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January 2005

Organic Aquaculture

AFSIC Notes #5

Compiled by:
Stephanie Boehmer, Mary Gold, Stephanie Hauser, Bill Thomas, and Ann Young

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
National Agricultural Library
U. S. Department of Agriculture

January 2005

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The creation of this document was prompted by many customer requests for information on the topic. Text and citations were compiled by Alternative Farming Systems Information Center (AFSIC) staff members Stephanie Boehmer, Mary Gold, Stephanie Hauser, Bill Thomas, and Ann Young. The authors wish to thank Becky Thompson for her work on editing and layout. This publication is available in print format on request to AFSIC or electronically at the AFSIC Web site, http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/.

AFSIC is one of several topic-oriented Information Centers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Library (NAL). AFSIC specializes in locating and accessing information related to alternative cropping systems including sustainable, organic, low-input, biodynamic, and regenerative agriculture. AFSIC also focuses on alternative crops, new uses for traditional crops, and crops grown for industrial production. The Center is supported, in part, by USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program, through and a cooperative agreement with the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.


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Organic aquaculture. (AFSIC notes ; no. 5)
1. Aquaculture—Standards. 2. Natural foods—Certification. 3. Fish—Marketing. 4. Shellfish—Marketing. 5. Organic farming—Standards.
I. Boehmer, Stephanie. II. National Agricultural Library (U.S.) III. Title.
aS494.5.A65 no. 5

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Diminishing fishery harvests, wild fish food-safety issues, environmental concerns, increased fish consumption, and the increasing market share of organic foods have combined to focus attention on “organic aquaculture.” Consumer demand may well drive the organic production of finfish, shellfish, and other aquatic species into the mainstream during the next decade.

Organic aquaculture has attracted the attention of researchers from several academic disciplines as well as that of environmental advocates and entrepreneurial innovators. A small number of “certified” and non-certified organic fish and microalgae products have made it to the retail market place. While the regulatory specifics still need to be addressed, this new organic market niche has significant potential for growth in the future.

This publication briefly identifies and describes the important issues pertaining to organic aquaculture with regard to production technology, standards and laws, environmental and economic sustainability, research and development, and markets and trade. Presently, there are many contradictions and unresolved questions facing the organic aquaculture production and market sector. The authors have worked to present a snapshot of the situation today with the intention of providing an unbiased and neutral contribution to the dialog of discovery on this issue.

The information covered in this document — organic production in aquaculture; the current status of U.S. standards; the National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force; international organic aquaculture standards; marketing outlook and consumer trends; and research and development in organic aquaculture — is current and up–to–date as of December 2004. Background information pertaining to organic agricultural production and to conventional aquaculture is included in order to provide context for developments in organic aquaculture. This document highlights references to print and electronic documentation chosen from representative sources. Referenced sources are indicated by abbreviated citations within the text; the complete citations and additional sources are found with the Selected Readings list at the end the section. A detailed companion bibliography is included at the end of this publication.

Selected Readings

The Future of Fish: Issues and Trends to 2020, by Christopher L. Delgado, Nikolas Wada, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Mahfuzuddin Ahmed. Washington, DC; Penang, Malaysia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); WorldFish Center, 2003.
Online information/reviews: Additional materials related to this topic available at http://www.ifpri.org/media/fish20031002.htm
Full-text online: http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/ib/ib15.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Aquaculture: Completing the First Decade,” by S. Bergleiter. 7th IFOAM International Conference on Trade in Organic Products: 2003 Mainstreaming Organic Trade: New Frontiers,Opportunities and Responsibilities, November 6-8, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.greennetorganic.com/downloads/IFOAM%20speaker%20presentation%20-PDF/Presentation_Seminar%20E_Stefan%20Bergleiter.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“U.S. Seafood Market in 2020: Strong Demand Likely Boon to Aquaculture,” by Howard M. Johnson. Global Aquaculture Advocate, November 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.hmj.com/Seafood%20Vision%20Article.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[Go to: Contents]

Organic Production in Aquaculture

Defining “organic aquaculture” is very much a work-in-progress and, for many reasons, an endeavor marked by controversy. Members of both the organic and the aquaculture communities disagree on how, or even if, aquatic animal and plant production systems can qualify as “organic” as the term is commonly used. Any potential definition must be a multi-faceted one. “Organic” in the context of food production connotes standards and certification – a verifiable claim for the production process and production practices – as well as more elusive characteristics such as consumer expectation for food quality and safety and general environmental, social, and economic benefits for farmers and for society. The variety of species produced in aquacultural systems and vast differences in cultural requirements for finfish, shellfish, mollusks, and aquatic plants add to the complexity of defining this sector. Some species and some production systems may prove quite difficult to adapt to a traditional “organic” system. [See the Conventional Aquaculture section in this document for detail about existing production systems.]

Traditional organic farming systems “rely on ecologically based practices, such as cultural and biological pest management, and virtually exclude the use of synthetic chemicals in crop production and prohibit the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock production.” [Briefing Room: Organic Farming and Marketing, 2004] Sustainability, environmental stewardship, and holistic, integrated approaches to production are hallmarks of organic systems. Standards for organic cropping and terrestrial livestock husbandry practices have existed for decades. In recent years, standards have been incorporated into state and national organic rule making and certification requirements. [See Organic Agriculture background section in this document for detail about agricultural practices and standards.]

Interpreting practices and standards developed for terrestrial species into practices and standards relevant to aquatic species, both animal and plant, remains a major challenge for organic aquaculture. How can aquatic operations comply with the requirements for an organic system plan, for obtaining acceptable stock, for implementing health care monitoring and management, for maintaining prescribed “living conditions,” for development and acceptance of allowed and prohibited substances lists, for organic feed requirements, for controlled post-harvest processing, for nutrient management, and for required animal identification and record-keeping?

Many specialists agree that the most immediate deterrent to production of organic animals is the issue of providing organically produced feed, especially for species requiring significant proportions of animal-based protein. Where will it come from? Can wild-caught fish and fish by-products be utilized as organic feed stock for farmed species? Should emphasis be placed on farming lowtrophic species?

Other points of discussion:

Today, organic aquaculture production takes place primarily in Europe, where certified organic salmon, carp, and trout are grown and sold. Certified organic mussels, Tiger shrimp, white shrimp, and tilapia also are cultured in such diverse places as Vietnam, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, New Zealand, and Israel. Standards and certification procedures are set by just a few certification agencies. Universal acceptance of any standards does not currently exist. [See the International Organic Aquaculture Standards section in this document for detail.] To risk investment in this sector, producers require formally recognized standards in order to communicate the advantages of organic aquaculture products to consumers. The key to the continued growth and development of organic aquaculture lies in resolving a number of issues that currently stand in the way of instituting internationally accepted certification standards.

Selected Readings

Further Comments of the Organic Trade Association (OTA) for the USDA-AMS-NOP Hearings on Organic Production and Handling of Aquatic Animals to be Labeled as Organic, by Tom Hutcheson. Federal Register Docket Number TM-00-03. May 3, 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/pp/otaposition/frc/fish.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Growing Organic Seafood Sales,” by Dan McGovern. IntraFish2, no. 5 (May 2004): 14, 16-19.
Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/5/14.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

OMRI’s Comments on Organic Standards for Aquatic Animals submitted to National Organic Program, by Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Federal Register Docket Number TM00-03. May 17, 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.omri.org/fishy.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Aquaculture: Current Standards and Future Prospects: Chapter 6,” by Albert G. J. Tacon and Deborah J. Brister. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, edited by Nadia El-Hage Scialbba and Caroline Hattam. Environment and Natural Resources Series, 4. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002. [NAL Call Number: QED.E68 no. 4]
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e06.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Organic Production in Aquaculture] [Go to: Contents]

Current Status of U.S. Standards for Organic Aquaculture

As of the writing of this document, the legal status of using the organic label in the United States for aquatic species, and the future of developing U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) certification standards for organic aquacultural products and aquatic species, are under review. USDA and National Organic Program (NOP) staff, and National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) members are currently studying the legal and rule-making latitude granted USDA in terms of several commodity areas including fish, both farmed and wild-caught.

The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA), from which current USDA standards were derived, addressed “aquatic species” in its definition of livestock: “The term ‘livestock’ means any cattle, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, equine animals used for food or in the production of food, fish used for food, wild or domesticated game, or other non-plant life.” [Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, 6502 Definitions] However, the Final Rule, as issued, did not present specific standards for the production and labeling of aquatic species or for aquaculture operations. Recognizing the lack of commonly accepted certification programs for aquatic operations, including aquaculture, and the limited models on which to base national standards, NOP staff made the decision to delay presenting standards for selected commodities, including aquatic species, until a later date.

The Final Rule, under the heading “Additional NOP Standards for Specific Production Categories,” states: “Many commenters asked that the NOP include in the final rule certification standards for apiculture, greenhouses, mushrooms, aquatic species, culinary herbs, pet food, and minor animal species (e.g., rabbits) food. The NOP intends to provide standards for categories where the Act provides the authority to promulgate standards. During the 18-month implementation period, the NOP intends to publish for comment certification standards for apiculture, mushrooms, greenhouses and aquatic animals. These standards will build upon the existing final rule and will address only the unique requirements necessary to certify these specialized operations.” [Federal Register, p. 80556-57]

Certain aquatic species and harvesting systems fall under OFPA and NOP guidance pertaining to wild-crop harvesting. “Wild-crop producers must comply with the same organic system plan requirements and conditions, as applicable to their operation, as their counterparts who produce crops and livestock. Wild harvest operations are production systems, and they must satisfy the general requirement that all practices included in their organic system plan must maintain or improve the natural resources of the operation, including soil and water quality. We modified the practice standard to emphasize that wild harvest production is linked to a designated site and expect that a certifying agent would incorporate mapping and boundary conditions into the organic system plan requirements. Finally, we changed the definition of ‘wild crop’ to specify that harvest takes place from a ‘site’ instead of ‘from land,’ thereby allowing for aquatic plant certification.” [Federal Register, p. 80566]

Selected Readings

Applying Organic Principles to AquacultureSystems: Understanding Proposed Organic Certification Standards for Farmed Salmon: Market Trends in Aquaculture, by Nathan Pelletier. June 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/aquaculture-standards.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Developing Organic Standards for Molluscan Shellfish. White-paper. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Robin Downey and Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association. [March 2001?].
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/March01/attachments/04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Federal Register: Rules and Regulations, vol. 65, no. 246, 8064780684, December 21, 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a001221c.html [scroll down to Agricultural Marketing Service] (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Aquaculture: A New Wave of the Future, by Deborah J.Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. 2000.
Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/news/2000/organic.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Aquaculture: Meeting Fundamental Organic Certification Requirements Similarities and Differences Between Terrestrial and Aquatic Organisms,” by James Riddle. Final Report of the National Organic Aquaculture Workshop, June 23-24, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Social Economic and Ecological Sustainability, 2001. pp. 13-17.
Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/Workshop/finalrep.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/archive/OFPA.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Unique Features of Microalgae Culture Systems: Organic Spirulina Production. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Amha Belay. [March 2001?].
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/March01/attachments/06.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on U.S. Standards for Organic Aquaculture] [Go to: Contents]

National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Aquatic Animal Task Force

“The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA), part of the 1990 Farm Bill, authorized the Secretary of Agriculture to appoint a 15-member National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). The board’s main mission is to assist the Secretary in developing standards for substances to be used in organic production. The NOSB also advises the Secretary on other aspects of implementing the national organic program.” Recommendations made by the NOSB are not official policy until they are approved and adopted by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). [National Organic Standards Board Web site, 2004]

In September 2000, the NOSB named six of its members to an Aquatic Animal Task Force “to evaluate aquaculture and wild capture aquatic animal operations and to assess the feasibility of developing organic production and handling standards for their certification.” [NOSB Task Force Recommendations, May 2001]

The Task Force compiled a report of recommendations which covered issues related to organically produced aquatic animals in general, and aquaculture specifically. Subtopics included “origin of livestock,” “livestock feed,” “health care management,” “livestock living conditions,” and “identification and record keeping.” In October 2001, the NOSB accepted the report and unanimously approved the following recommendations:

[NOSB Draft Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2001]

From the time the Final Recommendations of the Task Force were approved by the NOSB in October 2001, the National Organic Program (NOP) has struggled to define their scope of enforcement for the certification of nontraditional products including aquatic species. In a Directive dated April 13, 2004, the NOP stated, “Although OFPA provided coverage for organic aquatic animal standards, NOP has not developed any standards for proposal to the public for comment.” [National Organic Program Scope, September 28, 2004] Additionally, in the period since 2001, a rider to the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act regarding organic standards for wild seafood was passed in April 2003; “Notwithstanding the requirement of section 2107(a)(1)(A) requiring products to be produced only on certified organic farms, the Secretary shall allow, through regulations promulgated after public notice and opportunity for comment, wild seafood to be certified or labeled as organic.”

In October 2004, the Livestock Committee of the NOSB recommended the establishment of a new task force on aquatic animals to provide guidance for the creation of aquatic animal standards. This Task Force will be comprised of two working groups; one for wild-caught and one for farmed aquatic species. The Task Force responsibilities will be two-fold:

  1. After consideration of the 2001 Aquatic Animals Task Force report, recommend to the NOSB whether organic standards for wild caught and farmed aquatic animals should be developed at the present time, and if so, the scope of the standards.

  2. If standards should be developed at the present time, recommend draft standards to the NOSB.

[Formation of a Task Force on Standards for Aquatic Animals, October 2004]

Selected Readings

Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2003, Public Law 108-11, 117 Stat. 589, Title II - Miscellaneous and Technical Appropriations, Chapter 1, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies, General Provisions, Sec 2105. Wild Seafood, by U.S. Congress. April 16, 2003.
Full-text online: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ011.108 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Formation of a Task Force on Standards for Aquatic Animals, by National Organic Standards Board. [October 2004?].
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/meetingbooks/Oct2004/AquaticAnimalsTaskForce.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Livestock Committee Final Recommendations. Aquatic Species Standards. National Organic Standards Board Draft Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2001, Washington, DC, by Eric Sideman. October 17, 2001.
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/October2001Minutes/10_17_01.html(accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force Recommendation on Operations that Produce Aquatic Animals, by National Organic Standards Board, Aquatic Animal Task Force. May 30, 2001.
Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/TskFrcRec5.01.doc
OR http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/orgaqua.htm (Click on “Read the Aquatic Task Force Final Recommendations here.”) (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

National Organic Standards Board Home Page, by National Organic Standards Board. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

National Organic Program Scope, by National Organic Standards Board. Policy Development Committee. September 28, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/meetingbooks/Oct2004/NOPScope9_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)] [Go to: Contents]

International Organic Aquaculture Standards

Several countries and international organizations have addressed or mandated standards for organic aquaculture. In the 2002 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations document, Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, Tacon and Brister cite the range of international organic aquacultural standards. “Despite its late start and modest size, the organic aquaculture sector currently boasts 20-25 private and non-private certifying bodies…They have a diverse set of aquaculture standards which sometimes vary considerably from country to country, certifier to certifier, and species to species.” Although this summary is presented by the FAO, the FAO’s food standards body, the Codex Alimentarius Commission, has not yet made recommendations for aquaculture in its provisions for organic livestock. Thus, while some international standards may be used to help formulate U.S. organic aquaculture standards, no one standard is definitive.

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) is another international body that is attempting to create guidelines that will normalize organic production and certification worldwide. “IFOAM’s Organic Guarantee System unites the organic world through a common system of standards, verification, and market identity. It is the practical realization of IFOAM’s commitment to harmonize an international guarantee of organic integrity.” Through its IFOAM Norms document which is comprised of the IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing (IBS) and the IFOAM Accreditation Criteria for Bodies Certifying Organic Production and Processing (IAC); and its international membership of certification bodies, IFOAM’s guidelines for aquaculture, currently in draft form, will impact organic certification organizations worldwide.

Selected Readings

Applying Organic Principles to Aquaculture Systems: Understanding Proposed Organic Certification Standards for Farmed Salmon: Market Trends in Aquaculture, by Nathan Pelletier. June 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/aquaculture-standards.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Aquaculture,” by Australian Certified Organic and Biological Farmers of Australia. Organic Standard, Section 7.8, Version 6 ed. Chermside, Qld., Australia: Australian Certified Organic, August 2003. pp. 71-72.
Full-text online: http://www.australianorganic.com.au/_files/Organic_Standard_Version6_REVISIONS.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Aquaculture,” by Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, Quarantine and Export Services, Organic Produce Export Committee. National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce, Section 3.21, Third ed. Canberra, Australia: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, December 2002. pp. 31-34.
Full-text online: http://www.affa.gov.au/corporate_docs/publications/pdf/quarantine/national_standards.pdf OR available from the Quarantine and Export Services, Organic and Bio-dynamic Products, Legislation Web page at http://www.affa.gov.au/content/output.cfm?ObjectID=192BA6DF-3BF8-43E9-98E81CFD0E3DB8CC (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Aquaculture,” by KRAV Standards Committee. Standards for KRAV Certified Production, Section 7, Uppsala, Sweden: KRAV, July 2004. pp. 91-104.
Full-text online: http://arkiv.krav.se/arkiv/regler/Standards2004EditionJuly.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Aquaculture Production Standard,” by Bio-Gro New Zealand. Bio-Gro New Zealand Organic Standards, Module 4.7, 2001. pp. 4.7.1-4.7.11.
Full-text online: http://www.bio-gro.co.nz/content/files/1010430_aqua.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The Beginning of Organic Fish Farming in Italy, by Eli Defrancesco. Sustainability Indicators and Environmental Valuation series, 65.03. Milan, Italy: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, July 2003.
Full-text online: http://ideas.repec.org/p/fem/femwpa/2003.65.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Compendium of UK Organic Standards, by UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Organic Farming and Industrial Crops Division. May 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/organic/legislation-standards/standard.pdf OR http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/organic/legislation-standards/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004)

Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on Organic Production of Agricultural Products and Indications Referring thereto on Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs, by European Economic Community. August 18, 2004.
Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/consleg/main/1991/en_1991R2092_index.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Edible Fish,” by Bio Suisse - Association of the Swiss Organic Agriculture Organisations. Standards for the Production, Processing and Marketing of Produce From Organic Farming, Section 3.10. Basel, Switzerland: Bio Suisse, 2004. p. 28.
Full-text online: http://www.bio-suisse.ch/media/en/pdf2004/rl_2005_e_ver_12-29.11.04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Fish and Crustacea,” by the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA). Standards for Organic Agricultural Production, Section 30, 2003. pp. 43-44.
Full-text online: http://www.nasaa.com.au/2.1%20Production%20Stds%20November%202003.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Fish Farming and Organic Standards: Information Sheet, by The Soil Association. Bristol, UK: Soil Association, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsflibrarytitles/19426.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Fresh Water Fish Production,” by Bioland. Bioland Standards, Section 4.11, April 27, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.bioland.de//bioland/richtlinien/bioland-standards_4_2004.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (GL 32-1999; Rev.1-2001), by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO), Codex Alimentarius Commission. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, [2001].
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/organicag/doc/glorganicfinal.pdf OR ftp://ftp.fao.org/codex/standard/en/CXG_032e.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing, Section 10, by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/standard/norms/ibs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The IFOAM Norms and Organic Guarantee System, by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). 2002.
Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/standard/norms/orgguarsys.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

International Standards for Organic Aquaculture Production of Shrimp, Version 01/2002, by Naturland e.V., Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), and Institute for Marketecology (IMO). 2002.
Full-text online: http://www.sippo.ch/files/publications/fish_shrimp2002.PDF (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Japanese Agricultural Standard of Organic Agricultural Products (Notification No. 59 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of January 20, 2000), by Ministry of Agriculture. Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.maff.go.jp/soshiki/syokuhin/hinshitu/e_label/file/Specific%20JAS/Organic/JAS_OrganicAgriculture.pdf OR available from the Food labeling and Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) Web page at http://www.maff.go.jp/soshiki/syokuhin/hinshitu/e_label/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force Recommendation on Operations that Produce Aquatic Animals, by the National Organic Standards Board, Aquatic Animal Task Force. 2001.
Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/TskFrcRec5.01.doc (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Naturland Standards for Organic Aquaculture, by Naturland e.V. January 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.naturland.de/englisch/n2/aquaculture_01_2004.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

"Organic Aquaculture: Current Standards and Future Prospects: Chapter 6," by Albert G. J. Tacon and Deborah J. Brister. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, edited by Nadia El-Hage Scialbba and Caroline Hattam. Environment and Natural Resources Series, 4. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002. [NAL Call Number: QH540 .E68 no. 4]
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e06.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Aquaculture Standards Reviewed,” by Deborah J. Brister. The Organic Standard, 29. September 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/aquaculture.html#organic-standards (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Seal for Mussels,” by Irene Chapple. New Zealand Herald, January 28, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.marketnewzealand.com/mnz/News/Story.aspx?sectionID=4557&contentID=9070 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Production of Edible Fish,” by Bio Suisse - Association of the Swiss Organic Agriculture Organisations. Bio Suisse Directives. Art. 3.11.1 ff. Basel, Switzerland: Bio Suisse, 2001.
Full-text online: http://www.bio-suisse.ch/media/en/pdf2003/requirements_production_of_edible_fish.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on International Organic Aquaculture Standards] [Go to: Contents]

Market Outlook and Consumer Trends

Consumer and market studies confirm a growing demand for both organic food products and for fish and related food products coming from convention aquaculture. Despite the unresolved status of the certification and labeling of organic aquatic animals and plants in the U.S., the parallel successes of both the organic livestock and conventional aquaculture markets have encouraged producers involved in both sectors to explore niche markets for organic aquacultural products. There are documented trends in the growth of other organic livestock sectors, and in the sales of “natural,” hormone-free, and antibiotic-free fish and shellfish. This increasing demand has started to drive producer and retail interest in aquacultural products that have a “certified organic” label. “Burgeoning consumer interest in organically grown foods has opened new market opportunities for producers and is leading to a transformation in the organic foods industry,” summarizes a current U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) report. It further clarifies the organic market situation, “Once a niche product sold in a limited number of retail outlets, organic foods are currently sold in a wide variety of venues including farmers markets, natural product supermarkets, conventional supermarkets, and club stores. Many U.S. manufacturers and distributors are specializing in processing and marketing organic products, while some longtime manufacturers of conventional products have introduced organic items to their product lines. As a result, an ever-widening array of organic agricultural and food products is now available.” [Dimitri and Greene, 2002, p. 1]

U.S. aquaculture is also a growing sector of the agricultural market, although experiencing considerable international competition. Recent ERS reports have supported this point. In the October 2003 USDA Aquaculture Outlook, author David Harvey observed that “Although beset with questions about the production of aquatic species, aquaculture is expected to continue to grow as a source of fish, shellfish, and mollusks. The potential for aquaculture production to expand and compete with wild-harvest seafood and other livestock products is readily evident in the continued growth in imported aquaculture products.”

