25th National Nutrient Databank Conference

March 30, 2001
Orlando, Florida

Time and Location: The one-day conference will be held on Friday, March 30, 2001 in Orlando, Florida, from 8:30 am until 5:15 pm.  The conference is a satellite to Experimental Biology 2001 to be held in the same location from March 31 to April 4, 2001.  Program is now available.

Registration: There is no registration fee, but pre-registration is required to guarantee a seat, and is limited to the first 250 persons. Persons who have not registered may attend if space permits. 

To register for the conference, please send the following information to David Haytowitz by email (dhaytowitz@rbhnrc.usda.gov) or fax (301/504-0713):

PLEASE NOTE: If you register, and later find you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so we may release your place to another person. Thank you!

For more information on Orlando, Florida

Meeting will be held at the Orlando Convention Center, Room 311A/B, on International Drive in Orlando, Florida.  The block of hotel rooms made by EB's Housing Bureau. has been sold out, though they will provide assistance if you are staying for EB 2001.  Most hotel chains have properties on International Drive near the convention center and since our meeting is the day before EB starts, rooms are probably available.  Contact the hotels directly or through your travel agency.

We are still working out the final details of the program, but a nearly complete version is posted here.

Proceedings from Past Conferences

21st National Nutrient Databank Conference
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 20-22, 1996

22nd National Nutrient Databank Conference 
San Francisco, California, April 17, 1998

23rd National Nutrient Databank Conference
Washington, DC, April 16,1999

24th National Nutrient Databank Conference  
St. Paul, Minnesota, July 27-29, 2000

Earlier conferences

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Future Conferences

26th Baton Rouge, Louisiana,  2002

Dates and locations are tentative and subject to change

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Last modified: April 21, 2001