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Explanation and Instructions

"Dividends From Wood Research" is a semiannual listing of recent publications resulting from wood utilization research at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL). These publications are produced to encourage and facilitate application of Forest Service research. This issue lists publications received between January 1 and June 30.

Each publication listed in this brochure is available through at least one of the following sources.

Available from FPL (indicated by an order number before the title of the publication): Quantities limited. Order by sending the item number and your complete mailing address.

Available through Internet: Listed publications are available as PDF documents for viewing or printing through links provided in this document.

Available through sales outlets: Major sales outlets are the Superintendent of Documents, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), and various private publishers. Order directly from the outlet.

Available through libraries: Research publications are available through many public and university libraries in the United States and elsewhere. U.S. Government publications are also available through many Government Depository Libraries. Check with a major library near you to determine availability.

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Dividends from Wood Research


Decay Processes and Bioprocessing



Papermaking and Paper Recycling

Properties and Use of Wood, Composite, and Fiber Products

Recycling of Wood Products

Surface Chemistry

Timber and Fiber Demand and Technology Assessment

Wood Anatomy

Wood Chemistry


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