Additionally, in the subsequent Aquaculture Outlook, Harvey reported “With a stronger domestic economy and higher prices for livestock and poultry products, domestic aquacultural production is expected to increase in 2004….Imports of foreign aquacultural products are also expected to expand, but at a slower rate than seen over the last several years.”

Consumer demand for fish will also play a role in the future of aquaculture. ERS projections point to not only increased per capita consumption of fish in the U.S., but to growth in the number of older Americans, who traditionally eat more fish than younger people. “Fish and fruits are predicted to lead the increase in total consumption, with about 30-percent growth over the next two decades.” [Biing-Hwan, 2003]

In a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report from 2002, Brister and Tacon attempt to approximate the current international production for organic aquaculture. “Although no official statistical data are available concerning the global production of certified organic aquaculture products, it is estimated that total production in 2000 was only about 5,000 metric tonnes, primarily from European countries.” Later in the report this estimate is used to chart potential future production, “Based on current estimates of certified organic aquaculture production and an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 30 percent from 2001 to 2010, 20 percent from 2011 to 2020, and 10 percent from 2021 to 2030, it is estimated that production will increase 240-fold from 5,000 tonnes in 2000 to 1.2 [million] tonnes by 2030. Such a production of certified aquatic products would be equivalent to 0.6 percent of the total estimated aquaculture production in 2030.” This analysis parallels the outlook for organic and aquacultural production in the U.S. and may encourage U.S. producers to enter this market.

Selected Readings

Aquaculture News & Opinion, Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, A Rural Capacity Building Through Organic Agriculture Project, by The Rural Capacity Building Through Organic Agriculture (RCBTOA) Project. Ongoing updates.
Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/organic-aquaculture-newslinks.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Aquaculture Outlook, by David J. Harvey.Semi-Annual Publication.
Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Aquaculture Production Forecast to Grow, but Many Uncertainties Loom,” by David J. Harvey. Aquaculture Outlook, LDP-AQS-18. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, October 9, 2003.
Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/2003/aqs18.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Domestic Aquacultural Production Higher and Imports Up,” by David J. Harvey. Aquaculture Outlook, LDP-AQS-19. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, March 12, 2004.
Full-text online:http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/2004/aqs19.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Food and Agricultural Commodity Consumption in the United States: Looking Ahead to 2020, by Biing-Hwan Lin, Jayachandran N. Variyam, Jane Allshouse, and John Cromartie. Agricultural Economic Report, no. AER820. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, February 2003. [NAL Call Number: A281.9 Ag8A no. 820]
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aer820/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Aquaculture: Current Standards and Future Prospects: Chapter 6,” by Albert G. J. Tacon and Deborah J. Brister. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, edited by Nadia El-Hage Scialbba and Caroline Hattam. Environment and Natural Resources Series, 4. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002. [NAL Call Number: QH540 .E68 no. 4]
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e06.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Outlook for Fish to 2020: Meeting Global Demand, by Christopher L. Delgado, Nikolas Wada, Mark W. Rosegrant, Seit Meijer, and Mahfuzuddin Ahmed. Food Policy Report. Washington, DC; Penang, Malaysia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); WorldFish Center, October 2003. Online information/reviews: Additional materials related to this topic available at http://www.ifpri.org/media/fish20031002.htm
Full-text online: http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/fpr/pr15.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market, by Carolyn Dimitri, Catherine Greene, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 777. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, September 2002. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 777]
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib777/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems, by Catherine Greene, Amy Kremen, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 780. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, April 2003. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 780]
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib780/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Market Outlook and Consumer Trends] [Go to: Contents]

Research and Development

Aquatic species, both animal and plant; ecological situations and locations; and various production systems, both marine and freshwater; are now under scrutiny in order to determine adaptability to organic production systems. Concern about the production and handling requirements that organic standards would impose and the overarching environmental impacts that organic systems attempt to address has pointed research and development efforts in some new directions. Current research activities with important implications for the organic aquaculture industry include: alternative feeds, especially protein sources from grain and oilseed plants; culture of low-trophic aquatic species; disease management and use of natural and alternative medicines; polyculture and multi-species systems; self-filtering systems; techniques for expanded recovery of fishery by-catch and waste for use in organic systems; implications of using closed containment systems; environmentally sound effluent management systems; and consumer studies related to food preferences and purchasing habits.

The most recent World Aquaculture Society meeting, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, March 1-5, 2004, included several presentations by leading researchers in the aquaculture field dealing with organic-related activities. Additionally, some key international research into organic aquaculture has resulted from on-farm experimentation by current producers of certified organic aquacultural products. The experiences of these producers serve as case studies for further exploration of research needs in organic aquaculture.

In the U.S., the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides leadership and funding for aquaculture research, technology development, and extension programs. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS), the primary research agency within USDA, has identified aquaculture feeds, water use and reuse, effluent management, social sustainability, and environmental sustainability as problems to be addressed through the Sustainability and Environmental Compatibility of Aquaculture component of its action plan for the aquaculture national programs. Some of the research objectives of the organic aquacultural community may be addressed through this mechanism.

Selected Readings

Aquaculture 2004 Hawaii: Sessions/Presentations in this Event, by World Aquaculture Society. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.quickstream.com.au/events/treeview/showEvent.asp?205 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Development of Modern Aquaculture Systems and Technologies, by Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI). No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.haki.hu/english/R&D/corepr03.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

National Programs: Aquaculture-Action Plan, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?np_code=106&docid=276 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The Organic Black Tiger Prawn Project of Indonesia, by Suwidji Wongso and PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (ATINA). No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.greennetorganic.com/downloads/IFOAM%20speaker%20presentation%20-PDF/Presentation_Seminar%20E_Suwidji%20Wongso%20.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Regional Aquaculture Centers (RACs), by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service. March 22, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/animals/part/aquaculture_part_regional.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Sea Life, by Clare Island Seafarm. No date.
Full-text online: http://homepage.eircom.net/~chilldamhnait/sea_life.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Welcome to Biocentinela Aquaorganics, by BIOCENTINELA. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.biocentinela.com/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Research and Development] [Go to: Contents]

Conventional Aquaculture: Overview

The foundation for commercial aquaculture in the U.S. was laid more than 100 years ago. During the late 1860s, Spencer F. Baird, assistant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, lobbied Congress to fund studies about a deteriorating fisheries situation, resulting in the creation of the U.S. Fish and Fisheries Commission in 1871. Baird, as the first Commissioner, instigated a research program in the marine sciences which helped to establish the basis of government-sponsored research and development in aquaculture and oceanography. In the next century, aquaculture progressed from the domain of hobbyists and hatcheries to an industry with large institutional support. For example, by 1960, several universities had developed aquaculture programs in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. As the outlook for fisheries continued to raise concerns, aquaculture acquired increasing status as an alternative source of foodfish. It became not only a profitable industry, but it also assumed an important role in addressing food security issues in developing countries.

The 1970s and 1980s, saw an increase in the support and scope of aquacultural activities. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) established aquaculture projects in developing nations. The National Aquaculture Act, passed by Congress in 1980, mandated the establishment of a National Aquaculture Development Plan, published in 1983. Regional aquacultural centers were created through the efforts of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the mid-1980s to support industry research needs. Additionally, the World Mariculture Society, later the World Aquacultural Society (WAS), became the leading organization of aquaculture professionals during this period. [Stickney, 1996]

This investment in aquaculture has returned results. According to the USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS), “Between 1980 and 1998, the value of U.S. aquaculture production rose over 400 percent. The 1998 Census of Aquaculture reported farm-level sales of $972 million.” The ERS also reported that “the catfish industry is the largest sector in U.S. aquaculture, accounting for almost half of all sales. Other major foodfish species grown in the United States are trout, salmon, tilapia, hybrid striped bass, sturgeon, walleye, and yellow perch.” Additional farmed species include oysters, clams, baitfish, ornamental fish, alligator, turtles and algae. Most of the farmed aquatic species in the U.S. are raised in upland freshwater systems and a mixture of operations comprises the balance of production. [Briefing Room: Aquaculture, 2004]

The October 2003 ERS publication Aquacultural Outlook explained, “U.S. producers are at a disadvantage in the production of warm water species that require large expanses of coastal property, they do have some advantages for cool or cold water species, especially those that can be grown in fresh water on a mostly grain-based diet.” [Harvey, 2003, p. 1]

In terms of trade the ERS reports, “While the United States is a major seafood exporter, its exports of aquaculture products are relatively small: some farm-raised trout and salmon chiefly to Canada and Mexico and oysters and clams to Canada. The catfish industry has been attempting to develop export markets in Europe but has met with only limited success. The ornamental fish industry exports its products to a number of countries, but the United States is a net importer of ornamental fish. On the other hand, the United States is a major importer of farm-raised seafood products. The largest categories of imported aquaculture products are shrimp, salmon, and tilapia.” [Briefing Room: Aquaculture, 2004]

The outlook for aquaculture worldwide is also growing. “According to FAO statistics, aquaculture’s contribution to global supplies of fish, crustaceans and molluscs continues to grow, increasing from 3.9 percent of total production by weight in 1970 to 27.3 percent in 2000. Aquaculture is growing more rapidly than all other animal food producing sectors. Worldwide, the sector has increased at an average compounded rate of 9.2 percent per year since 1970, compared with only 1.4 percent for capture fisheries and 2.8 percent for terrestrial farmed meat production systems.” [FAO, 2002, p. 26]

Selected Readings

Aquaculture in the United States: A Historical Survey, by Robert R.Stickney. New York: J. Wiley, 1996. [NAL Call Number: HD9455.S75 1996]

“Aquaculture Production Forecast to Grow, but Many Uncertainties Loom,” by David J. Harvey. Aquaculture Outlook, LDP-AQS-18. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, October 9, 2003.
Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/2003/aqs18.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Briefing Room: Aquaculture: Overview, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. June 24, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Aquaculture/overview.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002, by U. Wijkström, A. Gumy, and R. Grainger. Rome, Italy: Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002.
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y7300e/y7300e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Conventional Aquaculture: Overview] [Go to: Contents]

Conventional Aquaculture: Production Systems

Aquaculture is defined as the production of aquatic animals and plants under controlled conditions for all or part of their lifecycle. [Briefing Room: Aquaculture, 2004] The combination of the environment, equipment, and techniques selected for the farming of an aquatic species is referred to as the aquaculture production or cultural system. Several different types of systems have been developed based on availability of environmental resources and the type of species being raised. Environmental factors that can influence aquacultural system and species selection include salinity of the water (marine, brackish and fresh), seasonal climate, watershed drainage, and tides. Particular systems are most commonly found in the U.S. region where the climate is appropriate to a certain species: trout and salmon in the Northwest, catfish and other warmwater species in the Southeast, and marine species in Hawaii, California and the Gulf States. The major aquaculture systems are cage culture, pond, raceway, recirculating and integrated. Each of these systems has characteristics that may lead to consideration for organic production. A short description and selected resources for each type of system are presented below.

Cage culture

Cage culture utilizes hanging or floating containers that are anchored to remain in location. The open nature of the structures allows for natural water movement, such as tides and currents, to provide water circulation for oxygenation, delivery of nutrients and removal of wastes. Bottom culture and other systems for mollusk species or net-pens are some methods that also use open water flow as a main component of the production system.


Ponds are constructed outdoors using earthen dams or by taking advantage of topographical depressions. They are generally clustered in groups covering several acres. The water source used to fill the ponds can be runoff or pumped from wells. Drainage and aeration equipment is employed to control the water level and quality of the system.


Also known as flow-through systems, raceways are generally comprised of rectangular or circular tanks with a high volume, constant source of flowing water. Water sources such as wells, springs or streams that provide consistent water temperature, flow rate and quality are preferred. These systems are designed to flush accumulated waste products through or out of the system for collection.

Integrated Systems

Several methods of integrated aquaculture, such as polyculture or aquaponics, are currently in use. Polyculture is the simultaneous culture of two or more plant or animal species. Aquaponics incorporates recirculating aquaculture and hydroponic growing techniques to utilize waste water from fish culture for production of a vegetative crop. The plants grown may improve water quality through biological filtration of excess nutrients and addition of dissolved oxygen. The particulars of an aquacultural operation may generally determine which type of integrated system will be implemented. This type of system is attractive to some producers since it allows for the production of two crops using one infrastructure. However, some producers may use one or more of the species to provide benefit to another species solely for the favorable result and not as a harvestable product.

Recirculating Systems

Recirculating systems, predominantly employed with closed tanks, use intensive filtration and water treatment systems to maintain the quality of the water, which is reused many times before being replaced. Due to the small volume of water needed to operate this system, it can be used in many settings and in most climates. The waste from these systems is generally high in nutrients and may be used for land application in some operations.

Selected Readings

Aquaponics: Integration of Hydroponics with Aquaculture, by Steve Diver. Horticulture Systems Guide. Fayetteville, AR: Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), February 2000. (Update in progress.)
Check for update online: http://attra.ncat.org/

Briefing Room: Aquaculture, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. May 12, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Aquaculture/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Cage Culture of Fish in the North Central Region, by LaDon Swann, J.E. Morris, Dan Sealock, and Jean Riepe. Technical Bulletin Series, 110. East Lansing, MI: North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, 1994. [NAL Call Number: SH35.A14T43 no.110]
Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/publicat/usda_rac/tr/ncrac/tb110.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Construction of Levee-Type Ponds for Fish Production, by Jim Steeby and Jimmy Avery. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 101. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, May 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/101fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Evaluation of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, by Ying Q. Ji, Ira R. Adelman, Jay Maher, and James Skurla. Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota, October 1997.
Full-text online: http://www.mda.state.mn.us/ams/aquaculture/recirc.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

In Pond Raceways, by Michael P. Masser and Andrew M. Lazur. SRAC Publication, no. 170. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, August 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/170fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Industry Profiles,” Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry Point Source Category, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. EPA-821-R-02-016. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency, August 2002.
Chapter online: http://epa.gov/guide/aquaculture/tdd/ch4.pdf
OR full document online: http://epa.gov/guide/aquaculture/tdd/tdd.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production System: An Overview of Critical Considerations, by Thomas M. Losordo, Michael P. Masser, and James E. Rakocy. SRAC Publication, no. 451. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, September 1996. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/451fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“A Sustainable Integrated System for Culture of Fish, Seaweed and Abalone,” by Amir Neori, Muki Shpigel, and D. Ben Ezra. Aquaculture 186, no. 3/4 (June 2000): 279-291. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

What Is Cage Culture? by Michael P. Masser. SRAC Publication, no. 160. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, December 1988. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/160fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Conventional Aquaculture: Production Systems] [Go to: Contents]

Conventional Aquaculture: Environmental Issues

Aquacultural activities, like their terrestrial farming counterparts, affect surrounding ecosystems. Despite numerous regulations aimed at ameliorating these effects, environmental impacts currently associated with some operations and practices draw criticism of the industry. Concerns include pollution from solid waste and effluent by-products, pesticide and antibiotic residues, introductions of species to non-native environments, and transmission of disease between individual organisms and to other species. These impacts have been documented across several production systems and types of farmed species.

Developments in research and policy are increasingly being focused on resolving these environmental problems. Members of the aquaculture community believe that sustainable and ecologically based management practices can lead to environmentally benign aquacultural operations. One aquaculture researcher envisions a future where “ecological agriculture research is oriented to the design, development, and monitoring of aquatic farming systems that preserve and enhance the form and functions of the natural and social environments in which they are suited. Aquaculture depends upon inputs from various food, processing, transportation and other industries, and can produce valuable, uncontaminated wastewaters and fish processing wastes, all of which can be a vital part of an ecological system that can be planned and organized for community-based aquatic foods production – and natural ecosystem rehabilitation, reclamation and enhancement – not degradation.” [Costa-Pierce, 2002, p. 343] Additionally, aquaculture may provide some relief to over-fishing pressures for some species by supplying rising consumer demand for these products. Thus, the opportunity exists to create aquacultural systems that are models of environmental stewardship. The development and implementation of organic production practices may lead the way in this effort.

Selected Readings

Aquaculture and the Environment, by T.V.R. Pillay. New York: Halstead Press, 1992. [NAL Call Number: SH135.P55 1992]

Aquaculture and the Environment in the United States, edited by J. R. Tomasso. Baton Rouge, LA: U.S. Aquaculture Society, A Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH34 .A8 2002]

At a Crossroads: Will Aquaculture Fulfill the Promise of the Blue Revolution? by Kathryn White, Brendan O’Neill, and Zdravka Tzankova. SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse Report. Providence, RI: SeaWeb, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/pdf/At_Crossroads.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Ecological Aquaculture: The Evolution of the Blue Revolution, edited by Barry A. Costa-Pierce. Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell Science Publishing, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .E26 2002]

Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture, edited by Kenneth D. Black. Sheffield Biological Sciences. Sheffield, UK; Boca Raton, FL: Sheffield Academic Press; CRC Press, 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .E58 2001]

Sustainable Aquaculture, by SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/sustainable.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Conventional Aquaculture: Environmental Issues] [Go to: Contents]

Conventional Aquaculture: Laws and Regulations

In the United States, responsibility for regulating aquacultural activities is shared between several Federal, State and some local agencies. Federal agencies regulate activities that fall within the scope of their mandated duties. For instance, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for waste water permitting across all industries and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) covers food safety regulations and drug approvals. Additionally, legal definitions of aquaculture and aquacultural practices, ownership of animals or plants that may also be considered wildlife, water rights for fresh and marine bodies, and other such legal “principles” are established by Federal decision-makers. Several Federal agencies should be consulted when determining which regulations are applicable to aquaculture.

State and local governments generally regulate activities that are permitted or licensed at the community level. Main classes of permits deal with building, water use, waste discharge, species certification related to wildlife management, marketing or processing, and trade. Often, regulations are in effect based on the siting of the operation: inland, wetland, coastal and off-shore. Due mainly to environmental concerns, requirements for each type of operation are varied. Each State administers aquacultural permitting based on its own rules. Thus, regulations can vary considerably among geographic locations.

Internationally, aquaculture laws and regulations can be as varied and decentralized as the U.S. laws. In his book, The Law of Aquaculture, Howarth lists many court cases, statues and regulations in Britain that guide aquacultural activities such as licensing, disease control, water management, predator control, harvesting, and marketing guidelines. Many more examples of this distributed approach to aquacultural laws are presented in a United Nations (UN) review of aquaculture legislation globally. In addition to many examples throughout the text of national-level legislation that covers requirements such as licensing, land and water rights, environmental protection and fish disease and transportation; the authors of the UN report identify categories for government of aquaculture worldwide. These categories are: countries that have established a specific set of rules for aquaculture, countries with some aquacultural legislation to cover various species, systems or disputed circumstances, and countries with basic laws or clauses of other laws (generally Fisheries laws) that permit aquaculture. A great deal of variation within and between government regulations exists worldwide.

The UN has also played a significant role in the development of international law for seas and fisheries that has direct impact on coastal or open ocean aquacultural operations. The 1982 United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) set offshore territorial boundaries that establish zones of exclusive economic and fisheries rights for coastal nations. While some nations have not ratified this convention, it is the de facto set of guidelines, until changed, for the world’s oceans. Furthermore, the UN has developed a Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, based on international laws including UNCLOS. In the introduction to this document, an explanation of the scope of and impetus for these rules is presented:

“Fisheries, including aquaculture, provide a vital source of food, employment, recreation, trade and economic well being for people throughout the world, both for present and future generations and should therefore be conducted in a responsible manner. This Code sets out principles and international standards of behaviour for responsible practices with a view to ensuring the effective conservation, management and development of living aquatic resources, with due respect for the ecosystem and biodiversity.” Thus, aquacultural operations may be obliged to meet principles of conduct in addition to routine legal regulations.

