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Tools for Developing a Feed Management Plan

Last Updated: July 25, 2008 Related resource areas: Animal Manure Management

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National Feed Management Education Project Resources

Whole Farm Balance Estimation Tools/Nutrient Planning Tools

  • Feed Nutrient Management Planning Economics FNMP$ Spreadsheet | Instructions is a tool to help calculate how changes in ration will impact manure nutrients, and manure application costs.
  • Manure Management Planner is a Windows-based computer program developed at Purdue University used to create manure management plans for crop and animal feeding operations.
  • AFOProTM is a standalone nutrient management planning tool with optional connections to GIS (ArcMap© and ArcView©) and the NRCS’s Animal Waste Management (v 2.0.2 or higher) engineering software. The application allows the user to plan manure and commercial fertilizer allocation decisions
  • Nutrient Inventory estimates for an animal feeding operation manure nutrients excreted by animal feeding (based upon the new ASABE standard), available nutrients after losses, and land requirement for agronomic application rates. (from the University of Nebraska)
    • An archived video [mms://] on using the new ASABE Manure Standard with Nutrient Planning and introduces the new standard and impact of feed ration on excretion. (60 minutes)
  • Manure Utilization Planner, a spreadsheet developed by the University of Nebraska
  • Estimating Excretion of Manure and Nutrients Based on Feed Parameters (Fact Sheet)

also see: Software and Web-Based Resources for Nutrient Management

Resources Available for Planning

  • Technical Service Provider Tech Reg website by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

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