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Last Updated: March 26, 2008 Related resource areas: Gardens, Lawns & Landscapes

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Fruits | Growing | Culture, Disease, and Insects

Photo credit: Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,
Photo credit: Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural Research Service,

  • The links in the navigation box are your gateway to learning more about fruits. Begin by clicking "Growing."

Fruits content reviewers share their expertise with eXtension's: Gardens, Lawns, and Landscapes to provide consumers and the green industry relevant, up-to-date, fact-based, and reliable horticultural information

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jack w. wilbert on 02.25.08 at 10:03 PM
I would like information guidelines on how to prune dwarf apple trees to produce fruit?
Nick Broady on 03.25.08 at 01:22 PM
Thank you for your interest in the website, but in order for your question to be routed to the appropriate experts, you need to use the "Ask the Expert" function. This is located immediately above the "Suggestions/Comments" area on the website. --eXtension Staff
sandy sheaffer on 03.04.08 at 12:35 PM
how to prune a peach tree
Genna Giannatti on 03.10.08 at 05:04 PM
I need to know how to prune dwarf apple trees, and also the best time to do this. My trees have never been pruned and are about 10 years old. I started this AM and have removed quite a bit from the bottom, but don't know where to go from there. Thans, Genna Giannatti

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