Selected Readings

Aquaculture Operations - Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Guidance, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center. July 22, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/anaqulaw.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, by Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, October 31, 1995.
Full-text online: http://www.faoorg/DOCREP/005/v9878e/v9878e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The Law of Aquaculture: The Law Relating to the Farming of Fish and Shellfish in Britain, by William Howarth.Oxford: Fishing News Books, 1990. [NAL Call Number: KD2310.H68]

Legal Framework for U.S. Ocean Management -Federal Activities & Programs, by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.csc.noaa.gov/opis/html/fedprog.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Legal Framework for U.S. Ocean Management -Federal Statutes, by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.csc.noaa.gov/opis/html/legal.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Preliminary Review of Selected Legislation Governing Aquaculture, by Anne R. Van Houtte, Nicola Bonucci,and William R. Edeson. Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme Series, ADCP/REP/89/42. Rome, Italy: United Nations Development Programme; Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1989. [NAL Call Number: K3895.4.V36]

Resource Laws,by U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs. No Date.
Full-text online: http://laws.fws.gov/lawsdigest/reslaws.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Seafood Information and Resources, by U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. August 18, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/seafood1.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

State/Territory Permits and Regulations Impacting the Aquaculture Industry, by Maryland Department of Agriculture and National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators. 1995.
Online information/reviews: Includes Appendix: Federal Aquaculture Legislation &Regulations.
Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/publicat/state/md/perm.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982: Overview and Full Text, by United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs, Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. February 10, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/convention_overview_convention.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Conventional Aquaculture: Laws and Regulations] [Go to: Contents]

Organic Agriculture: Overview

Commercial organic agriculture has been practiced in the United States for more than fifty years. Today, it is a small but rapidly growing sector of the agricultural economy. Certified organic cropland for corn, soybeans, and other major crops more than doubled from 1992 to 1997, and doubled again between 1997 and 2001. Two organic livestock sectors – poultry and dairy – grew even faster. [Data: Organic Production, 2004]

“Organic food production promotes biodiversity, biological cycles and biological activity. Organic farmers aim to manage food production as an integrated, whole system that is, as Fred Kirschenmann, former National Organic Standards Board Livestock Chair describes, an ‘organism’ whose individual parts mesh together into one whole production system. For example, in livestock production, the organic farmer relies on biological processes to integrate the management of individual parts including nutrient inputs, the animals themselves, the environment in which they live and the waste that is produced. These individual parts are connected, each component depending on every other component. When these parts are balanced within the production system, the system can be considered sustainable – one of the goals of organic production.” [Brister and Kapuscinski, 2000, p. 1]

From a marketing perspective, growth in retail sales has equaled 20 percent or more annually since 1990. Organic products are now available in nearly 20,000 natural foods stores, and are sold in 73 percent of all conventional grocery stores. Fresh produce is the top-selling organic category in retail sales. Nine U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies have expanded research, regulatory, and other programs on organic agriculture. Programs include crop insurance for organic farmers, information and outreach providers, and promotion of organic exports. The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) oversees the creation, implementation, and administration of the USDA organic standard. [Dimitri and Greene, 2002, p. iii]

“U.S. producers are turning to organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income. Organic farming systems rely on ecologically based practices, such as cultural and biological pest management, and virtually exclude the use of synthetic chemicals in crop production and prohibit the use of antibiotics and hormones in livestock production. Many producers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers specialize in growing, processing, and marketing an ever widening array of organic food and fiber products.” [Briefing Room: Organic Farming and Marketing, 2004]

Internationally, organic agriculture has achieved progress similar to that in the U.S. A 2003 survey, undertaken in collaboration with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), summarized its main findings:

Selected Readings

Briefing Room: Organic Farming and Marketing, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. April 22, 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Organic/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Data: Organic Production, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. October 18, 2002.
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/Organic/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Frequently Asked Questions about Organic Farming, by Organic Farming Research Foundation. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ofrf.org/general/about_organic/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Iowa Agricultural Opportunities: Organic Production, by Iowa State University Extension. No. Date
Full-text online: http://www.iowaagopportunity.org/organicprod/ophomepage.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Aquaculture: A New Wave of the Future, by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. 2000.
Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/news/2000/organic.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Crop Production Overview, by George Kuepper and Lance Gegner. Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture series. Fayetteville, AR: National Center for Appropriate Technology, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), August 2004. [NAL Call Number: S605.5.K83]
Full-text online: http://www.attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/summaries/organiccrop.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

“Organic Industry Roots Run Deep,” by Ken Mergentime. Natural Foods Merchandiser 15, no. 6 (1994): 62-64.

Questions and Answers About Organic, by Organic Trade Association, 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/organic/faq.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Questions Answered, by the Soil Association. 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsf/OtherDocs/questions.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004.

Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market, by Carolyn Dimitri, Catherine Greene, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 777. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, September 2002. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 777]
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib777/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Report and Recommendations on Organic Farming, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, USDA Study Team on Organic Farming. U.S. GPO no. 620-220/3641. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Department of Agriculture, July 1980. [NAL Call Number: aS605.5.U52]

U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems, by Catherine Greene, Amy Kremen, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 780. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, April 2003. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 780]
Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib780/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2004, edited by Helga Willer and Minou Yussefi. 6th, revised ed. DE-53117. Bonn, Germany International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), 2004.
Full-text online: http://orgprints.org/2555/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Organic Agriculture: Overview] [Go to: Contents]

Organic Agriculture: Standards and Certification

Prescribed production and product handling standards accompanied by state and/or private certification systems are an important aspect of organic farming, marketing, and trade. Certification processes provide consumers with assurance that they are buying a consistent product and farmers and handlers with a “level playing field,” in terms of management and marketing. “At least 100 regional or national standards have been developed worldwide. Several countries are formulating or have adopted laws and regulations on organic production and processing and on certification requirements to control the use of labels indicating organic origin.” [Jacobsen, 2002, p. 4]

October 2002 saw the full implementation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Standards (CFR 7 Part 205). Since that date, all agricultural products that are labeled and marketed in the U.S. as “organic” must meet USDA standards and be certified by a USDA-accredited certifying agent. The Organic Foods Production Act of 1990 (OFPA) mandated uniform standards for the organic industry. “Congress passed the Act to: (1) establish national standards governing the marketing of certain agricultural products as organically produced products; (2) assure consumers that organically produced products meet a consistent standard; and (3) facilitate commerce in fresh and processed food that is organically produced.” [Background and History]

The completed standards/Final Rule appeared in the December 21, 2000 Federal Register and was activated on April 21, 2001. “This final rule establishes the National Organic Program (NOP or program) under the direction of the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), an arm of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This national program will facilitate domestic and international marketing of fresh and processed food that is organically produced and assure consumers that such products meet consistent, uniform standards.

“This program establishes national standards for the production and handling of organically produced products, including a National List of substances approved for and prohibited from use in organic production and handling. This final rule establishes a national-level accreditation program to be administered by AMS for State officials and private persons who want to be accredited as certifying agents. Under the program, certifying agents will certify production and handling operations in compliance with the requirements of this regulation and initiate compliance actions to enforce program requirements.

“The final rule includes requirements for labeling products as organic and containing organic ingredients. This final rule also provides for importation of organic agricultural products from foreign programs determined to have equivalent organic program requirements. This program is authorized under the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, as amended.” [Federal Register, p. 80548]

To help clarify the over arching principles that describe “organic agriculture,” the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) presented a definition in 1995: “Organic agriculture is an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and on management practices that restore, maintain and enhance ecological harmony. ‘Organic’ is a labeling term that denotes products produced under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act.

“The principal guidelines for organic production are to use materials and practices that enhance the ecological balance of natural systems and that integrate the parts of the farming system into an ecological whole. Organic agriculture practices cannot ensure that products are completely free of residues; however, methods are used to minimize pollution from air, soil and water. Organic food handlers, processors and retailers adhere to standards that maintain the integrity of organic agricultural products. The primary goal of organic agriculture is to optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people.” [Final Minutes, 1995]

There are currently 94 USDA-accredited certifying agents, 34 of which are located outside the United States. These agents are indicative of a strong domestic and international presence overseeing organic certification and standards worldwide. While there is not one internationally recognized organic standard, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), founded in 1972, has developed Basic Standards and an International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS) through which certifying agents may become “IFOAM accredited.”

IFOAM has also worked in collaboration with other entities including the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius and with the European Union which enacted a regulation governing organic production and foods in 1991. Most European countries also rely on their own organic legislation. Other countries with organic regulations include Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Japan, and New Zealand. [Organicresearch.com, 2004]

Selected Readings

Background and History, by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, National Organic Program. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/Consumers/background.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Federal Register: Rules and Regulations, vol. 65, no. 246, 80647-80684, December 21, 2000.
Full-text online: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a001221c.html [scroll down to Agricultural Marketing Service] (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Final Minutes of the National Organic Standards Board Full Board Meeting Orlando, Florida, April 24-28, 1995, by [National Organic Standards Board]. [April 1995].
Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/April%2024-28,%201995%20NOSB%20Minutes.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labeling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (GL 32-1999; Rev. 1-2001), by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO), Codex Alimentarius Commission. [Rome, Italy]: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, [2001].
Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/organicag/doc/glorganicfinal.pdf OR ftp://ftp.fao.org/codex/standard/en/CXG_032e.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

International Harmonisation and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture. IFOAM Conference on Organic Guarantee Systems, Conference Conclusions, February 17-19, 2002, Nurenburg, Germany, edited by G. Rundgren and William Lockeretz. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), 2002.
Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/pub/harmoconferenceconclusions.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS), by International Organic Accreditation Service. No Date.
Full-text online: http://www.ioas.org (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

National Organic Rules Backgrounder, by Organic Trade Association. 2003.
Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/standards/nop/norb.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Farming and Certification, by Birthe Thode Jacobsen. Geneva, Switzerland: International Trade Centre, December 2002.
Online information/reviews: This paper contains updated versions of Chapters 1 and 2 of the International Trade Centre study Organic Food and Beverages: World Supply and Major Markets (1999).
Full-text online: http://www.intracen.org/mds/sectors/organic/certify.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Farming: Guide to Community Rules, by European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000.
Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/qual/organic/brochure/abio_en.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Farming Legislation, by CAB International. 2004.
Full-text online: http://www.organic-research.com/LawsRegs/legislation.asp (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

[View bibliography on Organic Agriculture: Standards and Certification] [Go to: Contents]


Organic Production in Aquaculture

[View chapter on Organic Production in Aquaculture]

  1. Aquaculture, by Naturland e.V. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.naturland.de/englisch/n4/seite4_5.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. “Aquaculture Enterprises: What Works in Oklahoma,” by Ken Williams. Future Farms 2002: A Supermarket of Ideas Conference Proceedings, November 15 & 16, 2002, compiled by Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture. Oklahoma: Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture, [2002?].
    Full-text online: http://www.kerrcenter.com/publications/2002_proceedings/aquaculture.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. “Aquatic Farming: an Organic Inspector’s View,” by Brian H. Ives. Northern Aquaculture 10, no. 7 (July 2004): 3, 10. [NAL Call Number: SH33.N68]

  4. “Assessing the Consequences of Converting to Organic Shrimp Farming,” by Biao Xie, Zhuhong Ding, Guichun Wang, Xiaorong Wang, and Y. Zhang. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 134.

  5. “Ecofeeds and the Coming Ecotechnology in Aquaculture,” by Albert G. J. Tacon. Global Aquaculture Advocate 4, no. 2 (2001): 68-69. [NAL Call Number: SH331.5.S87 G56]

  6. “Europe’s Niche Market in Organic Aquafeed Production,” by Z. Merican. Aquafeed International 4, no. 3 (2001): 18-21.

  7. “Farms Go Organic,” by Bernadette Tournay. Fish Farming International 29, no. 9 (2002): 10. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  8. “Feed World News: Organic Salmon,” Feed International 15, no. 4 (1994): 10-12.

  9. “Feeds and Feeding Systems - Sofrada Goes Organic,” Fish Farming International 28, no. 5 (2001): 13. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  10. “French Trout Certified Organic,” Seafood International 18, no. 2 (2003): 7. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.S421]

  11. “From Catfish to Organic Fish: Making Distinctions About Nature As Cultural Economic Practice,” by B. Mansfield. Geoforum 34, no. 3 (2003): 329-342.

  12. Further Comments of the Organic Trade Association (OTA) for the USDA-AMS-NOP hearings on Organic Production and Handling of Aquatic Animals to be Labeled as Organic, by Tom Hutcheson. Federal Register Docket Number TM-00-03. May 3, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/pp/otaposition/frc/fish.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. “Global Conference To Focus On Organic Farming,” Aquaculture Magazine 29, no. 1 (January/February 2003): 77-78. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  14. “Global Rise of Aquaculture: A Trigger for Organic and Eco-Labelling Standards for Aquatic Animals,” by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. The Organic Standard 3 (July 2001): 7-11.

  15. “Growing Organic Seafood Sales,” by Dan McGovern. IntraFish 2, no. 5 (August 1997): 14, 16-19.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/5/14.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. “Is ‘Organic’ the Future?” by Laura-Jane Filotrani. Fish Farming International 27, no. 11 (2000): 36-37. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  17. “Is Salmon Organic? Not Yet,” by Marian Burros. New York Times (May 24, 2000), Section F, Column 1: 2.

  18. OMRI’s Comments on Organic Standards for Aquatic Animals submitted to National Organic Program, by Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Federal Register Docket Number TM-00-03. May 17, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.omri.org/fishy.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  19. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, edited by Nadia El-Hage Scialbba and Caroline Hattam. Environment and Natural Resources Series, 4. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. “Organic Aquaculture - Are There Interested Growers? “ by G. S. Lockwood. Aquaculture Magazine 27, no. 3 (May/June 2001): 22-26. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  21. “Organic Aquaculture Association Formed,” Fish Farming International 26, no. 1 (1999): 11. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  22. “Organic Aquaculture: Completing the First Decade,” by S. Bergleiter. 7th IFOAM International Conference on Trade in Organic Products: 2003 Mainstreaming Organic Trade: New Frontiers, Opportunities and Responsibilities, November 6-8, 2003, Bangkok, Thailand. 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.greennetorganic.com/downloads/IFOAM%20speaker%20presentation%20-PDF/Presentation_Seminar%20E_Stefan%20Bergleiter.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  23. “Organic Aquaculture: Current Standards and Future Prospects: Chapter 6,” by Albert G. J. Tacon and Deborah J. Brister. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security, edited by Nadia El-Hage Scialbba and Caroline Hattam. Environment and Natural Resources Series, 4. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002. [NAL Call Number: QH540 .E68 no. 4]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e06.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. The Organic Aquaculture Directory, by Sbc fishace.
    Full-text online: http://www.fishace.demon.co.uk/b2bindex.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  25. “Organic Aquaculture: Translating Theory into Action,” by S. Bergleiter. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 128.

  26. “Organic Farmed Fish? Fish Feeds and Nutrition,” by Ronald W. Hardy. Aquaculture Magazine 28, no. 6 (2002): 60-63. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  27. “Organic Fish: Bad for You?” by John Dallimore. Fish Farming International 29, no. 6 (2002): 9. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  28. “Organic Fish Culture,” by Harold Linder. Farm Pond Harvest 32, no. 3 (1998): 24-25, 31-32. [NAL Call Number: SH1.F3]

  29. “Organic Orara Perch,” by John Mosig. Austasia Aquaculture 17, no. 1 (2003): 9-10. [NAL Call Number: SH131.A8]

  30. “Organic Products As High Quality Niche Products: Background and Prospects for Organic Freshwater Aquaculture in Europe,” by S. Bergleiter, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. Report of the Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture, 14-16 May 2001, Brussels, Belgium by Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture. EIFAC Occasional Paper, 35. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001. 84-94. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.5.A3 2001]
    Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/comm/fisheries/doc_et_publ/liste_publi/aquaculture140501.pdf (Papers not yet included in online version) (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  31. “Organic Seafood - Gaining Prominence in Europe,” by M. Stern. INFOFISH International 2 (2002): 8-11. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.I54]

  32. “Organic Shrimp: First International Meeting,” by Jimmie Hepburn. Fish Farmer 25, no. 2 (2002): 34-35. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F57]

  33. “Organic Shrimp Production,” by S. Bergleiter. Ecology and Farming 27 (May 2001): 22-23.

  34. “Organic Views of Nature: the Debate Over Organic Certification for Aquatic Animals,” by B. Mansfield. Sociologia Ruralis 44, no. 2 (April 2004): 216-232.

  35. “Organically Farmed Salmon Is an Oxymoron,” by D. Staniford. The Organic Standard 3 (July 2001): 14.

  36. “Organics in Aquaculture?” by Jimmie Hepburn. Fish Farmer 22, no. 2 (1999): 9. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F57]

  37. “Orkney Majors on Organic Salmon,” by Nicki Holmyard. Fish Farmer 23, no. 4 (2000): 14-15. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F57]

  38. “Policy Matters: Organic Trout in the UK,” by Jimmie Hepburn. Trout News 25 (December 1997): 19-20.

  39. “The Present Position and Future of Organic Trout,” by A. Small. Trout News 7, no. Jan (January 1999): 15.

  40. “The Public Opinion of Organic Fish,” by Ben DiPietro. IntraFish 2, no. 8 (August 2004): 8.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/6a2daf07c3abc1068e430e30b217b62e/2004/8/08.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  41. “Raising Organic Fish,” by Mike Dolinski. Aquaculture in Alberta (March 1, 2001).
    Full-text online: http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/newslett.nsf/all/aqua63?OpenDocument (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  42. “US Organic Aquaculture,” by International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Manufacturers Association (IFOMA). IFOMA Update 110 (April 2001): 3.

  43. “Use of Organic, Low-Foodchain Fish Being Promoted in Aquaculture,” by T. W. Budig. Capitol Roundup (June 26, 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.hometownsource.com/capitol/2003/June/26aquaculture.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  44. “Water: Where Organic Standards Have a Place,” by B. Baker. The Organic Standard 3 (2001): 4-6.

U.S. Standards for Organic Aquaculture

[View chapter on U.S. Standards for Organic Aquaculture]

  1. Applying Organic Principles to Aquaculture Systems: Understanding Proposed Organic Certification Standards for Farmed Salmon: Market Trends in Aquaculture, by Nathan Pelletier. June 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/aquaculture-standards.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. “The Decision to Develop Aquaculture Standards...or Not?” The Organic Standard 3 (July 2001): 12-13.

  3. Developing Organic Standards for Molluscan Shellfish. Whitepaper. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Robin Downey and Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association. [March 2001?].

  4. Discussion of Fred Kirschenmann’s ‘Of Wildness and Organic’, by James Riddle. October 13, 1999.
    Full-text online: http://www.pmac.net/FKWILD2.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. Federal Register: Proposed Rules, vol. 65, no. 57, 15579-15580, Thursday, March 23, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/AquaticAnimalsTaskForce/FedRegAquaticAnimalsMar00.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Federal Register: Rules and Regulations, vol. 65, no. 246, 80647-80684, Thursday, December 21, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/a001221c.html [Scroll down to Agricultural Marketing Service] (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. Murkowski, Stevens Win Organic Labeling Change to Help Alaska Seafood Industry, by Kristen Pugh. April 4, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.crabgroup.org/adfg/MURKOWSKI_STEVENS.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. “Opportunities and Challenges to Organic Certification of Aquatic Animal Feeds,” by Albert G. J. Tacon and G. D. Pruder. Final Report of the National Organic Aquaculture Workshop, June 23-24, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Social Economic and Ecological Sustainability, 2001. pp. 26-42.
    Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/Workshop/finalrep.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. Organic Aquaculture: A New Wave of the Future, by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. 2000.
    Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/news/2000/organic.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. “Organic Aquaculture: Meeting Fundamental Organic Certification Requirements Similarities and Differences Between Terrestrial and Aquatic Organisms,” by James Riddle. Final Report of the National Organic Aquaculture Workshop, June 23-24, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Social Economic and Ecological Sustainability, 2001. pp. 13-17.
    Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/Workshop/finalrep.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. “Organic Aquaculture: Moving Towards National Standards,” by Deborah J. Brister. World Aquaculture 32, no. 3 (2001): 51-53. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  12. “Organic Aquaculture Update: The National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force Recommendation on Operations That Produce Aquatic Animals,” by Deborah J. Brister. Aquaponics Journal (June 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.aquaponicsjournal.com/articleOrganicAquaculture.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. National Organic Program. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/archive/OFPA.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  14. Organic Production and Handling of Aquatic Animals to be Labeled as Organic: Comments submitted by Whole Foods Market, Inc., by Whole Foods Market. Federal Register Docket Number TM-00-03. May 11, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/issues/org_aquatic.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. Organic Trade Group Decries New Alaskan Effort to Include Wild Fish, by Ken Coons. April 14, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.seafood.com/news/current/92881.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. “Philosophy Underlying Certification of Wild Harvested Organisms Used in Aquaculture,” by Fred Kirschenmann. Final Report of the National Organic Aquaculture Workshop, June 23-24, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Social Economic and Ecological Sustainability, 2001. pp. 18-23.
    Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/Workshop/finalrep.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  17. “Position Statement on USDA Organic Standards for Aquaculture: Proposed Standards Reflect Environmental and Social Agendas of NGOs,” by Global Aquaculture Alliance. Global Aquaculture Advocate 3, no. 3 (June 2000): 6-7. [NAL Call Number: SH331.5.S87 G56]

  18. Unique Features of Microalgae Culture Systems: Organic Spirulina Production. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Amha Belay. [March 2001?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/March01/attachments/06.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)

[View chapter on National Organic Standards Board (NOSB)]

