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New Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We've added a Frequently Asked Questions page to address many of the questions AITC receives concerning glulam. If you have a suggestion for this page please contact Jeff Linville.

AITC Makes Continuing Education More Affordable!
AITC has just reduced our fees to develop and present IACET Continuing Eduction courses. Please contact Jeff Linville to make arrangements for one of the 2 courses already developed, or Jeff can develop a course to meet the needs of your organization.

See the Continuing Education page for further information.

AITC 405-2008 Has Completed the ANSI Consensus Process!
The Standard for Adhesives for Use in Structural Glued Laminated Timber, AITC 405-2008, has been approved as an American National Standard by the American National Standards Institute with 100% consensus approval! This standard outlines the minimum performance requirements for adhesives used in glulam. AITC 405-2008 is available for purchase on the Publications page.
Thanks to all those who participated in the consensus process!

AITC Gains ALSC Accreditation!
The American Lumber Standards Committee has approved AITC as a provider of supervisory service to lumber manufacturers who manufacture lumber and glued lumber (which is different than glulam). AITC can begin providing services to lumber manufacturers right away giving them the ability to stamp lumber products with a grade mark containing the AITC logo:

AITC is THE symbol of quality.

Frequently Asked Questions


ANSI Standards Development


About Glulam


Continuing Education

Certified Fabricator Program
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