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National Board of Directors

The policies carried out by the National Ground Water Association are established by the NGWA Board of Directors, which consists of elected NGWA members, 16 with voting rights and three observers, all of whom are actively involved in the ground water industry.


The board establishes policies, elects the officers of NGWA, fills vacancies that may occur within the year, and works closely with the NGWA executive director on issues relating to the business of NGWA. Board members are elected for one-year terms that run from each annual NGWA Ground Water Expo to the next. All terms for officers are one year in duration or until a successor is elected. Officer terms may be concurrent with director terms. Director terms may vary in length, depending upon division.

There are also four divisional boards representing NGWA's membership: AGWSE Division Board of Directors, Contractors Division Board of Directors, Manufacturers Division Board of Directors, and Suppliers Division Board of Directors. These boards are charged with the oversight of their respective membership divisions. The boards set policies, monitor pertinent issues, and ensure that membership in the division is worthwhile and valuable to its members. Like the NGWA board, division board members are elected by their peers.

View additional information on the rewards and benefits of serving as a director.

NGWA Board of Directors staff liaison:

Kevin McCray, CAE, 800 551.7379 (614 898.7791), ext. 503


Officers of the 2008 NGWA Board of Directors:

Scott Fowler, CWD/PI — President

Alan Eades, CWD/PI — President-Elect

Art Becker, CWD — Secretary

John Pitz, CPI — Treasurer

Brent Murray, PG — AGWSE Division Chair

Jack Henrich, MGWC — Contractors Division Chair

Rich Clarke — Manufacturers Division Chair

Mark Husnick, CSP — Suppliers Division Chair


AGWSE Division Board of Directors:

Bev Herzog, CGWP

Richard Laton (observer)


Contractors Division Board of Directors:

Griffin Crosby Jr., CWD/PI

Terry Farago

Dan Meyer, MGWC

Richard Thron, MGWC

Loyd Watson, MGWC (immediate past president)


Manufacturers Division Board of Directors:

Chip Nelson

John Christ (observer)


Suppliers Division Board of Directors:

Jim Paulhus

Ron Brillhart (observer)