  1. Aquaculture Working Group Final Report. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Aquatic Animal Task Force. Aquaculture Working Group. February 6, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/March01/attachments/13.pdf OR http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/lscommRMR/reports/aquaculture.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. Aquaculture Working Group Report to the National Organic Standards Board. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, November 15-17, 2000, Washington, DC, by Aquatic Animal Task Force. Aquaculture Working Group. November 17, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/Nov00/attachments/10.html OR http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/lscommRMR/reports/aquatic_animals.html OR http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/wkgrp.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Aquatic Animals Task Force Web page, by National Organic Standards Board. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/AquaticAnimalsTaskForce/AquaticAnimalsTaskForce.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. Aquatic Task Force Working Group Recommendations. National Organic Standards Board Draft Meeting Minutes, October 16, 2001, Washington, DC, by Robert Anderson. October 16, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/October2001Minutes/10_16_01.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. A brief history of Spirulina. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, March 6-7, 2001, Buena Park, CA, by Todd Lorenz and Cyanotech. [March 2001?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/March01/attachments/05.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Comments and Recommendations on National Organic Standards Board Organic Aquaculture Standards, Second Draft (October 20, 1998) and Third Draft (May 18, 1999): Authorized Methods and Materials for the Production of Organic Finfish and Shellfish. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 8-10, 1999, Washington, DC, by Anne R. Kapuscinski and Deborah J. Brister. May 25, 1999.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June99/attachments/10.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. Comments and Recommendations on the National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force Recommendations. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 6-7, 2001, Lacrosse, WI, by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. June 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June01/attachments/66a.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. Comments of Rebecca Goldburg, PH.D., Concerning Organic Certification of Aquaculture Products Presented to the National Organic Standards Board. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 8-10, 1999, Washington, DC, by Rebecca J. Goldburg and Environmental Defense Fund. June 8, 1999.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June99/attachments/12.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. The Country Hen: A Presentation to NOSB, by Robert Beauregard. October 12, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/PublicComments/Oct04/GBass.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. Dave Garforth Public Testimony, by Dave Garforth. September 30, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/PublicComments/Oct04/DGarforth.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. Departmental Regulation, 1042-105, Re-Establishment of National Organic Standards Board, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. August 24, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/Charter09_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2003, Public Law 108-11, 117 Stat. 589, Title II - Miscellaneous and Technical Appropriations, Chapter 1, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies, General Provisions, Sec 2105. Wild Seafood, by United States Congress. April 16, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_public_laws&docid=f:publ011.108 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. Final Report of the National Organic Aquaculture Workshop, June 23-24, 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, edited by Deborah J. Brister and Anne R. Kapuscinski. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota, Institute for Social Economic and Ecological Sustainability, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/Workshop/finalrep.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  14. Fish, Feed and Nutrition: Urban Legends and Fish Nutrition. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, November 15-17, 2000, Washington, DC, by Ronald W. Hardy. November 14, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/Nov00/attachments/08.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. Formation of a Task Force on Standards for Aquatic Animals, by National Organic Standards Board. [October 2004?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/meetingbooks/Oct2004/AquaticAnimalsTaskForce.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. The Formation of a Task Force on Standards for Organic Production of Aquatic Animals, by Brendan O’Neill, Bill Mott, and SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. October 14, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/pdf/Organic_comments_Final.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  17. Livestock Committee Final Recommendations. Aquatic Species Standards. National Organic Standards Board Draft Meeting Minutes, October 17, 2001, Washington, DC, by Eric Sideman. October 17, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/October2001Minutes/10_17_01.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  18. National Organic Aquaculture Working Group Public Comments, October 2004 NOSB Meeting, by National Organic Aquaculture Working Group. September 29, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/PublicComments/Oct04/NOAWG.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  19. National Organic Program Scope, by National Organic Standards Board. Policy Development Committee. September 28, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/meetingbooks/Oct2004/NOPScope9_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. The National Organic Standards Board Aquatic Animal Task Force Recommendation on Operations That Produce Aquatic Animals, by National Organic Standards Board. Aquatic Animal Task Force. May 30, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/lscommRMR/recommendations/aquatic_animals.html OR http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/TskFrcRec5.01.doc OR http://www.fw.umn.edu/isees/OrganicAquaculture/orgaqua.htm (Click on “Read the Aquatic Task Force Final Recommendations here.”) (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  21. National Organic Standards Board Home page, by National Organic Standards Board. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  22. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, October 15, 2001, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 15, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/10_15_01.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  23. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, October 16, 2001, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 16, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/October2001Minutes/10_16_01.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, October 17, 2001, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 17, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/10_17_01.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  25. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Proceedings, April 28, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, by National Organic Standards Board. April 28, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/Nos0428.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  26. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Proceedings, April 30, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, by National Organic Standards Board. April 30, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/Nos0430.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  27. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Transcript of Proceedings, May 13, 2003, Austin, Texas, by National Organic Standards Board. May 13, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/NOSBMay132003AustinMtng.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  28. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Transcript of Proceedings, October 12, 2004, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 12, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/Oct2004/10_12_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  29. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Transcript of Proceedings, October 13, 2004, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 13, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/Oct2004/10_13_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  30. National Organic Standards Board Meeting Transcript of Proceedings, October 14, 2004, Washington, DC, by National Organic Standards Board. October 14, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/Oct2004/10_14_04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  31. NOSB Livestock Committee Directive for Fishmeal, by National Organic Standards Board. Livestock Committee. September 21, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/meetingbooks/Oct2004/FinalFishmealDirective9_16_04%20.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  32. Organic Aquaculture Standards. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, November 15-17, 2000, Washington, DC, by Richard C. Nelson. November 10, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/Nov00/attachments/06.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  33. Petition for amendment of National List, Section 205.602 Nonsynthetic substances prohibited for use in organic crop production. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, May 6–8, 2002, Austin, TX, by Susan Ulery and Synergy Company. May 3, 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/MayMinutes/May02Attachments/14Ulery.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  34. Public Comments, October 2004 NOSB Meeting, by Eric Sideman. October 12, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/PublicComments/Oct04/ESideman.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  35. Public meeting in LaCrosse, Wisconsin, National Organic Standards Board, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, June 6, 2001, by [National Organic Standards Board]. June 6, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/transcripts/06_01.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  36. Recommendation on Operations that Produce Aquatic Animals. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 6-7, 2001, Lacrosse, WI, by Aquatic Animal Task Force. May 30, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June01/attachments/58.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  37. Testimony for NOSB. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, November 15-17, 2000, Washington, DC, by Pete Granger and Washington Fish Growers Association. November 14, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/Nov00/attachments/07.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  38. Transcript of Aquatic Task Force Working Group Report. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 6-7, 2001, Lacrosse, WI, by Aquatic Animal Task Force. [June 2001?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June01/attachments/59.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  39. Transcript remarks by Ms. Deborah Brister, Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability at the University of Minnesota. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 6-7, 2001, Lacrosse, WI, by Deborah J. Brister. [June 2001?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June01/attachments/66.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  40. Transcript remarks by Ms. Kelly Morrhead, Sanitech Corporation. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, June 6-7, 2001, Lacrosse, WI, by Kelly Morrhead and Sanitech Corporation. [June 2001?].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/minutes/June01/attachments/09.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  41. Wild Aquatic Species Working Group Report to the National Organic Standards Board. National Organic Standards Board Meeting, November 17, 2000, Washington, DC, by Wild Aquatic Species Working Group. November 17, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/lscommRMR/reports/wild_aquatic.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

International Organic Aquaculture Standards

[View chapter on International Organic Aquaculture Standards]

  1. “Aquaculture,” by KRAV Standards Committee. Standards for KRAV Certified Production, Section 7. Uppsala, Sweden: KRAV, July 2004. pp. 91-104.
    Full-text online: http://arkiv.krav.se/arkiv/regler/Standards2004EditionJuly.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. “Aquaculture,” by Australian Certified Organic and Biological Farmers of Australia. Organic Standard, Section 7.8. Version 6. Chermside, Qld., Australia: Australian Certified Organic, August 2003. pp. 71-72.
    Full-text online: http://www.australianorganic.com.au/_files/Organic_Standard_Version6_REVISIONS.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. “Aquaculture,” by Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry. Quarantine and Export Services. Organic Produce Export Committee. National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce, Section 3.21. Third ed. Canberra, Australia: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, December 2002. pp. 31-34.
    Full-text online: http://www.affa.gov.au/corporate_docs/publications/pdf/quarantine/national_standards.pdf
    OR available from the Quarantine and Export Services, Organic and Bio-dynamic Products, Legislation Web page at http://www.affa.gov.au/content/output.cfm?ObjectID=192BA6DF-3BF8-43E9-98E81CFD0E3DB8CC (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. “Aquaculture Production Standard,” by Bio-Gro New Zealand. Bio-Gro New Zealand Organic Standards, Module 4.7. April 30, 2001. p. 4.7.1-4.7.11.
    Full-text online: http://www.bio-gro.co.nz/content/files/1010430_aqua.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. The Beginning of Organic Fish Farming in Italy, by Eli Defrancesco. Sustainability Indicators and Environmental Valuation, 65.03. Milan, Italy: Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, July 2003.
    Full-text online: http://ideas.repec.org/p/fem/femwpa/2003.65.html OR http://www.feem.it/NR/rdonlyres/BD822E02-3216-4A9C-B191-331BC1FF0577/767/6503.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Compendium of UK Organic Standards, by UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Organic Farming and Industrial Crops Division. May 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/organic/legislation-standards/standard.pdf OR http://www.defra.gov.uk/farm/organic/legislation-standards/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2092/91 of 24 June 1991 on organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffs, by European Economic Community. Updated August 18, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/eur-lex/en/consleg/main/1991/en_1991R2092_index.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. “Edible Fish,” by Bio Suisse - Association of the Swiss Organic Agriculture Organisations. Standards for the Production, Processing and Marketing of Produce From Organic Farming, Section 3.10. Basel, Switzerland: Bio Suisse, January 1, 2005. p. 28.
    Full-text online: http://www.bio-suisse.ch/media/en/pdf2004/rl_2005_e_ver_12-29.11.04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. “Fish and Crustacea,” by National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA). Standards for Organic Agricultural Production, Section 30. November 2003. pp. 43-44.
    Full-text online: http://www.nasaa.com.au/2.1%20Production%20Stds%20November%202003.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. Fish Farming and Organic Standards: Information Sheet, by The Soil Association. Bristol, UK: Soil Association, February 3, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.soilassociation.org.uk/web/sa/saweb.nsf/848d689047cb466780256a6b00298980/87f4f4f9e592f32e80256e2f0050cad9!OpenDocument OR http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsf/librarytitles/19426. html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. “Fresh Water Fish Production,” by Bioland. Bioland Standards, Section 4.11. April 27, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.bioland.de//bioland/richtlinien/bioland-standards_4_2004.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. IFOAM Basic Standards for Organic Production and Processing, Section 10, by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/standard/norms/ibs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. The IFOAM Norms and Organic Guarantee System, by International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/standard/norms/orgguarsys.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  14. International Standards for Organic Aquaculture: Production of Shrimp, Version 01/2002, by Naturland e.V., Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO), and Institute for Marketecology (IMO). 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.sippo.ch/files/publications/fish_shrimp2002.PDF (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. Japanese Agricultural Standard of Organic Agricultural Products (Notification No. 59 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of January 20, 2000), by Ministry of Agriculture. Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.maff.go.jp/soshiki/syokuhin/hinshitu/e_label/file/Specific%20JAS/Organic/JAS_OrganicAgriculture.pdf OR available from the Food labeling and Japanese Agricultural Standard (JAS) Web page at http://www.maff.go.jp/soshiki/syokuhin/hinshitu/e_label/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. Naturland Standards for Organic Aquaculture, by Naturland e.V. January 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.naturland.de/englisch/n2/aquaculture_01_2004.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  17. “Organic Aquaculture Standards and Certification in British Columbia,” by A. Newhook and J. W. Heath. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 132.

  18. “Organic Aquaculture Standards Reviewed,” by Deborah J. Brister. The Organic Standard 29 (September 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/aquaculture.html#organic-standards (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  19. “Organic Seal for Mussels,” by Irene Chapple. New Zealand Herald (January 28, 2004).
    Full-text online: http://www.marketnewzealand.com/mnz/News/Story.aspx?sectionID=4557 &contentID=9070 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. “Production of Edible Fish,” by Bio Suisse - Association of the Swiss Organic Agriculture Organisations. Bio Suisse Directives. Art. 3.11.1 ff. Basel, Switzerland: Bio Suisse, January 1, 2001.
    Full-text online: http://www.bio-suisse.ch/media/en/pdf2003/requirements_production_of_edible_fish.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  21. “Sealord Creates World First,” by Port Focus New Zealand. Port Focus Asia Pacific New Zealand News (January 28, 2004).

Market Outlook and Consumer Trends

[View chapter on Market Outlook and Consumer Trends]

  1. Aquaculture Economic Analysis: An Introduction, by Yung C. Shang. Baton Rouge: World Aquaculture Society, 1990.

  2. Aquaculture News & Opinion, Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, A Rural Capacity Building Through Organic Agriculture Project, by The Rural Capacity Building Through Organic Agriculture (RCBTOA) Project. Ongoing Updates.
    Full-text online: http://www.certifiedorganic.bc.ca/rcbtoa/services/organic-aquaculture-news-links.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Aquaculture Outlook, by David J. Harvey. Semi-Annual Publication.
    Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. Aquaculture Sector Planning and Management, by Colin E. Nash. Cambridge, MA: Fishing News Books, 1995.

  5. “Assessing Consumer Preferences for Ecolabeled Seafood: the Influence of Species, Certifier, and Household Attributes,” by Cathy R. Wessells, R. J. Johnston, and H. Donath. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Proceedings From the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Nashville, Tennessee, 8-11 August 1999 81, no. 5 (1999): 1084-1089.

  6. “Assessing Ecolabeling Standards for Seafood: How Do They Measure Up? [Abstract Only],” by Deborah J. Brister. Ecolabels and the Greening of the Food Market: Proceedings of a Conference, November 7-9, 2002, edited by William Lockeretz. Boston, MA: Tufts University, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, March 2003.
    Full-text online: http://nutrition.tufts.edu/pdf/conferences/ecolabels/brister.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. “Atlantic Salmon: A Shift in Production and Quality,” by Ronald J. Roberts. Aquaculture Magazine 27, no. 5 (September/October 2001): 65-66. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  8. “Blue Revolution: The Promise and Pitfalls of Fish Farming,” by Anne P. McGinn. World Watch (1998): 10-19.

  9. “Can Eco-Labels Tune a Market? Evidence From Dolphin-Safe Labeling,” by M. F. Teisl, B. Roe, and R. L. Hicks. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 43, no. 3 (2002): 339-359. [NAL Call Number: HC79.P55J6]

  10. “Certification for Marine Ornamentals: What It Is and How It Works,” by P. Scott and D. Vosseler. Marine Ornamentals 2001: Collection, Culture & Conservation: Program and Abstracts, November 26 - December 1, 2001, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Gainsville, FL: Florida Sea Grant College Program, 2001. 132-133.
    Full-text online: http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/mo/abstract.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. “Communicating With Cod and Others: Some Perspectives on Promotion for Expanding Markets for Fish,” by J. A. Young. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5, no. 5/6 (2001): 241-251. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  12. “Demand Pushes Organic Foods into the Mainstream,” by Lauren Mayk. Herald Tribune (April 28, 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.heraldtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Site=SH&Date=20030428&Category=NEWS&ArtNo=304280595&Ref=AR&Profile=1007&cachetime=5 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. “Direct and Indirect Effects of Generic Advertising: a Model With Application to Salmon,” by O. Myrland and H. W. Kinnucan. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5, no. 5/6 (2001): 273-288. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  14. “Domestic Aquacultural Production Higher and Imports Up,” by David J. Harvey. Aquaculture Outlook. LDP-AQS-19. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, March 12, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/2004/aqs19.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. “Eco-Label Line Crushes Frosta Profits,” by Drew Cherry. IntraFish 2, no. 5 (May 2004): 4.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/5/04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. Eco-Labelling and Sustainable Fisheries, by Carolyn Deere. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1999.
    Full-text online: ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/006/ad349e/AD349e00.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  17. “Eco-Labelling in Fisheries Management,” by Kevern Cochrane and Rolf Willmann. Current Fisheries Issues and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, by Myron H. Nordquist and John N. Moore. Center for Oceans Law and Policy Series, 5. The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2000. pp. 583-615.

  18. Eco-Labelling in Fisheries: What Is It All About?, by Bruce F. Phillips, Trevor J. Ward, and Chet Chaffee. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2003. [NAL Call Number: HF5413 .E284 2003]

  19. “Eco-Labelling: Primarily a Political Issue,” by M. Monfort. Seafood International 13, no. 10 (1998): 48-49, 51. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.S421]

  20. “Eco-Labelling Splits UK Seafood Sector,” Seafood International 14, no. 3 (1999): 47, 49. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.S421]

  21. “Ecocertification: An Incentive for Dealing Effectively With Uncertainty, Risk, and Burden of Proof in Fisheries,” by Randall M. Peterman. Bulletin of Marine Science 70, no. 2 (2002): 669-681.

  22. “Ecolabeling and International Seafood Trade: The Roles of Certification Costs and Consumers’ Willingness to Pay,” by Cathy R. Wessells. Fisheries Economics Newsletter 50 (2000): 44-49.

  23. Ecolabelling and Fisheries Management, by P. R. Gardiner and K. K. Viswanathan. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish Center, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.worldfishcenter.org/Pubs/Ecolablelling/ecolablelling.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. “Ecolabelling in the Fisheries Sector,” by C. LeBlanc. Ocean Yearbook, edited by E. M. Borgese, A. Chircop, and M. McConnell. Vol. 17. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2003. pp. 93-141. [NAL Call Number: GC1.O33]

  25. “Ecolabelling. Label Gabble,” by J. N. Braathen. SAMUDRA Report 22 (1999): 24-28.
    Full-text online: http://www.icsf.net/jsp/publication/samudra/pdf/english/issue_22/art06.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  26. “Externalities, Thresholds and Marketing of New Aquacultural Products: Theory and Examples,” by Clem Tisdell. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5, no. 5/6 (2001): 289-302. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  27. Farmed Fish Quality, edited by S. C. Kestin and P. D. Warriss. Osney Mead, Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd., 2001. pp. 116-119. [NAL Call Number: SH151 F37 2001]

  28. Food and Agricultural Commodity Consumption in the United States: Looking Ahead to 2020, by Biing-Hwan Lin, Jayachandran N. Variyam, Jane Allshouse, and John Cromartie. Agricultural Economic Report, no. AER820. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, February 2003. [NAL Call Number: A281.9 Ag8A no. 820]
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aer820/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  29. “French Consumption of Oysters and Mussels Analysed Within the European Market,” by Sophie Girard and Catherine Mariojouls. Aquaculture Economics and Management 7, no. 5-6 (2003): 319-333. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  30. “Freshwater Prawn Farming in Bangladesh,” by D. Williams. Fish Farmer 26, no. 5 (September-October 2003): 24-27. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F57]

  31. The Future of Fish: Issues and Trends to 2020, by Christopher L. Delgado, Nikolas Wada, Mark W. Rosegrant, and Mahfuzuddin Ahmed. Washington, DC; Penang, Malaysia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); WorldFish Center, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/ib/ib15.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  32. “Market Assessment for Organic Salmon in British Columbia,” by G. K. Cho and J. W. Heath. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 130.

  33. “Market Promotion: Healthy, Organic or Quick ‘n’ Easy?” by N. Ruello. Australian Aquaculture 14, no. 4 (2000): 50-51.

  34. “Market Trends: The Health of Organic Foods,” by Joan Scheel. Prepared Foods (May 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.preparedfoods.com/pf/cda/articleinformation/features/bnp__features__item/0,,113130,00+en-uss_01dbc.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  35. “Measuring Consumer Preferences for Ecolabeled Seafood: an International Comparison,” by R. J. Johnston, Cathy R. Wessells, H. Donath, and F. Asche. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 26, no. 1 (2001): 20-39. [NAL Call Number: HD1750.W4]

  36. National Aquatic Program: APHIS Services for the Aquaculture Industry, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
    Full-text online: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/aqua/services.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  37. “The New Order in Global Salmon Markets and Aquaculture Development: Implications for Watershed-Based Management in the Pacific Northwest,” by G. Sylvia, J. L. Anderson, and E. Hanson. Sustainable Fisheries Management: Pacific Salmon, edited by E. E. Knudson, C. R. Steward, D. D. MacDonald, J. E. Williams, and D. W. Reiser. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2000. pp. 393-406.

  38. “Organic Aquaculture: Is There a Market in Taiwan?” by Y. S. Chen, R. S. Lin, and I. Chiu Liao. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 129.

  39. Organic Aquaculture Production - June 2004, by Nicole Franz and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Industry Division. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.globefish.org/dynamisk.php4?id=2181 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  40. Organic Aquaculture Production - May 2004, by Nicole Franz and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Industry Division. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.globefish.org/dynamisk.php4?id=2149 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  41. “Organic Aquaculture? Yes, But No!” by G. S. Lockwood. Aquaculture Magazine 27, no. 4 (July-August 2001): 28, 30, 32, 34-35. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  42. “Organic Fish: a Major Market Opportunity,” by G. S. Lockwood. Aquaculture Magazine 26, no. 6 (November-December 2001): 24-28. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  43. “Organic Isn’t Always Best Label for Salmon,” by Renee Schettler and Erica Marcus. Newsday.Com (April 13, 2004).
    Full-text online: http://www.organicconsumers.org/Toxic/organic-salmon.cfm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  44. “Organic Meat and Fish: Production, Processing and Marketing,” by R. Maunder, B. Kennard, and D. McCrea. Handbook of Organic Food Processing and Production, edited by S. Wright. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science, 2000. pp. 92-105.

  45. “Organic Oyster Production: a Marketing Opportunity for New Zealand?” by S. Handley. Aquaculture Update (NIWA) 27, no. 1/2 (Summer 2000): 1-2.

  46. “Organic Salmon Production: a Preliminary Analysis of the Economics,” by R. M. Sutherland. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5, no. 3/4 (2001): 191-210. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  47. “Organic Salmon? Says Who?” by Renee Schettler. Washington Post (April 7, 2004), Section Food: F1.
    Full-text online: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A54377-2004Apr6.html (Free registration required) (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  48. “Organic Tilapia: Will It Sell?” by Ben DiPietro. IntraFish 2, no. 7 (July 2004): 10-12.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/7/10.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  49. “The Organic Way Can Pay,” Fish Farming International 25, no. 11 (1998): 42-43. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  50. “Orkney’s Organic Triumph,” by Simon Brooke. The Times (October 1999): 8.

  51. Outlook for Fish to 2020: Meeting Global Demand, by Christopher L. Delgado, Nikolas Wada, Mark W. Rosegrant, Seit Meijer, and Mahfuzuddin Ahmed. Food Policy Report. Washington, DC; Penang, Malaysia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); WorldFish Center, October 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.ifpri.org/pubs/fpr/pr15.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  52. “Predicting Consumer Choices for Farmed and Wild Salmon,” by Cathy R. Wessells and D. Holland. Aquaculture Economics and Management 2, no. 2 (1998): 48-59. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  53. Product Certification and Ecolabelling for Fisheries Sustainability, by Cathy R. Wessells, Kevern Cochrane, Carolyn Deere, Paul Wallis, and Rolf Willmann. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, T422. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH1.F2 no. 422]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y2789E/Y2789E00.HTM (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  54. “Product Differentiation, Labelling and Quality Approach: Developments and Stakes in the French Shellfish Market,” by E. Charles and P. Paquotte. Aquaculture Economics and Management 3, no. 2 (Aug 1999): 121-129. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  55. “Protecting Health, Facilitating Trade, or Both?” by A. B. Thiermann. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 916 (2000): 24-30.

