing and Business Practices


Organic Production


Ecological Pest Management


Soil and Water Management


Search NAL's Online Catalog AGRICOLA to locate additional resources.

Last Modified: Thursday, 11-Dec-2008 10:44:03 EST
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