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Cow is your source for safe, healthy, natural and nutritious grass-fed beef, lamb, goats, bison, poultry, pork, dairy and other wild edibles. This website provides:

  • Comprehensive, accurate information about the benefits of raising animals on pasture.

  • A direct link to local farms that sell all-natural, delicious, grass-fed products.

  • A marketplace for farmers who raise their livestock on pasture from birth to market and who actively promote the welfare of their animals and the health of the land.


Most farmer’s markets are closed until spring, but you can continue to buy from your local farmer by shopping at  We link you with farmers 365 days of the year!

Find your local farmer in the
Eatwild Directory of Pasture-Based Farms

How to find your way around

  • To find pastured meat and dairy products (as well as some wild seafood, honey, etc.) near you go to the Eatwild Directory of Farmers. Support your local producers!
  • Go to News for our latest information on the benefits of grass-based products.
  • Visit the online Eatwild Store for books on pasture-based farming, healthy eating, food politics, along with cookbooks and other kitchen tools for maximizing the benefits of your grass-fed products.
  • Visit Free Articles for short essays about grassfarming by Jo Robinson. Download them for free for reprint in your newsletter or use as handouts.


Looking for pasture-raised meat, eggs or dairy?
Visit our Eatwild D irectory of Pasture-Based Farms,
then click on your state to find a farm or ranch near you.

To date, over 4 million people have visited
We have as many as 8,000 visitors per day.
Good news travels fast! is owned and operated by Jo Robinson, an investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author who specializes in science-based health information. Jo has been investigating the differences between animals raised in feedlots and pasture-based farms for the past seven years.

Pasture Perfect
The Far-Reaching Benefits of Choosing Meat, Eggs,
and Dairy Products from Grass-Fed Animals
by Jo Robinson

book cover

Available on-line in the Eatwild Store
or by calling toll-free 1-866-453-8489 (US only).
(Outside of US call 1-253-759-2318. Sorry, not toll-free)

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Special discount if you order 2* copies...

*Unfortunately we are very low on books and are no longer offering the 5, 10, or case-pack discounts.

Proceeds from the sale of Pasture Perfect and items in the Eatwild Store support and Jo Robinson's research of pasture-based farming.