  56. Quality of Fish From Catch to Consumer: Labelling, Monitoring and Traceability, edited by J. B. Luten, J. Oehlenschlager, and G. Olafsdottir. Wageningen, Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2003.

  57. Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market, by Carolyn Dimitri, Catherine Greene, and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 777. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, September 2002. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 777]
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib777/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  58. “Report. Ecolabels. Sticky Labels,” by B. O’Riordan. SAMUDRA Report 21 (1998): 22-25.
    Full-text online: http://www.icsf.net/jsp/publication/samudra/pdf/english/issue_21/art07.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  59. Small Scale Marketing of Aquaculture, by Ronnie J. Gilbert. SRAC Publication, no. 350. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, August 1989. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/350fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  60. “Swiss Retailer Begs for More Organic Seafood,” by Drew Cherry. IntraFish 2, no. 4 (April 2004): 4.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/4/04.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  61. “Thalassorama: Early Indications of Market Impacts From the Marine Stewardship Council’s Ecolabeling of Seafood,” by C. A. Roheim. Marine Resource Economics 18, no. 1 (2003): 95-104.

  62. “Time for a Global Summit: Organic Seafood. Sounds Simple Enough, Doesn’t It? Well, Think Again,” by John Fiorillo. IntraFish 2, no. 6 (June 2004): 2.
    Full-text online: http://www.intrafish.com/pdf/download/2c95643bf128d4597b2176f78b462154/2004/6/02.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  63. “Traceability Vital in French Market - Turbot Set for ‘Organic’ Tag,” by Bernadette Tournay. Fish Farming International 28, no. 11 (2001): 28-29. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F5]

  64. Trade Situation in the Aquaculture Sector: the Current and Potential Role of Organic Products, June 15-17, 2004, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, by Audun Lem and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Industry Division. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.globefish.org/files/OrganicAquaculture_129.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  65. U.S. Organic Farming in 2000-2001: Adoption of Certified Systems, by Catherine Greene, Amy Kremen, and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Agriculture Information Bulletin, no. 780. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, April 2003. [NAL Call Number: 1 Ag84Ab no. 780]
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/aib780/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Research and Development

[View chapter on Research and Development]

  1. Aquaculture 2004 Hawaii: Sessions / Presentations in this Event, by World Aquaculture Society. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.quickstream.com.au/events/treeview/showEvent.asp?205 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. “Biotechnological Approaches to Modify Rapeseed Oil Composition for Applications in Aquaculture,” by H. G. Opsahl-Ferstad, H. Rudi, B. Ruyter, and S. Ruyter. Plant Science 165, no. 2 (2003): 349. [NAL Call Number: QK1.P5]

  3. “Breeding Programs for Sustainable Aquaculture,” by I. Olesen, T. Gjedrem, H. B. Bentsen, B. Gjerde, and M. Rye. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 13, no. 3/4 (2003): 179-204.

  4. “Conflict Ahead: Can We Reduce Fish Oil Use?” by Ronald W. Hardy. Aquaculture Magazine 29, no. 6 (November-December 2003): 44-48. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  5. Development of Modern Aquaculture Systems and Technologies, by Research Institute for Fisheries. Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI). No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.haki.hu/english/R &D/corepr03.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. “The Development of Pyrethrum-Based Treatments Against the Ectoparasitic Salmon Lice (Lepeophtheirus Salmonis) in Sea Cage Rearing of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.),” by K. Boxaspen and J. C. Holm. Aquaculture Research 32, no. 9 (September 2001): 701-707. [NAL Call Number: SH1.F8]

  7. The Development of Shrimp Feeds for Organic Aquaculture [Abstract Only], by Robert A. Bullis, C. L. Browdy, D. A. Davis, T. M. Samocha, and A. D. Stokes. 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.advancedbionutrition.com/pdfs/The_Development_of_Shrimp_Feeds_for_Organic_Aquaculture.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. Environmental and Social Aspects of Organic Aquaculture [Abstract Only], by Robert A. Bullis. 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.advancedbionutrition.com/pdfs/Environmental_Social_Aspects_of_Organic_Aquaculture.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. “Environmental Initiatives for Organic Aquaculture: A View From the Irish National Development Body,” by M. C. Mathies. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 131.

  10. “Feed Ingredients for Carnivorous Fish Species: Alternatives to Fishmeal and Other Fishery Resources,” by Albert G. J. Tacon. 881. FAO Fisheries Circular, C881. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1994. p. 35.

  11. “Fish Farming: Eat Your Veg,” by Kendall Powell. Nature 426 (November 27, 2003): 378-379. [NAL Call Number: 472 N21]
    Full-text online: http://www.nature.com/cgi-bin/doifinder.pl?URL=/doifinder/10.1038/426378a (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. National Programs: Aquaculture - Action Plan, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ars.usda.gov/research/programs/programs.htm?np_code=106 &docid=276 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  13. Nutrition and Fish Health, edited by C. Lim and C. D. Webster. Binghamton, NY: Food Products Press, 2001.

  14. The Organic Black Tiger Prawn Project of Indonesia, by Suwidji Wongso and PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (ATINA). No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.greennetorganic.com/downloads/IFOAM%20speaker%20presentation%20-PDF/Presentation_Seminar%20E_Suwidji%20Wongso%20.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. “Organic Shrimp Production: Opportunities With EM (Effective Microorganisms) Applications,” by T. Tejada, P. Tabora, S. Okumoto, M. Shintani, J. Vaquedano, C. Roque, R. Zamora, and L. Machado. Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, “Cultivating Communities”, August 21-24, 2002, Victoria Conference Centre, Canada, compiled by Robert Thompson. Ottowa, Canada: Canadian Organic Growers, 2002. 133.

  16. Pond Aquaculture in Central and Eastern Europe in the 21th Century: How Can Research Provide the Scientific, Ecological and Economic Bases for Sustainable Aquaculture?: Manuscripts Presented at the International Workshop, May 2-4, 2001, Vodnany (Czech Republic). Special Publications (European Aquaculture Society), no. 31. Oostende: European Aquaculture Society, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH138 .S64 no. 31]

  17. “Potential of Greenhouse-Based Organic Tilapia Production in Virginia,” by B. Nerrie and A. Reid. Aquaculture 2001: Book of Abstracts, January 21-25, 2001, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Baton Rouge, LA: World Aquaculture Society, 2001.

  18. Products and Technology: Fishmeal Replacement/Organic, by Advanced BioNutrition Corporation. 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.advancedbionutrition.com/html/prod_fishmeal.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  19. “Raising Salmon on a Vegetarian Diet,” by Stefanie Cohen. Berkshire Eagle (February 15, 2004).
    Full-text online: http://www.growfish.com.au/content.asp?contentid=1161 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. Regional Aquaculture Centers (RACs), by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service. Updated March 22, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/animals/part/aquaculture_part_regional.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  21. Sea Life, by Clare Island Seafarm. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://homepage.eircom.net/~chilldamhnait/sea_life.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  22. Welcome to Biocentinela Aquaorganics, by BIOCENTINELA. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.biocentinela.com (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Conventional Aquaculture Overview

[View chapter on Conventional Aquaculture: Overview]

  1. Annual Report on the United States Seafood Industry, by Howard M. Johnson and Associates. Bellevue, WA; Stanwood, WA: H.M. Johnson & Associates; Zeus Faber, Annually.

  2. Aquaculture, by Tropical Research and Conservation Centre (TRACC).
    Full-text online: http://www.tracc.org.my/Borneocoast/aquaculture/AQUACULTURE.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Aquaculture in the United States: a Historical Survey, by Robert R. Stickney. New York: J. Wiley, 1996. [NAL Call Number: HD9455.S75 1996]

  4. “Aquaculture Production Forecast to Grow, but Many Uncertainties Loom,” by David J. Harvey. Aquaculture Outlook. LDP-AQS-18. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, October 9, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/reports/erssor/livestock/ldp-aqs/2003/aqs18.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. Briefing Room: Aquaculture: Overview, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. June 24, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Aquaculture/overview.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. “The Case for Animal Health Economics in Aquaculture Management,” by S. Peddie and A. Stott. Fish Farmer 25, no. 2 (2002): 59-60. [NAL Call Number: SH151.F57]

  7. Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, edited by Robert R. Stickney. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000.

  8. “Fish As Food: Aquaculture’s Contribution,” by J. H. Tidwell and G. L. Allan. World Aquaculture 33, no. 3 (September 2002): 44-48. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  9. Fish Farming May Soon Overtake Cattle Ranching as a Food Source, by Lester R. Brown. October 3, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://www.earth-policy.org/Alerts/Alert9.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. “Fish Farms Breed Fight Over a Way of Life,” by Cary Goldberg. The New York Times (August 28, 1999). New York City, Section A, Column 2: 1.

  11. Fisheries and Aquaculture in Europe: Situation and Outlook in 1996, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department. FAO Fisheries Circular, No. 911 FIPP/C911. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1996.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/W3842E/w3842e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. “Fishmeal--the Critical Ingredient in Aquaculture Feeds,” by Henry D. McCoy II. Aquaculture Magazine 16, no. 2 (1990): 43-47. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  13. “A Growing Trend: Aquaculture Accounts for an Increasing Amount of Seafood, but It’s No Free Lunch,” by Paul Molyneaux. National Fisherman (September 2001): 20-23.

  14. Major Issues in World Fisheries, 17-20 March 1997, Rome, Italy by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, December 1996.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/docrep/meeting/W3860E.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. Marine Aquaculture: Opportunities for Growth: Report of the Committee on Assessment of Technology and Opportunities for Marine Aquaculture in the United States, Marine Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council, by National Research Council. Committee on Assessment of Technology and Opportunities for Marine Aquaculture in the United States. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1992. [NAL Call Number: SH138.N38 1992]
    Full-text online: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/1892.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. Nutrient Requirements and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaculture, by C. D. Webster and C. Lim. New York: CABI Publishing, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH156 .N82 2002]

  17. Opportunities for Growth in Marine Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology Industries : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session ... September 22, 1992, by United States Congress. House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992. [NAL Call Number: KF27.M447 1992g]

  18. “Photosynthesis and Fish Production in the Sea,” by John H. Ryther. Science 166, no. 3901 (October 3, 1969): 72-76. [NAL Call Number: 470 Sci2]

  19. Report of the Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture, Brussels, Belgium, 14-16 May 2001, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission. EIFAC Occasional Paper, 35. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.5 .A3 2001]
    Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/comm/fisheries/doc_et_publ/liste_publi/aquaculture140501.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. Report to Congress: Status of Fisheries of the United States, by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service. Submitted yearly.
    Full-text online: Status of Fisheries reports Web page at http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/reports.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  21. “Rural Development in the Context of Conflictual Resource Usage,” by N. B. Ridler. Journal of Rural Studies 13, no. 1 (January 1997): 65-73. [NAL Call Number: HT401.J68]

  22. Small-Scale Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Special Session of Aquaculture America 2002, compiled by Association of 1890 Research Directors. Chicago, IL: Higher Learning Commission: Member of the North Central Association, [2002?]. [NAL Call Number: SH329.S53 S62 2002]

  23. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2002, by U. Wijkström, A. Gumy, and R. Grainger. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y7300e/y7300e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. “U.S. Aquaculture: Current Status and Future Directions,” by J. M. Carlberg. Aquaculture Magazine 27, no. 4 (July/August 2001): 36-43. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  25. U.S. Private Aquaculture Production for 1985-1999, by United States Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture. October 2001.
    Full-text online: http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/aquanic/jsa/aquaprod.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  26. “U.S. Seafood Market in 2020: Strong Demand Likely Boon to Aquaculture,” by Howard M. Johnson. Global Aquaculture Advocate. November 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.hmj.com/Seafood%20Vision%20Article.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Conventional Aquaculture Production Systems

[View chapter on Conventional Aquaculture: Production Systems]

  1. “Aquaculture Engineering: The Status of Aquaponics, Part 1,” by James E. Rakocy. Aquaculture Magazine 25, no. 4 (July-August 1999): 83-88. [NAL Call Number: SH1.C65]

  2. Aquaponics, by Cabbage Hill Farm. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.cabbagehillfarm.org/chf_03_aquaponics.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Aquaponics: Integration of Hydroponics With Aquaculture, by Steve Diver. Horticulture Systems Guide. Fayetteville, AR: Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), February 2000 (Update in progress.). Full-text online: Check for update online: http://attra.ncat.org/

  4. Briefing Room: Aquaculture, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. May 12, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Aquaculture/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. Cage Culture: Cage Construction and Placement, by Michael P. Masser. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 162. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, April 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/162fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Cage Culture: Cage Culture Problems, by Michael P. Masser. SRAC Publication, no. 165. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, December 1988. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/165fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. Cage Culture: Handling and Feeding Caged Fish, by Michael P. Masser. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 164. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, January 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/164fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. Cage Culture: Harvesting and Economics, by Michael P. Masser. SRAC Publication, no. 166. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, December 1988. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/166fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. Cage Culture of Fish in the North Central Region, by LaDon Swann, J. E. Morris, Dan Sealock, and Jean Riepe. Technical Bulletin Series, 110. East Lansing, MI: North Central Regional Aquaculture Center, 1994. [NAL Call Number: SH35.A14T43 no.110]
    Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/publicat/usda_rac/tr/ncrac/tb110.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. Cage Culture: Site Selection and Water Quality, by Michael P. Masser. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 161. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, January 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/161fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. Cage Culture: Species Suitable for Cage Culture, by Michael P. Masser. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 163. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, April 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/163fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. “Commercial Aquaponics for the Caribbean,” by James E. Rakocy, R. C. Shultz, and D. S. Bailey. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Meeting, November 1998, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, edited by R. L. Creswell. North Fort Pierce, FL: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 2000. 353-364.

  13. Construction of Levee-Type Ponds for Fish Production, by Jim Steeby and Jimmy Avery. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 101. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, May 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/101fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  14. Evaluation of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, by Ying Q. Ji, Ira R. Adelman, Jay Maher, and James Skurla. Minnesota Department of Agriculture and University of Minnesota, October 1997.
    Full-text online: http://www.mda.state.mn.us/ams/aquaculture/recirc.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  15. “Fish Farming Experiment at Critical Stage,” by Jay Lindsay. Ag Observatory (June 2, 2003).
    Full-text online: http://www.iatp.org/foodsec/News/news.cfm?News_ID=2127 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. A Guide to the Seaweed Industry, by Dennis J. McHugh. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, 441. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Fisheries Department, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/006/Y4765E/Y4765E00.HTM OR ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/006/y4765e/y4765e00.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  17. “Halophytes for the Treatment of Saline Aquaculture Effluent,” by J. J. Brown, E. P. Glenn, K. M. Fitzsimmons, and S. E. Smith. Aquaculture 175, no. 3/4 (May 15, 1999): 225-268. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  18. In Pond Raceways, by Michael P. Masser and Andrew M. Lazur. SRAC Publication, no. 170. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, August 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/170fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  19. “Industry Profiles,” Development Document for Proposed Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for the Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Industry Point Source Category, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water. EPA-821-R-02-016. Washington, DC: Environmental Protection Agency, August 2002.
    Full-text online: http://epa.gov/guide/aquaculture/tdd/ch4.pdf OR http://epa.gov/guide/aquaculture/tdd/tdd.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  20. Inland Aquaculture Development Handbook, by David R. Blakely and Christopher T. Hrusa. Oxford: Fishing News, 1989. [NAL Call Number: SH159.B54]

  21. “Integrated Fish Farming: an International Effort,” by Gerald Schroeder. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 1, no. 3 (1986): 127-130. [NAL Call Number: S605.5 .A43]

  22. “Integrating Hydroponic Plant Production With Recirculating System Aquaculture: Some Factors to Consider,” by James E. Rakocy. International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, July 16-19, 1998, Roanoke, VA. Blacksburg, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Virginia Cooperative Extension Program, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2002. 392-394. [NAL Call Number: SH3 .I572 1998]

  23. Introduction to Fish Culture in Ponds, by Auburn University. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments. Water Harvesting and Aquaculture for Rural Development Series. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments, [1992?] . [NAL Call Number: SH159.I576 1992]
    Full-text online: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/icaae/intrpond.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. Introduction to Intensive Cage Culture of Warmwater Fish, by Auburn University. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments. Water Harvesting and Aquaculture for Rural Development Series. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments, [1992?]. [NAL Call Number: SH151.I572 1992]
    Full-text online: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/icaae/cage.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  25. Introduction to Polyculture of Fish, by Alex Bocek and Auburn University. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments. Water Harvesting and Aquaculture for Rural Development Series. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments, [199?]. [NAL Call Number: SH151.I57]
    Full-text online: http://www.ag.auburn.edu/icaae/polycul.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  26. The Journal of the New Alchemists, edited by New Alchemy Institute. Woods Hole, MA: New Alchemy Institute, 1973-1981. [NAL Call Number: GF1.J6]

  27. The New Alchemy Back Yard Fish Farm Book: Growing Fish in Floating Cages, by William O. McLarney, Jeffrey Parkin, and New Alchemy Institute. Andover, MA: Brick House Pub. Co., 1982. [NAL Call Number: SH159.M3]

  28. Pond Recirculating Production Systems, by Andrew M. Lazur and Deborah C. Britt. SRAC Publication, no. 455. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, November 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/455fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  29. “The Production of Tilapia and Vegetables in Aquaponics System,” by D. I. Anadu and L. Barho. International Conference on Recirculating Aquaculture, July 18-21, 2002, Roanoke, VA. Blacksburg, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2002. 551-559. [NAL Call Number: SH3 .I572 2002]

  30. “A Proposed Model for ‘Environmentally Clean’ Land-Based Culture of Fish, Bivalves and Seaweeds,” by Muki Shpigel, Amir Neori, Dan M. Popper, and Hillel Gordin. Aquaculture 117, no. 1/2 (November 1993): 115-118. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  31. Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production System: A Review of Component Options, by Thomas M. Losordo, Michael P. Masser, and James E. Rakocy. SRAC Publication, no. 453. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, April 1999. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/453fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  32. Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production System: An Overview of Critical Considerations, by Thomas M. Losordo, Michael P. Masser, and James E. Rakocy. SRAC Publication, no. 451. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, September 1996. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/451fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  33. Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production System: Integrating Fish and Plant Culture, by James E. Rakocy, Thomas M. Losordo, and Michael P. Masser. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 454. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, November 1992. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/454fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  34. Recirculating Aquaculture Tank Production System: Management of Recirculating Systems, by Michael P. Masser, James E. Rakocy, and Thomas M. Losordo. Revised ed. SRAC Publication, no. 452. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, March 1999. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/452fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  35. Simple Methods for Aquaculture: Manuals From the FAO Training Series, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fishery Resources Division. FAO Training Series. Rome, Italy: 2003.

  36. Small-Scale Fish Culture Systems, by Steven van Gorder, Homer Buck, and James Fritch. Rodale Research Report, 80-12. [Kutztown, PA?]: Rodale Press, Aquacutlure Department Organic Gardening and Farming Research Center, 1981. [NAL Call Number: SH151.V3]

  37. Solar Aquaculture: Perspectives in Renewable, Resource-Based Fish Production, Results for a Workshop at Falmouth, Massachusetts, September 28, 1981 by New Alchemy Institute and National Science Foundation. East Falmouth, MA: New Alchemy Institute, 1981? [NAL Call Number: SH155.S6]

  38. “A Sustainable Integrated System for Culture of Fish, Seaweed and Abalone,” by Amir Neori, Muki Shpigel, and D. Ben Ezra. Aquaculture 186, no. 3/4 (June 2000): 279-291. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  39. What Is Cage Culture?, by Michael P. Masser. SRAC Publication, no. 160. Ada, OK: Southern Regional Aquaculture Center, December 1988. [NAL Call Number: SH151.S62]
    Full-text online: http://srac.tamu.edu/160fs.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Conventional Aquaculture Environmental Issues

[View chapter on Conventional Aquaculture: Environmental Issues]

  1. “Achievement of Sustainable Aquaculture Through Environmental Management,” by Claude E. Boyd and H. R. Schittou. Aquaculture Economics and Management 3, no. 1 (April 1999): 59-69. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  2. Acquacoltura e Ambiente: Pubblico e Privato a Confronto: Alla Luce Delle Attuali Concezioni Europee e Delle Esperienze Acquisite Sul Posto: Castiglione Della Pescaia (GR), 23-24 Novembre 2001, by Maurizio Dell’Agnello. 2nd ed. Firenze: Polistampa, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH3 .A37 2002]

  3. America’s Living Oceans: Charting a Course for Sea Change, by Pew Oceans Commission. May 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.pewoceans.org/oceans/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. “Antibiotic Use in Aquaculture: Development of Antibiotic Resistance - Potential for Consumer Health Risks,” by D. J. Alderman and T. S. Hastings. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 33, no. 2 (April 1998): 139-155. [NAL Call Number: TP368.J6]

  5. “Appropriation of Environmental Goods and Services by Aquaculture: a Reassessment Employing the Ecological Footprint Methodology and Implications for Horizontal Integration,” by S. W. Bunting. Aquaculture Research 32, no. 7 (July 2001): 605-609. [NAL Call Number: SH1.F8]

  6. “Aquaculture: A Gateway for Exotic Species,” by Rosamond L. Naylor, Susan L. Wiliams, and Donald R. Strong. Science 294, no. 5547 (November 23, 2001): 1655-1656. [NAL Call Number: 470 Sci2]

  7. “Aquaculture and Antibiotic Resistance: A Negligible Public Health Risk?” by J. R. MacMillan. World Aquaculture 32, no. 2 (June 2001): 49-50. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  8. Aquaculture and the Environment, by T. V. R. Pillay. New York: Halstead Press, 1992. [NAL Call Number: SH135.P55 1992]

  9. Aquaculture and the Environment in the European Community, by European Commission. Directorate-General for Fisheries. Luxembourg; Lanham, MD: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities; UNIPUB, 1995. [NAL Call Number: SH67.A68 1995]

