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Dig the Past -- Save it for the Future

For nearly forty years, the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) has carried out archeological research, collections and information management, and technical support for national parks in the Southeast Region of the National Park Service. The Center supports a wide variety of technical assistance and partnership projects both within and outside NPS. SEAC helps fulfill the requirements of various federal laws, regulations, policies, and guidelines for the protection of archeological resources. SEAC interagency assistance programs help carry out the responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior to assist other federal and state agencies in cultural resources compliance, archeological site stabilization, CRM planning, and public education and outreach. The SEAC mission is to facilitate long-term protection, use, and appreciation of archeological and cultural resources in the southeastern USA and beyond.

You, as a volunteer from the United States or abroad, can support the SEAC mission by surveying and excavating archeological sites under the direction of SEAC archeologists.  You can also catalog and curate artifacts and care for the SEAC facility.  It is an exciting learning experience that can be tailored to your desire to learn more about archeology and/or participate in research and excavation.  You can also work cooperatively with the US Forest Service (Apalachicola National Forest), the US Fish and Wildlife Service (St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge), and the Florida Park Service (Capital Area Geoparks) on diverse cultural resource and stewardship projects.  More information on SEAC projects is available at the SEAC website:  http://www.nps.gov/seac/ .

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