USDA Forest Service

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2009 Woody Biomass Grants
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Fuel Value Calculator (PDF)
Automated Excel Program! »

Accomplishment Report

Small-Diameter Roundwood Kiosk Brochure (PDF)

Sawmill Technical Assistance (PDF)

Portable Sawmill Manufacturers (PDF)

Bandsaw Cracking: Troubleshooting Causes (PDF)


Small-Diameter &
Roundwood Utilization

Hardwood Utilization

Waste Wood & Reside Utilization

Wood for Energy

Patents for Licensing


2006 National Forest Products Utilization & Marketing Personnel Directory (PDF)


Log Grading & Scaling


Lumber Drying, Storage & Handling

Secondary Wood Products Manufacturing

Biomass Energy

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State & Private Forestry
Technology Marketing Unit
The Technology Marketing Unit provides technical assistance
for improving utilization and marketing of forest products.


Who We Are

We are part of the State & Private Forestry Cooperative Forestry staff of the US Forest Service. Our unit is located at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) in Madison, WI. We provide a broad scope of expertise in wood products utilization and marketing (U&M), technology transfer, and technical assistance.

What We Do

Our mission is to improve the use of wood by transferring technologies developed primarily by the FPL and other Forest Service research installations. We work in collaboration with Forest Service Research and Development to identify opportunities for working with local governments, private landowners, rural communities, and forest industries. We support the National and international research mission of the Forest Service in forest products utilization by ensuring ready adoption of forest-based material technologies. The scope of our technology marketing work includes forest products conservation, processing, manufacturing efficiency, marketing, and recycling. We adopt a problem-solving approach with our customers to ensure sustainability of our natural resources.

Our Staff

  • Susan L. LeVan-Green
    Program Manager
  • Linda K. Richter
    Program Assistant
  • John R. (Rusty) Dramm
    Utilization Specialist
  • Mark Knaebe
    Roundwood Coordinator
  • John I. Zerbe
    Wood Technologist
  • Jean M. Livingston
    Communications Specialist
  • Steve Yaddof
    Program Specialist

Our Customers & Partners

  • Landowners
  • Forest-based businesses
  • Rural communities
  • State & Federal agencies
  • National Forest System
  • Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) councils
  • Rural and urban economic development councils
  • International visiting scientists

How to Reach Us
S&PF Technology Marketing Unit
Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398
Phone: (608) 231-9504
Fax: (608) 231-9592
E-mail: Linda Richter

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