  10. Aquaculture and the Environment in the United States, edited by J. R. Tomasso. Baton Rouge, LA: U.S. Aquaculture Society, A Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH34 .A8 2002]

  11. Aquaculture and Water Resource Management, by Donald J. Baird. Boston, Mass: Fishing News Book, 1996. [NAL Call Number: SH3.A675 1996]

  12. Aquaculture. Special Issue: Management of Aquaculture Effluents. Proceedings of the Aquaculture Interchange Program at the Oceanic Institute, May 6-9, 2002, Honolulu, HI, edited by Cheng-Sheng Lee and Patricia J. O’Bryen. Vol. 226. October 31, 2003. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  13. “Aquaculture Sustainability and Environmental Issues,” by Claude E. Boyd. World Aquaculture 30, no. 2 (June 1999): 10-13, 71-72. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  14. Aquaculture: the Ecological Issues, by John Davenport. Ecological Issues Series. Malden, MA: Blackwell Science, 2003. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .A682-2003]

  15. At a Crossroads: Will Aquaculture Fulfill the Promise of the Blue Revolution?, by Kathryn White, Brendan O’Neill, and Zdravka Tzankova. SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse Report. Providence, RI: SeaWeb, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/pdf/At_Crossroads.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  16. Bacterial Diseases of Fish, edited by Valarie Inglis, Ronald J. Roberts, and Niall R. Bromage. New York: Halsted Press, 1993. [NAL Call Number: SH177.B3B33 1993]

  17. Benefits, Environmental Risks, Social Concerns and Policy Implications of Biotechnology in Aquaculture, by Anne R. Kapuscinski, Eric M. Hallerman, and United States Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service, October 1994. [NAL Call Number: SH34.K378 1994]

  18. Best Management Practices for Aquacultural Water Quality, by Lance Laird and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Division of Marketing. Aquaculture Market Development Aid Program. Aquaculture Report Series. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Marketing, [1988?]. [NAL Call Number: SH174.L352 1988]

  19. “Bioethics of Fish Production: Energy and the Environment,” by D. Pimentel, R. E. Shanks, and J. C. Rylander. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 9, no. 2 (1996): 144-164. [NAL Call Number: BJ52.5 .J68]

  20. “The Biology of Antibiotic Resistance,” by B. A. Dixon. World Aquaculture 32, no. 4 (December 2001): 63-65. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  21. Codes of Practice and Manual of Procedures for Consideration of Introductions and Transfers of Marine and Freshwater Organisms, by Gary E. Turner and International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. EIFAC Occasional Paper, no. 23. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission, 1988. [NAL Call Number: SH329.F57I57]

  22. The Development of Aquaculture: an Ecosystems Perspective, by Eddie W. Shell and Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Auburn, AL: Auburn University, Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993. [NAL Call Number: SH135.S54 1993]

  23. Ecological Aquaculture: The Evolution of the Blue Revolution, edited by Barry A. Costa-Pierce. Oxford, UK; Malden, MA: Blackwell Science Publishing, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .E26 2002]

  24. “Effect of Aquaculture on World Fish Supplies,” by Rosamond L. Naylor, Rebecca J. Goldburg, Jurgenne H. Primavera, Nils Kautsky, Malcolm C. M. Beveridge, Jason Clay, C. Folke, Jane Lubchenco, Harold Mooney, and Max Troell. Nature 405, no. 6790 (June 29, 2000): 1017-1024. [NAL Call Number: 472 N21]

  25. Environment, by Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP).
    Full-text online: http://www.feap.info/Environment/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  26. Environment, Planning and Development Manual for Aquaculture, by New South Wales Office of Labour Market Adjustment (OLMA). Aquaculture Fishing and Related Industries Committee Inc. (NOFARIC). 1st ed. Pyrmont, NSW, Australia: NOFARIC, April 1995. [NAL Call Number: HD9468.A8E58 1995]

  27. “Environmental Distribution of Organic Waste From a Marine Fish Farm,” by R. I. Johnsen, O. Grahl-Nielsen, and B. T. Lunestad. Aquaculture 118, no. 3/4 (1993): 229-244. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  28. Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture, edited by Kenneth D. Black. Sheffield Biological Sciences Series. Sheffield, UK; Boca Raton, FL: Sheffield Academic Press; CRC Press, 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .E58 2001]

  29. “Environmental Impacts of Intensive Aquaculture in Marine Waters,” by A. Tovar, C. Moreno, M. P. Manuel Vez, and M. Garcia Vargas. Water Research 34, no. 1 (January 2000): 334-342. [NAL Call Number: TD420.W3]

  30. “Environmental Implications of Intensive Marine Aquaculture in Earthen Ponds,” by A. Tovar, C. Moreno, M. P. Manuel-Vez, and M. Garcia-Vargas. Marine Pollution Bulletin 40, no. 11 (2000): 981-988.

  31. Environmental Management for Aquaculture, by Alex B. Midlen and Theresa A. Redding. Chapman & Hall Aquaculture Series, 2. London; New York: Chapman & Hall, 1998. [NAL Call Number: SH135.M53 1998]

  32. Environmental Management in Aquaculture: Proceedings of the Twenty-First U.S.-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, November 26-27, 1992, Kyoto, Japan by Kunizo Tanaka and U.S. Japan Meeting on Aquaculture. Yoshoku Kenkyujo. Japan. Suisancho. Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture, supplement no. 1. [Tamaki, Watarai, Mie, Japan]; [Niigata, Japan]: National Research Institute of Aquaculture; Fisheries Agency, May 1994. [NAL Call Number: SH109 .Y672 supplement no.1]

  33. “Environmental Management of the U.S. Aquaculture Industry: Insights From a National Survey,” by F. F. Wirth and E. J. Luzar. Society and Natural Resources 12, no. 7 (October/November 1999): 659-672. [NAL Call Number: HC10.S63]

  34. Environmental Strategies for Aquaculture Symposium Proceedings, December 2000, Minneapolis, MN by Ronald E. Kinnunen, Environmental Strategies for Aquaculture Symposium, and 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. NCRAC CD Series, No. 101. [Ames, IA]: Information Development Expanding Awareness, [2000?]. [NAL Call Number: SH34 .E58 2002]
    Full-text online: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/aqua/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  35. Environnement Et Aquaculture, by Jean Petit and Institut National de la Recherche Agronmique. Point Sur. Paris, France: Institut National de la Recherche Agronmique, 1999. [NAL Call Number: SH77 .E582 1999]

  36. Fish and Marine Conservation, by Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.iatp.org/fish/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  37. “Fish Farms Get Fried for Fouling,” by Colin Woodward. Christian Science Monitor (September 9, 1998): 1.

  38. “Fish Meal: Historical Uses, Production Trends and Future Outlook for Sustainable Supplies,” by Ronald W. Hardy and Albert G. J. Tacon. Responsible Marine Aquaculture, edited by Robert R. Stickney and James P. McVey. New York: CABI Publishing, 2002. pp. 311-325. [NAL Call Number: SH138 .R47 2002]

  39. “A Framework for Developing Best Environmental Practices for Aquaculture,” by H. Ackefors and P. White. World Aquaculture 33, no. 2 (June 2002): 54-59. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  40. “Genetic Interactions Between Marine Finfish Species in European Aquaculture and Wild Conspecifics,” by A. F. Youngson, A. Dosdat, M. Saroglia, and W. C. Jordan. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 17, no. 4 (August 2001): 153-162. [NAL Call Number: QL614.Z44]

  41. Guide to Drug, Vaccine, and Pesticide Use in Aquaculture, by Federal Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture. Working Group on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production. Publication No. B-5085. College Station, Texas: Texas Agricultural Extension Service, June 1994.
    Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/publicat/govagen/usda/gdvp.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  42. Guidelines for the Promotion of Environmental Management of Coastal Aquaculture Development, by Uwe C. Barg. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No. 328. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1992. [NAL Call Number: SH1.F2 no. 328]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/docrep/T0697E/T0697E00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  43. “Historical Overfishing and the Recent Collapse of Coastal Ecosystems,” by Jeremy B. C. Jackson, M. X. Kirby, W. H. Berger, K. A. Bjorndal, L. W. Botsford, B. J. Bourque, R. H. Bradbury, R. Cooke, J. Erlandson, J. A. Estes, T. P. Hughes, S. Kidwell, C. B. Lange, H. S. Lenihan, J. M. Pandolfi, C. H. Peterson, R. S. Steneck, M. J. Tegner, and R. R. Warner. Science 293, no. 5530 (July 27, 2001): 629-637. [NAL Call Number: 470 Sci2]

  44. Marine Aquaculture and Environment, by Timo. Makinen and Stig H. Henriksson. NORD Series, 1991:22. Copenhagen, Denmark: Nordic Council of Ministers, 1991. [NAL Call Number: SH138.M37 1991]

  45. Marine Aquaculture in the United States: Environmental Impacts and Policy Options, by Rebecca J. Goldburg, Matthew S. Elliott, Rosamond L. Naylor, and Pew Oceans Commission. Arlington, VA: Pew Oceans Commission, 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH138 .G65 2001]
    Full-text online: http://www.pewoceans.org/reports/137PEWAquacultureF.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  46. “Measuring Efficiency in Intensive Aquaculture,” by J. Forster and Ronald W. Hardy. World Aquaculture 32, no. 2 (June 2001): 41-45. [NAL Call Number: SH1.W62]

  47. Monitoring the Ecological Effects of Coastal Aquaculture Wastes, by GESAMP (IMO/FAO/UNESCO IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection). Reports and Studies, no. 57. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1996. [NAL Call Number: SH135.M656 1996]
    Full-text online: http://gesamp.imo.org/no57/ OR http://www.fao.org/documents/show_cdr.asp?url_file=/DOCREP/006/W3242E/W3242E00.HTM (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  48. Murky Waters: Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in the United States, by Rebecca J. Goldburg, Tracy Triplett, and Environmental Defense Fund. Washington, DC: Environmental Defense Fund, 1997. [NAL Call Number: TD428.A68G65 1997]
    Full-text online: http://www.environmentaldefense.org/documents/490_AQUA.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  49. “Nature’s Subsidies to Shrimp and Salmon Farming,” by Rosamond L. Naylor, Rebecca J. Goldburg, Harold Mooney, Malcolm C. M. Beveridge, Jason Clay, C. Folke, Nils Kautsky, Jane Lubchenco, Jurgenne H. Primavera, and M. Williams. Science 282, no. 5390 (October 30, 1998): 883-884. [NAL Call Number: 470 Sci2]

  50. “Overview of Environmental and Sustainability Issues in Aquaculture,” by Clem Tisdell. Aquaculture Economics and Management 3, no. 1 (April 1999): 1-5. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  51. Planning and Management for Sustainable Coastal Aquaculture Development, by GESAMP (IMO/FAO/Unesco-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection). Reports and Studies, no. 68. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .P58 2001]
    Full-text online: ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/007/y1818e/Y1818e00.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  52. “Preliminary Examination of Contaminant Loadings in Farmed Salmon, Wild Salmon and Commerical Salmon Feed,” by M. D. L. Easton, D. Luszniak, and E. Von der Geest. Chemosphere 46, no. 7 (February 2002): 1053-1074.

  53. “Promoting Sustainable Aquaculture Through Economic and Other Incentives,” by Denis Bailly and Rolf Willmann. Aquaculture in the Third Millennium. Technical Proceedings of the Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium, 20-25 February 2000, Bangkok, Thailand, edited by R. P. Subasinghe, M. J. Phillips, P. Bueno, C. Hough, S. E. McGladdery, and J. R. Arthur. FAO Fisheries Report, R661. Bangkok, Thailand; Rome, Italy: Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific; Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001. 95-101. [NAL Call Number: SH323 .F6 no. 661]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/AB412E/ab412e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  54. Public, Animal and Environmental Aquaculture Health Issues, by Michael L. Jahncke. New York: Wiley Interscience, 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH135 .J34 2002]

  55. “Rapid Worldwide Depletion of Predatory Fish Communities,” by Ransom Myers and Boris Worm. Nature 423, no. 6937 (May 15, 2003): 280-283. [NAL Call Number: 472 N21]
    Full-text online: [Fair Use Version] http://myweb.dal.ca/bworm/Myers_Worm_2003.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  56. Reducing Environmental Impacts of Coastal Aquaculture, by GESAMP (IMO/FAO/Unesco-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection). Reports and Studies, no. 47. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1991. [NAL Call Number: TD428.A68R43 1991]
    Full-text online: http://gesamp.imo.org/no47/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  57. Responsible Aquaculture for the New Millennium: Abstracts of Contributions Presented at the International Conference AQUA 2000, May 2-6, 2000, Nice, France, compiled by R. L. Creswell and Rosa Flos. Special Publication No. 28. Oostende, Belgium: European Aquaculture Society, March 2000. [NAL Call Number: SH138 .S64]

  58. Responsible Marine Aquaculture, by Robert R. Stickney and James P. McVey. New York, NY: CABI Pub., 2002. [NAL Call Number: SH138 .R47 2002]

  59. Seafood Watch Program, by Monterey Bay Aquarium. 1999-2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.mbayaq.org/cr/seafoodwatch.asp (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  60. “Setting a Course for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture: Chapter 22.” An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century (Pre-Publication Copy): Final Report of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, by U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy. Washington, DC: U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, 2004. pp. 285-290.
    Full-text online: http://www.oceancommission.gov/documents/prepub_report/pre_pub_fin_report.pdf OR also available from http://www.oceancommission.gov/documents/prepub_report/welcome.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  61. “The Solution to Pollution?: The Value and Limitations of Environmental Economics in Guiding Aquaculture Development,” by J. F. Muir, C. Brugere, J. A. Young, and J. A. Stewart. Aquaculture Economics and Management 3, no. 1 (April 1999): 43-57. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  62. Sustainable Aquaculture, edited by John E. Bardach. Sheffield Biological Sciences Series. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1997. [NAL Call Number: SH135.S87 1997]

  63. Sustainable Aquaculture, by SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/sustainable.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  64. “Sustainable Aquaculture: Developing the Promise of Aquaculture,” by A. Frankic and C. Hershner. Aquaculture International: Journal of the European Aquaculture Society 11, no. 6 (2003): 517-530. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A627SH1.A627]

  65. Sustainable Aquaculture: Food for the Future?: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Sustainable Aquaculture, 2-5 November 1997, Oslo, Norway, edited by Niels Svennevig, Helge Reinertsen, Michael New, and Norway Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp. Sheffield Biological Sciences Series. Rotterdam; Brookfield, VT: A.A. Balkema, 1999. [NAL Call Number: SH135.S87 1997]

  66. Sustainable Aquaculture: Seizing Opportunities to Meet Global Demand, by Ronald Zweig. Agriculture Technology Notes, No. 22. The World Bank, Rural Development Department, December 1998.
    Full-text online: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDS_IBank_Servlet?pcont=details &eid=000094946_00102805334371 (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  67. Towards Sustainable Aquaculture, Chenmmeenkettu, by Vandana Shiva and Gurpreet Karir. New Delhi, India: Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy, 1996. [NAL Call Number: SH107.S47 1996]

  68. “The Treatment of Aquaculture Wastewaters: a Botanical Approach,” by Theresa A. Redding, S. Todd, and Alex B. Midlen. Journal of Environmental Management 50, no. 3 (July 1997): 283-299. [NAL Call Number: HC75.E5J6]

  69. U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy (Public Comments), by Kevin J. Bright. U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, June 17, 2002.
    Full-text online: http://oceancommission.gov/publicomment/northwestcomments/bright_comment.pdf OR also available from http://oceancommission.gov/publicomment/mtgcomments.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  70. Water Quality and the Environment: Aquaculture, April 9-10, 1991, Washington, DC by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cooperative State Research Service. [Washington, DC?]: Cooperative State Research Service, 1991? [NAL Call Number: aSH174.W38 1991]

Conventional Aquaculture Laws and Regulations

[View chapter on Conventional Aquaculture: Laws and Regulations]

  1. American and International Aquaculture Law: A Comprehensive Legal Treatise and Handbook Covering Aquaculture Law, Business and Finance of Fishes, Shellfish, and Aquatic Plants, by Henry D. McCoy II. Peterstown, WV: Supranational Pub., 2000. [NAL Call Number: KF1760 .M38 2000]

  2. Aquaculture Development, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries, 5. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1997.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/W4493E/w4493e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Aquaculture Operations - Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Guidance, by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center. Updated July 22, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/anaqulaw.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. Aquaculture Policy and Regulation: A Bibliography on Aquaculture Policy and Regulation, by SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/policy_bib.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. Aquaculture Policy and Regulation: Aquaculture Regulations and Regulatory Authorities, by SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/policy_links.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Aquaculture Policy and Regulation: Relevant Reports - Aquaculture Policies, Practices, Controls, and Regulations, by SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.seaweb.org/resources/sac/policy_reports.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. AquaNet Law and Policy Project Bibliography, by Gloria Chao. August 8, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.library.dal.ca/law/aquanet/bibliography.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. Basic Guidelines for Fisheries and Fish Culture: Institutional and Juridical Aspects, Republic of Guinea, by P. Cacaud. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, May 1996.

  9. Coastal and Ocean Law, by Joseph J. Kalo. 2nd ed. Houston, TX: J. Marshall Pub. Co., 1994. [NAL Call Number: KF5627.K35 1994]

  10. Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, by Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, October 31, 1995.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/v9878e/v9878e00.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  11. Containment Area Aquaculture Handbook, by J. Homziak, C. D. Veal, D. Dugger, R. Coleman, and M. Konikoff. Publication, 1839. State College, MS: Mississippi State University, Cooperative Extension Service, September 1992. [NAL Call Number: 275.29 M68EXT]
    Full-text online: http://msucares.com/pubs/publications/p1839.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  12. “Development of Draft Protocols of Standard Reference Methods for Antimicrobial Agent Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria Associated With Fish Diseases,” by D. J. Alderman and P. Smith. Aquaculture 196, no. 3/4 (May 15, 2001): 211-243. [NAL Call Number: SH1.A6]

  13. Directory of Community legislation on aquaculture and the processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products, by European Commission. Directorate-General for Fisheries. Aquaculture Unit. July 2, 2003.
    Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/comm/fisheries/doc_et_publ/factsheets/legal_texts/intro_en.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  14. “Establishment of the Law to Ensure Sustainable Aquaculture Production,” by K. Fujii. Bulletin of National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Supplement. Pathogenic Organisms and Disease Prevention. Proceedings of the 29th US-Japan Meeting on Aquaculture, Ise, Japan, 7-8 November 2000 5 (2001): 1-3.

  15. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1996-. [NAL Call Number: SH328 .F37]

  16. Federal Regulation of Drugs, Biologicals, and Chemicals Used in Aquaculture Production, by Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture, Federal Coordinating Council for Science Engineering and Technology. Working Group on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, and U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agricultural Library. Aquaculture Information Center. Beltsville, MD: National Agricultural Library, September 1992. [NAL Call Number: aKF1760.F43 1992]

  17. ICES Code of Practice on the Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms 2003, by International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. [Copenhagen, Denmark]: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, September 1995.
    Full-text online: http://www.ices.dk/reports/general/2003/Codemarineintroductions2003.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  18. Issues in Aquaculture Regulation, by Michael C. Rubino, Charles A. Wilson, U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bethesda, MD: Bluewaters, Inc., 1993. [NAL Call Number: HD9456.R83 1993]

  19. The Law of Aquaculture: The Law Relating to the Farming of Fish and Shellfish in Britain, by William Howarth. Oxford: Fishing News Books, 1990. [NAL Call Number: KD2310.H68]

  20. Legal Framework for U.S. Ocean Management - Federal Activities & Programs, by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Services Center. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.csc.noaa.gov/opis/html/fedprog.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  21. Legal Framework for U.S. Ocean Management - Federal Statutes, by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Services Center. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.csc.noaa.gov/opis/html/legal.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  22. “The Legal Regime Governing Aquaculture in Vietnam,” by William R. Edeson. FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 8 (1994): 16-18.

  23. Legislation Governing Shrimp Aquaculture: Legal Issues, National Experiences and Options, by William Howarth, Romualdo E. Hernandez, and Annick v. Houtte. FAO Legal Papers Online, no. 18. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, June 2001. [NAL Call Number: SH380.6 .H69 2001]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/Legal/prs-ol/lpo18.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  24. Ministerial Meeting on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Rome, Italy, 10-11 March 1999, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1999.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/fi/meetings/minist/1999/default.asp (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  25. Mollusc Culture and Sea Aquaculture Law=Droit De La Conchyliculture Et De L’ Aquaculture Marine, by G. Orfila. Saint Jean d’ Angely, France: Bordessoules, 1990.

  26. National Aquaculture Act of 1980, Act of September 26, 1980, Public Law 96-362, 94 Stat. 1198, 16 U.S.C. 2801, et seq. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/aquanic/jsa/Naquact.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  27. The New International Law of Fisheries: UNCLOS 1982 and Beyond, by William T. Burke. Oxford Monographs in International Law Series. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press; Clarendon Press, 1994. [NAL Call Number: K3895.4.B87 1994]

  28. Preliminary Review of Selected Legislation Governing Aquaculture, by Anne R. Van Houtte, Nicola Bonucci, and William R. Edeson. Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme Series, ADCP/REP/89/42. Rome, Italy: United Nations Development Programme; Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1989. [NAL Call Number: K3895.4.V36]

  29. Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Volume 3: Legal, Regulatory and Institutional Framework, by D. R. Percy and N. Hishamunda. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper, No.408-3. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2001.

