
Floriculture - Meet the Team

The UMass Extension Floriculture Team supports the greenhouse industry with research and information on environmentally safe production practices and marketing. The greenhouse industry is one of the largest production agriculture moneymakers in Massachusetts's, valued at $78 million dollars. There are over 1000 commercial flower producing operations growing potted plants, perennials, bedding plants and cut flowers. The team's overall goal is to help Massachusetts greenhouse growers remain profitable within the environmental, social, and economic climate of the state.

The team's educational activities include newsletters (Floral Notes), publications, workshops, conferences, training programs, diagnostic services and research. The team also works with Extension Specialists and grower representatives throughout New England to host The New England Greenhouse Conference, held every other year at Worcester's Centrum Centre. The conference includes over 60 educational sessions and 200 exhibitors.

The Floriculture Staff consists of two Extension outreach staff in the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences with University Faculty support and research in plant nutrition and pathology. The UMass Extension Floriculture Program is a part of UMass Extension's Agriculture and Landscape Program.

Feel free to contact members of the team to discuss specific issues. Contact information is provided at the top, right-hand corner of every page.


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