Southern Regional Water Program

Research, Extension & Education Water Quality Programs through the Land Grant University System

Training in Natural Stream Channel Design, Wetland Restoration and Riparian Protection

success_nscd01.jpgNatural stream functions in many areas of the South are threatened by changes in watershed hydrology and land use, often resulting in unstable streams with poor habitat and water quality. Compensatory mitigation programs administered by state and federal agencies require state-of-the-art technologies for watershed restoration planning, design, construction and evaluation. Extension is a leader in providing education to natural resource professionals on effective techniques for natural stream channel design, wetland restoration and riparian protection. The Watershed Restoration Program coordinates regional efforts in technology development, training, and information sharing to promote effective restoration in impaired watersheds.

success_nscd02.jpgTo date, over 1200 natural resource professionals have participated in 30 workshops in 16 locations in 8 southern region states (NC, AL, SC, GA, FL, MS, TN, KY). Over 30 demonstration projects are complete, with funding provided by USDA, US EPA, state agencies, and local watershed organizations. The educational program has resulted in changes in state and federal policy regarding stream mitigation to emphasize a more effective natural channel design approach. Mitigation projects are being designed and permitted to result in stable functioning streams based on the increased professional understanding of stream restoration techniques. Over $3 million, including funding provided by USEPA, state agencies, and local watershed organizations to design and construct demonstration projects has been leveraged by $100,000 in Section 406 funding from 2000-2004.

For more information, please contact Greg Jennings.

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