  30. “Regulatory Climate Toward Finfish Aquaculture: the Impacts of State Institutional Structure,” by F. F. Wirth and E. J. Luzar. Aquaculture Economics and Management 5, no. 1/2 (2001): 99-114. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  31. Report of the Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products From Marine Capture Fisheries, Rome, Italy, 14-17 October 2003, by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department. FAO Fisheries Report, R726. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 2003. [NAL Call Number: SH323 .F6 no. 726]
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/documents/show_cdr.asp?url_file=/DOCREP/006/Y4941E/Y4941E00.HTM (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  32. Resource Laws, by U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://laws.fws.gov/lawsdigest/reslaws.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  33. Seafood Information and Resources, by U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Updated August 18, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/seafood1.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  34. State/Territory Permits and Regulations Impacting the Aquaculture Industry, by Maryland Department of Agriculture and National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators. 1995.
    Full-text online: http://aquanic.org/publicat/state/md/perm.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  35. “Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture: a Survey of Administrative Procedures and Legal Frameworks,” by N. Hishamunda and N. B. Ridler. Aquaculture Economics and Management 7, no. 3-4 (2003): 167-178. [NAL Call Number: HD9450.1.A69]

  36. Technical Consultation on the Feasibility of Developing Non Discriminatory Technical Guidelines for Eco-Labelling of Products From Marine Capture Fisheries, 21-23 October 1998, Rome, Italy by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department. FAO Fisheries Reports, R594. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, 1999.
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/X0881T/X0881T00.HTM (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  37. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982: Overview and Full Text, by United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea. February 10, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/convention_overview_convention.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Agriculture Overview

[View chapter on Organic Agriculture: Overview]

  1. Briefing Room: Organic Farming and Marketing, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Updated April 22, 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/Organic/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. Data: Organic Production, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service. Updated October 18, 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.ers.usda.gov/Data/Organic/index.htm (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Frequently Asked Questions about Organic Farming, by Organic Farming Research Foundation. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ofrf.org/general/about_organic/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. Iowa Agricultural Opportunities: Organic Production, by Iowa State University Extension. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.iowaagopportunity.org/organicprod/ophomepage.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. Organic Crop Production Overview, by George Kuepper and Lance Gegner. Fundamentals of Sustainable Agriculture Series. Fayetteville, AR: National Center for Appropriate Technology, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA), August 2004. [NAL Call Number: S605.5 .K83]
    Full-text online: http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/summaries/organiccrop.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. Organic Food Production, by Alternative Farming Systems Information Center. October 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/ofp/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. “Organic Industry Roots Run Deep,” by Ken Mergentime. Natural Foods Merchandiser 15, no. 6 (1994): 62-64.

  8. Questions and Answers About Organic, by Organic Trade Association. 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/organic/faq.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. Questions Answered, by The Soil Association. 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.soilassociation.org/web/sa/saweb.nsf/OtherDocs/questions.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  10. Report and Recommendations on Organic Farming, by U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA Study Team on Organic Farming. U.S. GPO no. 620-220/3641. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Department of Agriculture, July 1980. [NAL Call Number: aS605.5.U52]

  11. “USDA Research into Organic Farming,” by Michael D. Jawson and Carolee T. Bull. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 17, no. 4 (April 4, 2002): 201-202. [NAL Call Number: S605.5 .A43]

  12. The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2004, edited by Helga Willer and Minou Yussefi. 6th, revised ed. DE-53117. Bonn, Germany: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), 2004.
    Full-text online: http://orgprints.org/2555/ (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Organic Agriculture Standards and Certification

[View chapter on Organic Agriculture: Standards and Certification]

  1. Background and History, by U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. National Organic Program. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nop/Consumers/background.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  2. Final Minutes of the National Organic Standards Board Full Board Meeting, Orlando, Florida, April 24-28, 1995, by [National Organic Standards Board]. [April 1995].
    Full-text online: http://www.ams.usda.gov/nosb/archives/April%2024-28,%201995%20NOSB%20Minutes.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  3. Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labeling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods (GL 32-1999; Rev.1-2001), by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO). Codex Alimentarius Commission. [Rome, Italy]: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, [2001].
    Full-text online: http://www.fao.org/organicag/doc/glorganicfinal.pdf OR ftp://ftp.fao.org/codex/standard/en/CXG_032e.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  4. International Harmonisation and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture. IFOAM Conference on Organic Guarantee Systems, Conference Conclusions, February 17-19, 2002, Nurenburg, Germany, edited by G. Rundgren and William Lockeretz. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.ifoam.org/pub/harmoconferenceconclusions.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  5. International Organic Accreditation Service (IOAS), by International Organic Accreditation Service. No Date.
    Full-text online: http://www.ioas.org (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  6. National Organic Rules Backgrounder, by Organic Trade Association. 2003.
    Full-text online: http://www.ota.com/standards/nop/norb.html (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  7. Organic Farming and Certification, by Birthe Thode Jacobsen. Geneva, Switzerland: International Trade Centre, December 2002.
    Full-text online: http://www.intracen.org/mds/sectors/organic/certify.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  8. Organic Farming: Guide to Community Rules, by European Commission. Directorate-General for Agriculture. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000.
    Full-text online: http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/qual/organic/brochure/abio_en.pdf (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

  9. Organic Farming Legislation, by CAB International. 2004.
    Full-text online: http://www.organic-research.com/LawsRegs/legislation.asp (accessed Dec. 15, 2004).

Author Index

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Go to: [Contents] | 1 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X Y Z |

62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference 310

Ackefors, H. 315
Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture 30
Adelman, Ira R. 251
Advanced BioNutrition Corporation 207
Ahmed, Mahfuzuddin 155, 175
Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station 298
Alderman, D. J. 280, 358
Allan, G. L. 219
Allshouse, Jane 152
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center 389
Anadu, D. I. 266
Anderson, J. L. 161
Anderson, Robert 66
Aquatic Animal Task Force 98, 100
Aquatic Animal Task Force. Aquaculture Working Group 63, 64
Arthur, J. R. 329
Asche, F. 159
Association of 1890 Research Directors 233
Auburn University. International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments 260, 261, 262
Australian Certified Organic and Biological Farmers of Australia 105
Avery, Jimmy 250

Bailey, D. S. 249
Bailly, Denis 329
Baird, Donald J. 287
Baker, B. 44
Bardach, John E. 338
Barg, Uwe C. 318
Barho, L. 266
Beauregard, Robert 71
Belay, Amha 62
Ben Ezra, D. 275
Bentsen, H. B. 192
Berger, W. H. 319
Bergleiter, S. 22, 25, 30, 33
Beveridge, Malcolm C. M. 300, 325
Biing-Hwan Lin 152
Bio-Gro New Zealand 107
Bio Suisse - Association of the Swiss Organic Agriculture Organisations 111, 123
Bioland 114
Bjorndal, K. A. 319
Black, Kenneth D. 304
Blakely, David R. 257
Bocek, Alex 262
Bonucci, Nicola 374
Borgese, E. M. 148
Botsford, L. W. 319
Bourque, B. J. 319
Boxaspen, K. 195
Boyd, Claude E. 277, 289
Braathen, J. N. 149
Bradbury, R. H. 319
Bright, Kevin J. 345
Brister, Deborah J. 14, 23, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 68, 69, 75, 101, 121, 130
Britt, Deborah C. 265
Bromage, Niall R. 292
Brooke, Simon 174
Browdy, C. L. 196
Brown, J. J. 254
Brown, Lester R. 220
Brugere, C. 337
Buck, Homer 273
Budig, T. W. 43
Bueno, P. 329
Bull, Carolee T. 394
Bullis, Robert A. 196, 197
Bunting, S. W. 281
Burke, William T. 373
Burros, Marian 17

CAB International 404
Cabbage Hill Farm 239
Cacaud, P. 354
Carlberg, J. M. 235
Chaffee, Chet 142
Chao, Gloria 353
Chapple, Irene 122
Charles, E. 178
Chen, Y. S. 162
Cherry, Drew 139, 184
Chircop, A. 148
Chiu Liao, I. 162
Cho, G. K. 156
Clare Island Seafarm 210
Clay, Jason 300, 325
Cochrane, Kevern 141, 177
Cohen, Stefanie 208
Coleman, R. 357
Cooke, R. 319
Coons, Ken 59
Costa-Pierce, Barry A. 299
Creswell, R. LeRoy 249, 333
Cromartie, John 152
Cyanotech 67

Dallimore, John 27
Davenport, John 290
Davis, D. A. 196
Deere, Carolyn 140, 177
Defrancesco, Eli 108
Delgado, Christopher L. 155, 175
Dell’Agnello, Maurizio 278
Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry. Quarantine and Export Services. Organic Produce Export Committee 104
Dimitri, Carolyn 181
Ding, Zhuhong 4
DiPietro, Ben 40, 172
Diver, Steve 240
Dixon, B. A. 296
Dolinski, Mike 41
Donath, H. 129, 159
Dosdat, A. 316
Downey, Robin 47
Dugger, D. 357

Easton, M. D. L 328
Edeson, William R. 368, 374
El-Hage Scialbba, Nadia 19, 23
Elliott, Matthew Sterling 321
Environmental Defense Fund 70, 324
Environmental Strategies for Aquaculture Symposium 310
Erlandson, J. 319
Estes, J. A. 319
European Commission. Directorate-General for Agriculture 403
European Commission. Directorate-General for Fisheries 285
European Commission. Directorate-General for Fisheries. Aquaculture Unit 359
European Economic Community 110
European Inland Fisheries Advisory Commission 30, 230

Federal Coordinating Council for Science Engineering and Technology. Working Group on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production 362
Federal Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture. Working Group on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production 317
Federation of European Aquaculture Producers (FEAP) 301
Filotrani, Laura-Jane 16
Fiorillo, John 186
Fitzsimmons, K. M. 254
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Division of Marketing. Aquaculture Market Development Aid Program 294
Flos, Rosa 333
Folke, C. 300, 325
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations 30, 230
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations and World Health Organization (WHO). Codex Alimentarius Commission 398
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries 225
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Department 222, 348, 370, 377, 382
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fisheries Industry Division 163, 164, 188
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. Fishery Resources Division 272
Forster, J. 322
Frankic, A. 340
Franz, Nicole 163, 164
Fritch, James 273
Fujii, K. 360

Garcia-Vargas, M. 305, 306
Gardiner, P. R. 147
Garforth, Dave 72
Gegner, Lance 388
GESAMP (IMO/FAO/Unesco-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection) 323, 327, 332
Gibbs, E. P. J. 179
Gilbert, Ronnie J. 183
Girard, Sophie 153
Gjedrem, T. 192
Gjerde, B. 192
Glenn, E. P. 254
Global Aquaculture Alliance 61
Goldberg, Cary 221
Goldburg, Rebecca J. 70, 300, 321, 324, 325
Gordin, Hillel 267
Grahl-Nielsen, O. 303
Grainger, R. 234
Granger, Pete 99
Greene, Catherine 181, 189
Gumy, A. 234

Hallerman, Eric M. 293
Handley, S. 169
Hanson, E. 161
Hardy, Ronald W. 26, 76, 193, 314, 322
Harvey, David J. 127, 138, 215
Hastings, T. S. 280
Hattam, Caroline 19, 23
Heath, J. W. 120, 156
Henriksson, Stig Hakan. 320
Hepburn, Jimmie 32, 36, 38
Hernandez, Romualdo E. 369
Hershner, C. 340
Hicks, R. L. 133
Hishamunda, N. 375, 381
Holland, D. 176
Holm, J. C. 195
Holmyard, Nicki 37
Homziak, J. 357
Hough, C. 329
House, J. A. 179
Houtte, Annick van 369
Howard M. Johnson and Associates 212
Howarth, William 365, 369
Hrusa, Christopher T. 257
Hughes, T. P. 319
Hutcheson, Tom 12

Inglis, Valarie 292
Institut National de la Recherche Agronmique 311
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy 312
Institute for Marketecology (IMO) 117
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 297, 363
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) 115, 116
International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Manufacturers Association (IFOMA) 42
International Organic Accreditation Service 400
Iowa State University Extension 387
Ives, Brian H. 3

Jackson, Jeremy B. C. 319
Jahncke, Michael L. 330
Jawson, Michael D. 394
Ji, Ying Q. 251
Johnsen, R. I. 303
Johnson, Howard M. 237
Johnston, R. J. 129, 159
Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture 362
Jordan, W. C. 316

Kalo, Joseph J. 355
Kapuscinski, Anne R. 14, 52, 53, 54, 60, 68, 69, 75, 293
Karir, Gurpreet 343
Kautsky, Nils 300, 325
Kennard, B. 168
Kerr Center for Sustainable Agriculture 2
Kestin, S. C. 151
Kidwell, S. 319
Kinnucan, H. W. 137
Kinnunen, Ronald E. 310
Kirby, M. X. 319
Kirschenmann, Fred 60
Knudson, E. E. 161
Kocan, K. M. 179
Konikoff, M. 357
KRAV Standards Committee 106
Kremen, Amy 189
Kuepper, George 388

Laird, Lance 294
Lange, C. B. 319
Lazur, Andrew M. 255, 265
LeBlanc, C. 148
Lee, Cheng-Sheng 288
Lem, Audun 188
Lenihan, H. S. 319
Lim, C. 202, 227
Lin, R. S. 162
Linder, Harold 28
Lindsay, Jay 252
Lockeretz, William 130, 399
Lockwood, G. S. 20, 165, 166
Lorenz, Todd 67
Losordo, Thomas M. 268, 269, 270, 271
Lubchenco, Jane 300, 325
Lunestad, B. T. 303
Luszniak, D. 328
Luten, J. B. 180
Luzar, E. J. 309, 376

MacDonald, D. D. 161
Machado, L. 204
MacMillan, J. R. 283
Maher, Jay 251
Makinen, Timo. 320
Mansfield, B. 11, 34
Manuel-Vez, M. P. 305, 306
Marcus, Erica 167
Mariojouls, Catherine 153
Maryland Department of Agriculture 380
Masser, Michael P. 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 255, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276
Mathies, M. C. 198
Maunder, R. 168
Mayk, Lauren 136
McConnell, M. 148
McCoy II, Henry D. 223, 347
McCrea, D. 168
McGinn, Anne Platt 132
McGladdery, S. E. 329
McGovern, Dan 15
McHugh, Dennis J. 253
McLarney, William O. 264
McVey, James P. 314, 334
Meijer, Seit 175
Mergentime, Ken 390
Merican, Z. 6
Midlen, Alex B. 307, 344
Ministry of Agriculture. Forestry and Fisheries of Japan 118
Molyneaux, Paul 224
Monfort, M. 143
Monterey Bay Aquarium 335
Mooney, Harold 300, 325
Moore, John Norton 141
Moreno, C. 305, 306
Morrhead, Kelly 102
Morris, J. E. 246
Moschini, G. 129
Mosig, John 29
Mott, Bill 78
Muir, J. F. 337
Myers, Ransom 331
Myrland, O. 137

Nash, Colin E. 128
National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) 112
National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators 380
National Organic Aquaculture Working Group 80
National Organic Standards Board 65, 77, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 97, 397
National Organic Standards Board. Aquatic Animal Task Force 82
National Organic Standards Board. Livestock Committee 93
National Organic Standards Board. Policy Development Committee 81
National Research Council. Committee on Assessment of Technology and Opportunities for Marine Aquaculture in the United States 226
National Science Foundation 274
Naturland e. V. 1, 117, 119
Naylor, Rosamond L. 282, 300, 321, 325
Nelson, Richard C. 94
Neori, Amir 267, 275
Nerrie, B. 206
New Alchemy Institute 263, 264, 274
New, Michael 341
New South Wales Office of Labour Market Adjustment (OLMA). Aquaculture Fishing and Related Industries Committee Inc. (NOFARIC) 302
Newhook, A. 120
Nordquist, Myron H. 141
Norway Direktoratet for utviklingshjelp 341

O’Bryen, Patricia J. 288
O’Neill, Brendan 78, 291
O’Riordan, B. 182
Oehlenschlager, J. 180
Okumoto, S. 204
Olafsdottir, G. 180
Olesen, I. 192
Opsahl-Ferstad, H. G. 191
Orfila, G. 371
Organic Farming Research Foundation 386
Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) 18
Organic Trade Association 391, 401

Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association 47
Pandolfi, J. M. 319
Paquotte, P. 178
Parkin, Jeffrey 264
Peddie, S. 217
Pelletier, Nathan 45
Percy, D. R. 375
Peterman, Randall M. 145
Peterson, C. H. 319
Petit, Jean 311
Pew Oceans Commission 279, 321
Phillips, Bruce F. 142
Phillips, M. J. 329
Pillay, T. V. R. 284
Pimentel, D. 295
Popper, Dan M. 267
Port Focus New Zealand 124
Powell, Kendall 200
Primavera, Jurgenne H. 300, 325
Pruder, G. D. 52
PT. Alter Trade Indonesia (ATINA) 203
Pugh, Kristen 51

Rakocy, James E. 238, 249, 259, 268, 269, 270, 271
Redding, Theresa A. 307, 344
Reid, A. 206
Reinertsen, Helge 341
Reiser, D. W. 161
Research Institute for Fisheries. Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) 194
Riddle, James 48, 54
Ridler, N. B. 232, 381
Riepe, Jean 246
Roberts, Ronald J. 131, 292
Roe, B. 133
Roheim, C. A. 185
Roque, C. 204
Rosegrant, Mark W. 155, 175
Rubino, Michael C. 364
Rudi, H. 191
Ruello, N. 157
Rundgren, G. 399
Ruyter, B. 191
Ruyter, S. 191
Rye, M. 192
Rylander, J. C. 295
Ryther, John H. 229

Samocha, T. M. 196
Sanitech Corporation 102
Saroglia, M. 316
Sbc fishace 24
Scheel, Joan 158
Schettler, Renee 167, 171
Schittou, H. R. 277
Schroeder, Gerald 258
Scott, P. 134
Sealock, Dan 246
SeaWeb Aquaculture Clearinghouse 78, 339, 350, 351, 352
Segerson, K. 129
Sexton, R. J. 129
Shang, Yung C. 125
Shanks, R. E. 295
Shell, Eddie W. 298
Shintani, M. 204
Shiva, Vandana 343
Shpigel, Muki 267, 275
Shultz, R. C. 249
Sideman, Eric 79, 96
Skurla, James 251
Small, A. 39
Smith, P. 358
Smith, S. E. 254
Staniford, D. 35
Steeby, Jim 250
Stefanou, S. E. 129
Steneck, R.S. 319
Stern, M. 31
Steward, C. R. 161
Stewart, J. A. 337
Stickney, Robert R. 214, 218, 314, 334
Stokes, A. D. 196
Stott, A. 217
Strong, Donald R. 282
Subasinghe, R. P. 329
Sutherland, R. M 170
Svennevig, Niels 341
Swann, LaDon 246
Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) 117
Sylvia, G. 161
Synergy Company 95

Tabora, P. 204
Tacon, Albert G. J. 5, 23, 52, 199, 314
Tanaka, Kunizo 308
Tegner, M. J. 319
Teisl, M. F. 133
Tejada, T. 204
The Rural Capacity Building Through Organic Agriculture (RCBTOA) Project 126
The Soil Association 113, 392
Thiermann, A. B. 179
Thode Jacobsen, Birthe 402
Thompson, Robert 4, 25, 120, 156, 162, 198, 204
Tidwell, J. H. 219
Tisdell, Clem 150, 326
Todd, S. 344
Tomasso, J. R. 286
Tournay, Bernadette 7, 187
Tovar, A. 305, 306
Triplett, Tracy 324
Troell, Max 300
Tropical Research and Conservation Centre (TRACC) 213
Turner, Gary E. 297
Twenty-eighth Session of the FAO Conference 356
Tzankova, Zdravka 291

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy 336
U.S. Department of Agriculture 364
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service 73
U. S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. National Organic Program 57, 396
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service 201
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 160, 362
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service 209
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cooperative State Research Service 346
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Economic Research Service 181, 189, 216, 241, 384, 385
U.S. Department of Agriculture. National Agricultural Library. Aquaculture Information Center. 362
U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA Study Team on Organic Farming 393
U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Division of Congressional and Legislative Affairs 378
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 362
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center 349
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water 256
U.S. Food and Drug Administration 362
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition 379
U.S. Japan Meeting on Aquaculture. Yoshoku Kenkyujo. Japan. Suisancho. 308
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 364
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Coastal Services Center 366, 367
U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. National Marine Fisheries Service 231
UK Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Organic Farming and Industrial Crops Division 109
Ulery, Susan 95
United Nations. Office of Legal Affairs. Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea 383
United States Congress 74
United States Congress. House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment 228
United States Congress. Office of Technology Assessment 293
United States Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture 236

van Gorder, Steven 273
Van Houtte, Anne R. 374
Vaquedano, J. 204
Variyam, Jayachandran N. 152
Veal, C.D. 357
Viswanathan, K. K. 147
Von der Geest, E. 328
Vosseler, D. 134

Wada, Nikolas 155, 175
Wallis, Paul 177
Wang, Guichun 4
Wang, Xiaorong 4
Ward, Trevor J. 142
Warner, R. R. 319
Warriss, P. D. 151
Washington Fish Growers Association 99
Webster, C. D. 202, 227
Wessells, Cathy R. 129, 146, 159, 176, 177
White, Kathryn 291
White, P. 315
Whole Foods Market 58
Wijkström, U. 234
Wild Aquatic Species Working Group 103
Wiliams, Susan L. 282
Willer, Helga 395
Williams, D. 154
Williams, J. E. 161
Williams, Ken 2
Williams, M. 325
Willmann, Rolf 141, 177, 329
Wilson, Charles A. 364
Wirth, F. F. 309, 376
Wongso, Suwidji 203
Woodward, Colin 313
World Aquaculture Society 190
Worm, Boris 331
Wright, S. 168

Xie, Biao 4
Young, J. A 135, 337
Youngson, A. F. 316
Yussefi, Minou 395
Zamora, R. 204
Zhang, Y. 4
Zweig, Ronald 342

