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You are here: Home / Soil and Water Management / Cover Crops, Green Manures and Mulches 
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Soil and Water Management

Plastic mulch
Do you have it covered? Find information about the beneficial uses of living plants, organic matter and other materials in cropping systems including protection of soil or delicate plantings, soil enrichment, management of runoff and leaching, water conservation and weed control.
Soils and Compost
National Center for Appropriate Technology. ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service.
Publications and other resources on how to assess, improve and maintain soil health for both croplands and pastures including principal uses and benefits of cover crops and green manures. Of particular interest is an Overview of Cover Crops and Green Manures.
Cover Crop Resource Page
University of California. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
A collection of information including a cover crop database of over 5,000 documents, research project summaries, papers and other documents published by the program and links to other cover crop Web resources.
Cover Crops
Oregon State University. Forage Information System.
A collection of publications, experts, media and links covering species, establishment, management, incorporation and removal of cover crops.
Cover Crops and Green Manures
University of Hawai'i. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources.
A series of fact sheets divided into leguminous and non-leguminous selections for use as cover crops and green manures.
Cover Crops and Living Mulches
North Carolina State University.
Short descriptions of cover crop and living mulch or green manure methods including listings of recommended perennials, summer annual and winter annual cover crops for the Southern United States and a formula to calculate nutrients available from a cover crop.
Missouri Alternatives Center: Link List
University of Missouri. Cooperative Extension Service.
Links to hundreds of full-text Extension publications that address all kinds agricultural alternatives including a wide range of crops, livestock species and production systems. Topics include cover crops and green manure crops, mulches and vegetable mulches.
Michigan Cover Crops
Michigan State University. Kellogg Biological Station.
Provides an overview of cover crops, more detailed information about suitable species, cropping systems and organic research and links to additional sources of information.
Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage for Soil Erosion Control on Cropland
The Pennsylvania State University.
A publication that addresses the problem of erosion and benefits of cover crops in dealing with this problem focusing on the use of crownvetch and birdsfoot trefoil.
University of Missouri. Cooperative Extension Service.
A review of several types of mulch materials with details such as resistance to compaction, attractiveness, resistance to wind blowing, availability, source of weeds and disease and fire hazard rating.

Last Modified: Dec 4, 2007  
Soil and Water Management
    Soil Quality and Testing
    Soil Amendments and Nutrient Management
    Cover Crops, Green Manures and Mulches
    Compost and Composting
    Conservation Tillage Practices and Erosion Control
    Whole Farm Systems
    Water Conservation
    Water-saving Irrigation Techniques
See Also
    Mulch and Soil Council
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