WWW Computer Program for Adjusting Mechanical Properties of Dimension Lumber for Changes in Moisture Content

Lumber strength properties vary with changes in moisture content. This program allows you to predict a property (P2) of dimension lumber at a target moisture content (MC2) given that you know the value of the property (P1) at an initial moisture content (MC1). Properties and models for which this program provides estimates include:

You may choose either of the following methods of running the program:
The following information is also available:

Download Fortran Source Code

For further information on the moisture content adjustment program, contact James Evans or call him at (608) 231-9332.

For problems with this web page, please contact Vicki Herian or (608) 231-9236.

[Forest Service] [Forest Products Lab] [FPL Statistics Unit] [ASTM Allowable Properties Programs Page]

Last modified on 9/00.

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