Subject Index

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accreditation 377
advertising 137
Aeromonas salmonicida 280
Africa 67, 354, 375, 381
agricultural chemicals 362
agricultural economics 31, 168, 181, 189
agricultural law 360
agriculture 34, 54, 322
agroecology 23
Alaska 51, 59, 148
algae 28, 62, 67, 95, 102, 267
algae culture 105, 275
alligators 256
alternative marketing 183
amino acids 314
ammonia 275
ammonium nitrogen 254
Anguilla 227
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 362
animal diseases 202, 292, 359
animal drugs 104, 106, 107, 160, 280, 317, 362
animal health 45, 55, 56, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 75, 82, 85, 98, 101, 106, 112, 117, 119, 123, 160, 201, 330
animal husbandry 71, 115, 123
animal introduction 297
animal nutrition 26, 84, 92, 98, 100, 101, 106, 121, 191, 201, 202, 208, 227, 259
animal production 111, 168
animal products 370, 371
animal welfare 26, 27, 35, 45, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 66, 75, 85, 98, 100, 104, 106, 107, 111, 133, 201
antibiotics 45, 68, 160, 280, 283, 296, 358
aquacultural and fisheries economics 11, 22, 40, 108, 125, 127, 132, 138, 150, 153, 163, 164, 168, 172, 175, 188, 215, 220, 222, 224, 225, 234, 235, 237, 255, 256, 342, 345, 375, 381
aquacultural engineering 257
aquaculture 54, 82, 107, 115, 127, 132, 138, 154, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 176, 190, 193, 200, 201, 205, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 227, 232, 234, 236, 238, 241, 246, 257, 258, 262, 264, 267, 272, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 330, 332, 333, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 347, 348, 349, 354, 356, 357, 360, 362, 363, 365, 368, 369, 371, 374, 375, 376
aquaculture administration 381
aquaculture development 22, 132, 155, 161, 175, 191, 224, 230, 234, 249, 302, 327, 329, 345
aquaculture effluents 238, 313, 349
aquaculture industry 5, 9, 12, 22, 125, 126, 127, 128, 138, 188, 214, 215, 222, 224, 235, 253, 256, 257, 285, 287, 289, 309, 311, 312, 321, 323, 345, 346, 352, 364, 380, 381
aquaculture management 28, 56, 64, 106, 107, 117, 119, 123, 128, 187, 198, 203, 234, 245, 271, 314, 315, 327, 334, 338, 340, 341, 343
aquaculture products 30, 135, 150, 178, 183, 201, 206, 211, 230
aquaculture regulations 30, 192, 235, 317, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 358, 359, 366, 367, 372, 380
aquaculture systems 9, 46, 55, 62, 106, 113, 117, 119, 121, 201, 206, 239, 240, 250, 251, 252, 255, 256, 265, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276
aquaculture techniques 3, 16, 32, 206, 249, 272
aquaponics 239, 240, 259, 266, 339
aquarium culture 134
aquatic animals 11, 12, 14, 18, 34, 49, 52, 53, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 91, 96, 98, 100, 160, 168, 227, 306, 360, 368, 375
aquatic ecology 60, 298
aquatic organisms 11, 85, 89, 227, 306
aquatic plants 87, 91, 96, 105, 160, 270
aquatic produce 11, 168
artificial feeding 199
artisanal fisheries 354
Asia 360, 368
Atlantic herring 148
Atlantic mackerel 148
Atlantic salmon 131, 195, 227
Atriplex barclayana 254
Australia 29, 104, 105, 112, 148, 302, 351
Azolla filiculoides 344

bacteria 280, 292, 296, 379
bacterial diseases 280, 283, 292, 358
baitfish 256
Bangladesh 154
baseline studies 206
bass 227, 252, 256
behavior modification 137
best management practices 288
bioaccumulation 45, 107, 113, 208, 328, 379
biological filtration 254, 259, 267, 268, 273, 275
biological products 362
biomass production 275
books 115, 180
botanical treatment systems 344
brackish water 165
breeding 55, 64, 68, 117, 119, 123, 192
British Columbia 45, 120, 126, 156
brood stocks 192
byproducts 314

cages 46, 61, 70, 99, 119, 195, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 256, 276, 313
California 34
Canada 41, 313, 351, 353
Caribbean 249
carnivores 84, 92, 123, 197, 322, 331
carp 1, 119, 123, 163, 227, 273
case studies 185, 343, 375
catfish 138, 183, 215, 220, 250, 256, 273
Cerastoderma edule 148
certification 12, 15, 59, 134, 145, 146, 153, 154, 178, 185, 288, 370, 377, 382
Chanos chanos 227
chemical control 283
chemical properties 272, 305
Chile 351
China 220
Chrysophrys auratus 227, 306
Chrysophrys major 227
climate change 319
Clupea harengus 148
coastal areas 232, 319, 340, 366, 367
coastal open water based systems 267
coastal zone management 318, 355, 367
code of practice 288, 315
codes of conduct 288
color additives 362
comfrey 28
commodity consumption projections 152
conflict 232
Congresses 13, 32, 52, 53, 75, 190, 205, 225, 233, 278, 287, 308, 310, 333, 341, 346, 377
constructed wetlands 344
construction 242, 250, 255, 357
consumer attitudes 17, 40, 129, 130, 135, 137, 158, 178, 289
consumer preferences 129, 133, 136, 137, 146, 153, 159, 176, 184, 197, 237, 315, 335
consumer protection 18, 59, 141, 142, 187
consumer surveys 129, 152, 159
continuous cropping 267
cost benefit analysis 232
costs 170, 235, 245, 295, 386, 391, 392
crabs 202
cranberries 252
crayfish 202, 256
crop production 115, 387
culture tanks 206
Cyprinus 119

data reduction 319
decision making 129, 337
demography 129, 136, 153, 158, 237
design 28, 255, 265, 268, 269, 270, 357
developing countries 147, 149
diadromous fishes 227
Dicentrarchus labrax 227
diets 68, 78, 84, 97, 101, 104, 105, 152, 165, 193, 196, 199, 206, 208, 210
disease control 195, 217, 255, 259, 270, 271, 296, 358, 379
disease resistance 192, 202, 283
disease transmission 360
dissolved gas 259, 269, 271, 273
domestication 192
drinking water 280
drug resistance 280, 296, 358
duckweed 206

ecolabelling 14, 18, 130, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 148, 149, 159, 177, 182, 185, 291, 312, 377, 382
ecological management 23, 45, 145, 234, 291, 331
ecology 60, 143, 144, 232, 295
economic analysis 22, 45, 129, 133, 135, 136, 139, 145, 181, 221, 237, 245, 256, 326, 337, 357
economic development 326, 337, 342
economic impact 19, 23, 232, 340, 371
economics 125, 127, 138, 161, 170, 176, 179, 215, 216, 217, 219, 228, 241, 255, 267, 299, 309, 329, 368, 373, 384, 385, 386, 387, 391, 392, 395
ecosystem management 161, 298
ecosystems 86, 229, 281, 340
Ecuador 32, 33, 211, 283
effluents 75, 99, 254, 275, 277, 288
Elodea nuttallii 344
energy 295
England 34, 146, 148
environmental aspects 19, 23, 35, 36, 45, 62, 68, 86, 94, 106, 160, 198, 203, 213, 221, 225, 278, 279, 282, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 297, 299, 301, 302, 304, 307, 308, 311, 314, 318, 320, 321, 323, 324, 332, 333, 334, 338, 341, 343, 346, 352, 359
environmental impact 4, 5, 27, 44, 70, 132, 154, 175, 219, 232, 280, 281, 289, 300, 301, 305, 306, 313, 315, 319, 323, 325, 326, 330, 337, 340, 368, 382
environmental management 33, 277, 307, 309, 336, 344
environmental protection 134, 140, 146, 185, 263, 277, 281, 288, 289, 315, 326, 335, 336, 340, 367, 381
Environmental Protection Agency 317, 349, 362
equipment 265, 268
ethics 295, 315
Europe 1, 6, 15, 21, 31, 34, 72, 108, 110, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 135, 167, 168, 186, 187, 205, 222, 230, 285, 301, 306, 351, 358, 359, 403
eutrophication 321
evapotranspiration 254
excretion 275
externalities 232

farmer’s markets 189
fatty acids 191
feed composition 6, 37, 71, 84, 97, 106, 165, 187, 191, 193, 199, 200, 322, 328
feeds 6, 7, 9, 14, 29, 37, 45, 46, 55, 56, 61, 64, 66, 75, 76, 82, 85, 87, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 100, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 117, 119, 121, 123, 196, 197, 207, 223, 227, 244, 255, 271, 273, 314, 315, 322, 328, 362
fingerlings 2
fish 11, 166, 180, 219, 245, 292, 294, 295, 306, 346, 370, 371, 377
fish culture 1, 2, 11, 43, 68, 76, 82, 105, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 131, 151, 161, 166, 167, 168, 170, 174, 176, 192, 199, 200, 202, 206, 213, 233, 238, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 254, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 266, 267, 271, 272, 274, 275, 280, 288, 294, 298, 320, 348, 356, 363, 375
fish diseases 202, 217, 271, 319, 358
fish meal 5, 20, 25, 70, 71, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 99, 119, 121, 191, 200, 207, 219, 223, 314, 322
fish oils 20, 70, 92, 119, 191, 193, 200, 207
fish products 87, 88, 89, 97, 137, 377
fish stress 45, 104, 106, 107, 243, 244, 271
fisheries 11, 22, 43, 92, 97, 99, 140, 147, 161, 168, 185, 219, 229, 232, 295, 319, 348, 354, 355, 361, 370, 373, 374, 377, 381
fishery industry 13, 90, 142, 149, 182, 185, 212, 223, 256, 356, 363
fishery management 141, 145, 146, 147, 148, 161, 177, 185, 231, 234, 279, 295, 331, 348, 354, 356, 361, 363, 377, 381
fishery policy 279, 348, 354, 359, 366, 367, 381
fishery products 59, 74, 82, 92, 103, 146, 147, 148, 149, 155, 167, 175, 182, 370, 371
fishery resources 11, 12, 14, 47, 48, 51, 54, 58, 75, 84, 94, 97, 98, 121, 148, 185, 188, 193, 231, 234, 300, 312, 331, 354
fishing rights 354, 371
Florida 294
flounder 227
fodder crops 254
food additives 45, 106, 107, 115, 253, 359
Food and Drug Administration 317, 349, 362, 379
food chain 43
food commodity transition database 152
food consumption 129, 152, 155, 175
food economics 11, 136, 158, 168, 178
food poisoning 280, 332, 379
food processing 18, 105, 107, 112, 115, 117, 119, 123, 168, 359
food production 34, 253, 270, 295
food quality 4, 131, 140, 151, 154, 159, 185, 315, 379, 386, 392
food safety 45, 280, 332, 379, 386, 392
food security 19, 23, 379
foods 178, 382
France 7, 10, 178, 187, 311
freshwater aquaculture 30, 199, 230, 305
freshwater fish 119, 165, 194, 227, 256, 272, 280, 344
fuel oils 295

Gadus morhua 146
GATT 179
genetics 14, 45, 64, 68, 75, 97, 104, 191, 192, 201, 312, 316
Germany 114, 139
giant river prawn 154
giant tiger prawn 154
government institutions 65, 78, 83, 256, 289, 351, 357, 366, 376
government policy 15, 16, 20, 58, 61, 73, 77, 80, 81, 86, 100, 150, 155, 165, 175, 198, 222, 226, 228, 234, 279, 316, 321, 336, 345, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 359, 364, 366, 367, 379, 381, 390, 401, 402, 403, 404
Gracilaria confertaalgae 275
growth rate 192, 244, 254, 275
guidelines 288, 377, 379
Guinea 354

halibut 227
Haliotis discus 275
halophytes 254
handling 115, 154, 244
harvesting 27, 105, 112, 119, 123, 203, 245
health knowledge 152
history 113, 132, 173, 213, 214, 219, 256, 301, 336, 390, 396, 403
human diseases 283
human ecology 263
human nutrition 132, 152, 386, 391, 392
hydraulic structures 44, 272
hydroponics 239, 240, 259, 266, 270

Ictalurus punctatus 11, 227
India 343
Indonesia 32, 203
inland fisheries 257, 272
integrated aquaculture 194, 258, 259, 266, 267, 270, 274, 275, 291, 339
integrated coastal management 340
intensive culture 194, 220, 258, 267, 275, 281, 322
international agreements 140, 141, 147, 316, 382, 383
international comparisons 22, 32, 159, 234, 395, 399, 402, 404
international law 118, 141, 350, 351, 353, 361, 383
international organizations 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 25, 32, 33, 36, 47, 52, 53, 68, 72, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 163, 164, 171, 172, 173, 174, 185, 186, 188, 253, 327, 356, 363, 398, 399, 400
international relations 141, 336, 354, 382
international trade 11, 15, 23, 140, 141, 178, 222, 342
introduced species 45, 61, 282, 363
Ireland 1, 72, 198, 210
irrigation 44, 254, 368
Italy 108

Japan 118, 360
Jasus verreauxi 146

labelling 11, 12, 115, 129, 133, 140, 141, 143, 144, 153, 159, 178, 180, 185, 359, 370, 377, 382, 387, 398
land policy 368
land use 368
Lates calcarifer 227
law of the sea 354, 356, 367, 370, 371, 383
laws and regulations 36, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 73, 74, 81, 98, 110, 141, 147, 158, 181, 183, 189, 277, 279, 280, 282, 288, 302, 309, 315, 317, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 389, 391, 396, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404
legal rights 354, 371
Lemna 206
Lepeophtheirus salmonis 195
Lepomis macrochirus 227
levees 250, 294
literature reviews 267, 277, 296, 337
livestock 12, 44, 54, 60, 63, 66, 71, 82, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 138, 168, 181, 189, 220
lobsters 202, 256

Macrobrachium rosenbergii 154
Macruronus novaezelandiae 148
Maine 221
mangroves 25, 117
mariculture 119, 226, 228, 235, 256, 267, 312, 313, 314, 316, 320, 321, 334, 345
marine biology 319
marine biotechnology 228, 293
marine environment 7, 25, 227, 229, 279, 305, 319, 336, 366, 367
marine fish 7, 134, 165, 219, 227, 313, 335, 363
marine fisheries 148, 235, 279, 300, 316, 336, 345, 379, 382
marine mineral resources 336, 355
marine resources conservation 279, 327, 335
maritime law 279, 336, 366, 367, 373
market competition 11, 15, 178
marketing 2, 11, 23, 30, 37, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 148, 149, 150, 157, 165, 166, 168, 171, 174, 176, 178, 181, 183, 185, 216, 230, 235, 245, 371, 384
markets 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 29, 31, 32, 40, 45, 127, 133, 139, 153, 156, 158, 167, 172, 185, 203, 210, 215, 359, 387, 402
Massachusetts 208
meat production 168, 220
Micropterus salmoides 227
Minnesota 43
models 137, 357
mollusc culture 14, 47, 64, 69, 84, 98, 101, 105, 122, 124, 138, 169, 213, 215, 256, 267, 275, 291, 371
monitoring 154, 315, 344, 356
mussels 1, 119, 122, 124, 371

Nasturtium officinale 344
natural resource conservation 133, 134, 312, 315, 336, 354, 367
natural resources 60, 235, 378
New Jersey 40
New Zealand 107, 122, 124, 148, 169, 351
nitrate nitrogen 254, 269, 271, 273
North America 232, 351
Norway 351
nutrient uptake 254
nutrients 67, 70, 76, 199, 227, 238, 270, 275, 281

oilseed plants 254
Oklahoma 2
Oncorhynchus 146, 148
Oreochromis 206
organic aquaculture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 75, 78, 84, 85, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 130, 131, 135, 156, 162, 163, 164, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 186, 187, 188, 196, 197, 198, 203, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211, 291
organic certification 1, 2, 3, 11, 14, 16, 20, 21, 27, 32, 33, 37, 41, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 67, 74, 75, 81, 86, 92, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 136, 158, 163, 164, 165, 167, 171, 172, 173, 174, 181, 186, 187, 188, 189, 203, 386, 387, 389, 391, 392, 395, 396, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404
organic foods 11, 13, 16, 17, 31, 115, 136, 157, 158, 166, 168, 181, 184, 389, 390, 398
organic production 4, 11, 19, 23, 34, 45, 49, 50, 54, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 108, 109, 110, 114, 115, 118, 131, 165, 166, 168, 170, 173, 181, 188, 189, 204, 263, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404
origin 45, 56, 106, 111, 117, 119
ornamental fish 134, 138, 215, 256, 280
overexploitation 43, 70, 193, 229, 231, 331, 335
overfishing 225, 231, 295, 319, 331
oysters 169, 371

Pagrus aurata 227, 275, 305
Pagrus major 227
Panulirus cygnus 148
Paralichthys olivaceus 227
parasites 45
pathogens 280, 283, 296, 315, 358, 379
Penaeus monodon 154
perch 29, 227
Peru 15
pest control 259, 270
pesticides 317, 362, 391
phytoplankton 258, 267
pollution 88, 193, 321
pollution control 28, 277
polyculture 262, 273, 291, 340
ponds 28, 29, 112, 117, 119, 123, 138, 205, 235, 247, 250, 252, 255, 256, 257, 260, 265, 272, 288, 294, 298, 357
postharvest technology 356
prawns 154, 202, 203, 280
predation 45
problem analysis 243, 247
property rights 375
prophylaxis 296
proteins 26, 71, 87, 88, 91, 92, 96, 196, 199, 200, 207, 314
public health 27, 44, 88, 132, 154, 179, 206, 221, 280, 283, 317, 328, 330, 332, 336, 359, 379
purchasing 133, 146, 159
pyrethrins 195

quality control 30, 34, 37, 141, 151, 154, 178, 180, 187, 315, 379

raceways 255, 256
rainbow trout 227
rapeseed oil 191
recirculating systems 194, 238, 249, 251, 256, 259, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 291
recreation 161
research 22, 40, 181, 189, 190, 194, 201, 209, 228, 229, 251, 252, 273, 336, 356, 359, 394
resource utilization 5, 232, 337
rural development 23, 232
Russia 222

Salicornia bigelovii 254
salinity 254
salmon 1, 8, 17, 25, 27, 119, 135, 137, 138, 156, 161, 163, 167, 170, 171, 208, 215, 219, 220, 227, 232, 256, 312, 313, 316, 328
salmon culture 35, 37, 45, 72, 106, 174, 195, 210, 221, 325
Salvelinus alpinus 227
Scandinavia 320
Sciaenops ocellatus 227
Scomber scombrus 148
Scotland 351
sea bass 7, 316
sea bream 7, 108, 305, 316
seafoods 11, 15, 31, 58, 74, 84, 97, 129, 130, 143, 144, 151, 153, 159, 162, 184, 185, 186, 212, 235, 237, 313, 332, 335, 379
seaweed culture 105, 249, 253, 267
Seriola quinqueradiata 227
shadefish 7
shellfish 20, 153, 164, 178, 180, 187, 256, 371
shellfish culture 47, 68, 82, 84, 90, 107, 154, 213, 283, 371
shrimp 25, 119, 138, 164, 196, 202, 203, 215, 219, 220, 256, 343
shrimp culture 1, 4, 32, 33, 117, 154, 202, 204, 211, 283, 288, 325, 369
shrimp fisheries 343
site selection 64, 100, 247, 250, 272, 357
small-scale fisheries 233
sociological aspects 44, 115, 151, 175, 203, 225, 291, 312, 340, 367, 371
sociology 11, 34
soil quality 272
solar energy 274
solid waste 269, 271
South America 351
South East Asia 368
Spain 305, 306
Sparus aurata 275
Sparus auratus 306
species selection 235, 255, 259, 273, 276
Spirulina 62, 67, 95, 102
standards 2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 27, 32, 35, 36, 37, 41, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 130, 140, 151, 154, 163, 164, 168, 170, 172, 173, 182, 185, 186, 188, 288, 377, 398, 402, 403, 404
statistics 138, 181, 188, 215, 220, 222, 236, 385, 395
stock assessment 141, 161, 231
stocking rate 27, 29, 248, 255, 259, 271, 297
sturgeons 227
Suaeda esteroa 254
sustainability 43, 132, 178, 185, 201, 232, 275, 277, 289, 291, 295, 300, 301, 326, 337, 339, 342, 348, 360, 375, 381, 382
sustainable fisheries 139, 140, 148, 177, 229, 279, 336, 339, 340, 341, 370, 377
Sweden 106
Switzerland 111, 123, 184

Taiwan 162
territorial waters 355
Thailand 32
Thunnus maccoyii 227
tilapia 138, 172, 206, 215, 227, 256, 266, 273
trade 127, 141, 179, 188, 215, 356
transgenic fish 321
trout 1, 10, 38, 39, 119, 138, 163, 173, 187, 256
turbot 187

Ulva lactuca 275
United Kingdom 16, 21, 27, 36, 37, 38, 109, 113, 144, 168, 170, 173, 174, 198, 365, 392
United States 11, 16, 17, 42, 55, 61, 127, 138, 148, 161, 165, 186, 206, 212, 214, 215, 220, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 236, 237, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 279, 282, 286, 289, 293, 309, 310, 313, 317, 321, 324, 336, 345, 346, 347, 349, 351, 355, 362, 364, 366, 367, 372, 376, 378, 379, 380, 388, 390, 393
United States Department of Agriculture 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 158, 167, 172, 181, 201, 209, 216, 241, 317, 362, 372, 384, 385, 387, 389, 390, 391, 394, 396, 397, 401

vaccines 217, 317
Vibrio cholerae 283
Vietnam 11, 15, 368
Virginia 206

Wales 34, 148
Washington 99
waste disposal 287, 323
waste management 45, 46, 75, 112, 255, 259, 268, 269, 288, 349
waste utilization 238, 275
wastes 238, 315
wastewater treatment 44, 238, 254, 275, 281, 344, 349
water management 44, 113, 250, 255, 259, 272, 315
water pollution 45, 76, 277, 279, 305, 306, 307, 313, 325, 336, 337, 349, 379
water quality 44, 112, 117, 119, 123, 217, 247, 266, 269, 272, 277, 288, 305, 306, 319, 344, 346, 391
water quality management 29, 55, 64, 104, 107, 132, 256, 259, 271, 273, 287, 294, 307, 336, 349
water resources 368
water reuse 275
water rights 221, 232, 371
water treatment 238, 265, 268
water uptake 254
water use efficiency 254
watersheds 161
waterways 232
wetlands 344
World Trade Organization 179

Xiphias gladius 146
yields 146, 219, 275

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