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Scientist and engineer membership benefits

Your scientist and engineer benefits...

AGWSE division membership dues

Individual — $110

Company (includes 3 members*) — $290

Student — $25

* Additional members may be added to a company membership for $85 each.


Members receive free subscriptions to the award-winning NGWA publications Ground Water® and Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation®, and the e-newsletter, AGWSE Newszine.


Increase your knowledge and expertise with these NGWA educational opportunities:
  • Interaction with industry leaders through conferences, short courses, and field study
  • NGWA interest groups, shaping ground water issues today
  • Access to our continually growing database currently containing more than 17,000 ground water literature citations from current, as well as past, NGWA publications and conference proceedings
  • Access to buyers guides, which help you find the highest-quality contractors and suppliers for your business or project
  • The knowledge that NGWA is representing your best interests in educating lawmakers on current legislation.

Career development

Enhance your resume and promote yourself with NGWA career tools:

Added value

Members receive access and special discounts on a variety of items, such as:

  • Business insurance, including environmental, general liability, and equipment/property coverage at competitive rates
  • Personal insurance coverage at competitive rates including home, property, and health for you and your employees
  • Branded credit card, shipping services, and more available through exclusive member programs from NGWA partners.