Arrest That Pest! Emerald Ash Borer in Indiana
Emerald Ash Borer
Letter to Educator
Program Objectives
Before You Begin
Guidelines for Instruction
IAS Lesson Matrices
Day One: Meet the Borer
  EAB News Release
  Outreach Campaign
Day Two: Getting to Know the EAB
  EAB Background
  EAB Research Log
  Outreach Campaign
Day Three: Identify the EAB
Day Four: Arrest That Pest!
  Emerald Ash Borer
Report Form
  Family Take Home Flyer
Day Five: Getting the EAB Message Out
Contact Us
Printer Resources

Using environmental and civic efficacy to solve the
problems presented by invasive species

The complete printable package can be found here

  1-866-NO-EXOTIC, 1-866-863-9684