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University of Nebraska Extension
Institute of Agriculture and Natural  Resources

Our mission is to deliver timely, targeted,  research-based, beef industry related information to people where they live or work.

Beef Basics
Home Study Courses

Beef Basics Home Courses

The Beef Basics program started in 1993 and was designed for beef producers, feed consultants and veterinarians wanting to learn more about beef production. Since then, more than 4,000 people from more than 40 states have used the first four Beef Basics courses to further their education. The courses are written by extension educators, extension specialists, producers and veterinarians and are producer-reviewed before being introduced to the public.

Each of the courses is bound so that it will be a handy future reference piece. Each course is composed of lessons that has a quiz at the end to obtain feedback and to assure that the concepts are understood. Each participant that completes the quizzes for the course will receive a completion certificate.

Dr. Rich Lackaff of Bassett, NE., is a producer and a licensed veterinarian. Many of his friends and neighbors rely on his knowledge. Lackaff said he'd recommend the courses to any producer or veterinarian who wants to improve and learn. "It's hard for the average rancher to find this information, and this program is tailor-made for his needs," he said.

Purpose of the Courses
These courses are designed to assist you in making management decisions for improving profitability. They offer an opportunity to sharpen your cow/calf management skills without a large time commitment away from the office or home. You can learn within the comfort of your own home or office.

Many beef producers, veterinarians, and agribusiness people find it difficult to attend distant educational seminars. This course will allow you to expand your cow/calf management knowledge within the comfort of your home or office. Your involvement will be encouraged through answering questions on the lesson quizzes. After completing a lesson, participants take a short quiz, which is graded and returned by the extension educators.

Understand Your Business
It is important that you, as a beef producer, enter the 21st century with confidence, competence, and direction. To be a successful livestock producer in the future, you will need to capitalize on your own unique resources and abilities.

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