May 2008 Archive

UF researchers make strides to improve liver surgery

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A new study reveals patients with liver cancer who have no other treatment options might benefit from more aggressive operations once considered too risky, report University of Florida scientists, who also published research this month yielding insight into ways to protect the liver during surgery.

Filed under Health, Research on Thursday, May 29, 2008.

UF expert says with hurricane season approaching, citizen response teams need volunteers

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Southern states most often wracked by hurricanes are ahead of the nation when it comes to preparing citizens to help in a disaster, but there are still plenty of volunteer gaps that need to be filled, a University of Florida researcher says.

Filed under Florida, Research on Thursday, May 29, 2008.

Miami Herald: Lou Guillette

Zoology professor Lou Guillette was quoted in a May 29 Miami Herald story about the potential use of alligator blood as an antibiotic.

Filed under UF In The News on Thursday, May 29, 2008.

ABC News: Wendy Graham, Sanford Berg

Wendy Graham, director of the UF Water Institute, and Sanford Berg, director of water studies for the Public Utility Research Center, were quoted in a May 29 ABC News story about the extravagant use of water by some Floridians. The quotes were the result of a News Bureau referral.

Filed under UF In The News on Thursday, May 29, 2008.

Associated Press: George Burgess

Shark expert George Burgess’ work at the site of several shark attacks in Mexico was cited in a May 29 Associated Press story.

Filed under UF In The News on Thursday, May 29, 2008.

Genetic pesticide developed in UF lab

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Each year in the United States, termites gnaw away more than $1 billion in structural damage despite an ever growing array of insect control techniques. In this battle, the next generation of weapons could target the termite’s very genes.

Filed under Environment, Florida, Research on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.

Environment News Service: Michael Scharf

Entomologist Michael Scharf was quoted in a May 28 Environment News Service story about UF’s development of a pesticide that alters the DNA of termites. The story was the result of a news release.

Filed under UF In The News on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.

Miami Herald: Chris McCarty

Chris McCarty, director of the Survey Research Center, was quoted in a May 28 Miami Herald story about the drop in Florida’s consumer confidence in May. The story was the result of a news release.

Filed under UF In The News on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.

New York Times: Linda Bartoshuk

Linda Bartoshuk, a professor in UF’s Center for Smell and Taste, was quoted in a May 28 New York Times story about a berry called miracle fruit that makes different foods taste exceptionally better.

Filed under UF In The News on Wednesday, May 28, 2008.

Consumer Gloom

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All those tax stimulus checks haven’t done much to stimulate consumer confidence in the sunshine state this month. Here’s UF researcher Chris McCarty.

Filed under Audio on Tuesday, May 27, 2008.