Volunteering in America

Corporation for National & Community Service
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How We Volunteer

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In The Spotlight

  • How do volunteers find the time?

    Volunteers trade off more than an hour a day of TV watching, on average, to engage in service. New study shows that adults who have never volunteered spend an average of 436 more hours per year watching TV than adults who volunteer.

  • News on Long Distance Volunteers

    First-ever national study of "Voluntourism" (long-distance volunteering) in the U.S. finds that in the Gulf area visiting volunteers significantly bolster disaster recovery efforts, supplying one in four of the total volunteers in Mississippi in 2007 and one in five in Louisiana.

  • Pro Bono Service: It's not just for lawyers

    New research shows that unlike legal professionals, volunteers rarely use their occupational skills when they serve. See a press release about the Corporation’s unveiling of the new Pro Bono Campaign designed to capitalize on volunteers' work place skills.

Facts about volunteering

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How many people volunteered in America in 2007?
In 2007, 60.8 million volunteers performed 8.1 billions hours of service.
Which state ranks ##1 in Volunteering?
With a volunteer rate of 43.9%, Utah is the top ranking state in the nation for volunteering. Utah also ranks ##1 in volunteer hours, with the average volunteer serving 81.3 hours per year.
What large city ranks ##1 in volunteering?
With a volunter rate of 40.5%, Minneapolis-St. Paul is the top-ranking major city in the nation for volunteer rates.
True or False: Women volunteer more than men.
It is true in 2007 that women volunteered at a rate of 30.6% and men volunteered at a rate of 23.6%. The "Typical" volunteer tends to be female, married, working, and has children.
What group has the highest volunteer rate?
On average, Baby Boomers have the highest volunteer rate of 31.2%. Average volunteer rates for the other categories are: Young Adults ages 16-24 years old-22.3%; College Students-27.4%; and older adults ages 65 and older-24.2%.
How much is your volunteer time worth?
The Independent Sector currently values the average contribution of volunteer service at 19.51$ per hour. Using this value, Americans provided an estimated $150 billion annually in volunteered time

Last Updated: October 22, 2008