United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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5. Technology Transfer

Technology transfer in urban soils occurs on two levels:

  1. attaining proficiency in the NASIS system for use of the national soil survey database 
  2. transferring the scientific knowledge of soil processes and the observations of soil behavior to the general public in a format that makes sense to them

Training in the NASIS interpretations generator module is available through soil survey offices in each state, targeting USDA-NRCS soil scientists and their counterparts in other disciplines. This training includes:

  • setting fuzzy logic risk gradients,
  • recommending and populating new soil data elements, and
  • the crucial documenting of the replaceable scientific basis for estimating soil behavior.

Transferring the scientific knowledge and memory bank of observed soil behavior requires a network with NRCS institutes, NGO programs, and with customers who represent state and local priorities for urban soil use and management. Urban soil survey joins traditional soil surveys in needing to recognize low-input, sustainable, organic, labor-intensive, profitable, nutritious, and decorative options for landuse.

Next item - 6. Multicultural Context