University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources
December 04, 2008
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Program Planning and Evaluation
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DANRIS-X Advisor Report & CASA FY 2009 is now OPEN.

Pat Day

Responsibility for coordination of statewide program planning, reporting and accountability for AES and CE programs is charged to the Associate Vice President and Assistant Vice President-Programs, and specifically to the Office of Program Planning and Evaluation (OPPE). OPPE is responsible for statewide program planning activities, including documenting and reporting ANR program impacts, providing oversight for UC Delivers, coordinating strategic planning activities, supporting the Program Council, workgroups, ANR Program Planning Advisory Committees, and regular and special committees/groups, and providing liaison with the Office of Governmental and External Relations in support of its advocacy and outreach efforts.

The office is also responsible for ANR program reporting systems This includes management and administration of the federally-mandated Current Research Information System (CRIS), the DANR Information System (DANRIS-X) reporting system, and reporting systems for  4-H Youth enrollments, and EFNEP and FSNEP program data. The office also provides leadership in compliance with federal program reporting requirements, including preparation and submission of the ANR Federal Plan of Work and Annual Report.

ANR Program Reporting Meeting

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