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Society of Wood Science and Technology





    SWST, Your Professional Society, is Pledged To:

  • Develop and maintain the unique body of knowledge distinctive to wood science and technology.

  • Encourage the communication and use of this knowledge.

  • Promote policies and procedures which assure the wise use of wood and wood-based products.

  • Assure high standards for professional performance of wood scientists and technologists.

  • Foster educational programs at all levels of Wood Science and Technology and further the quality of such programs.

  • Represent the profession in public policy development.


Our Vision: To be the world leader in advancing the profession of wood science.

Our Mission: To provide service to SWST members; to develop, maintain, and promulgate the educational, scientific, and ethical standards that define the profession; and to advocate the socially responsible production use of wood and lignocellulosic products.







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