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New First Detector Training

New Training


First Detector Training promotes awareness and early detection of exotic pests in the field. NPDN recently released a free online professional development program that teaches how to monitor and respond to high-risk insects, weeds, and plant pathogens in crops including food, horticultural, and ornamental growing systems.Go to First Detector Training for more information.


This webpage was created to inform the general public of the existence of the National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN) and to facilitate NPDN committee function, activities, and organization.


Information available to the general public resides on this home page. Additionally, each of the 5 regions has their own regional website that may contain regionally specific information. Regional websites can be accessed by selecting the regional acronym from the “NPDN Web Ring” box located on the left-hand side of this screen.


Questions about this program from the public should be directed to the following contacts:

1. Ray Hammerschmidt, Director, NCPDN, Michigan State University

2. Kitty Cardwell, National Program Leader, CSREES, USDA

3. Carrie Harmon, Secretary NPDN, University of Florida

For more information about accessibility of this web site click here.

Diagnostic Laboratories

Diagnostic Laboratories by State:

For multiple laboratory listings by state, please refer to each regional web site.

GPDN=Great Plains      NCPDN=North Central      NEPDN=Northeast      SPDN=Southern      WPDN=Western

Alabama (SPDN) Louisiana (SPDN) Ohio (NCPDN)
Alaska (WPDN) Maine (NEPDN) Oklahoma (GPDN)
Arizona (WPDN) Maryland (NEPDN) Oregon (WPDN)
Arkansas (SPDN) Massachusetts (NEPDN) Pennsylvania (NEPDN)
California (WPDN) Michigan (NCPDN) Rhode Island (NEPDN)
Colorado (GPDN) Minnesota (NCPDN) South Carolina (SPDN)
Connecticut (NEPDN) Mississippi (SPDN) South Dakota (GPDN)
Delaware (NEPDN) Missouri (NCPDN) Tennessee (SPDN)
Florida (SPDN) Montana (GPDN) Texas (GPDN)
Georgia (SPDN) Nebraska (GPDN) Texas (SPDN)
Hawaii (WPDN) Nevada (WPDN) Utah (WPDN)
Idaho (WPDN) New Hampshire (NEPDN) Vermont (NEPDN)
Illinois (NCPDN) New Jersey (NEPDN) Virginia (SPDN)
Indiana (NCPDN) New Mexico (WPDN) Washington (WPDN)
Iowa (NCPDN) New York (NEPDN) West Virginia (NEPDN)
Kansas (GPDN) North Carolina (SPDN) Wisconsin (NCPDN)
Kentucky (SPDN) North Dakota (GPDN) Wyoming (GPDN)

Upcoming Events

Adult Lepidoptera Identification Workshops University of MD March 17-19, 2009 and UC Davis March 24-26, 2009

 The National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
in cooperation with USDA, APHIS, PPQ’s National Identification Service,is sponsoring two Adult Lepidoptera Identification Workshops

Please check the workshop website for more information:

National Meeting Proceedings

            2007 National Meeting Proceedings

NPDN Five Year Review Documentation

Executive Summary Report  ( pdf, 47 KB)
Table of Contents for Five Year Review Document  ( pdf, 46 KB)
CSREES NPDN Five Year Review  ( pdf, 9 MB)
Summary of Recommendations From Review Team  ( pdf, 71 KB)


Homeland Security
USDA-ARS Cereal Disease Laboratory
National Plant Board