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For Immediate Release

July 26 , 2006

Contact: Deidre Huntington
Ph: (202) 220-4550
Email: dhuntington@publishers.org

Chinese Copyright Bureaus Take Aim at Book Piracy

Universities and Textbook Centers Receive Fines; Pirated Materials Confiscated

July 20, 2006:  The Chinese government took action against illegal copying of English language textbooks on university campuses in June, with the Copyright Bureaus of two Chinese provinces announcing Punishment Decisions against three university textbook centers for copying books without authorization. The Association of American Publishers (AAP) and the Publishers Association of the United Kingdom (PA), who have worked together to raise awareness of this issue, recognized the efforts of the Hubei Province and Shanghai City Copyright Bureaus in targeting these activities. The Copyright Bureaus fined universities and/or related textbook service centers at Fudan University (Shanghai), Wuhan University and Wuhan University of Technology. Authorities also confiscated and destroyed pirated copies found on the premises.

Wuhan University of Technology, where more than 700 infringing copies were seized, received a fine of RMB 20,000 from the Hubei Copyright Bureau. Wuhan University received a fine of RMB 10,000. The Copyright Bureau of Shanghai City levied a fine of RMB 2,000 against the textbook service center of Fudan University and directed the university to cease the infringing activity. The pirated books included titles by member companies of both PA and AAP.

These activities constitute a positive first step in the fight against textbook piracy in China. While noting the progress these punishment decisions represent, PA and AAP emphasized the need for continued, appropriately timed activity. As the academic term begins in September, AAP and PA will be looking for ongoing action on the part of the Chinese government to combat this problem. Indeed, the two organizations are working daily with the National Copyright Administration of China and regional copyright bureaus throughout the country to ensure the proper actions are taken in September. Specific discussions are ongoing with the copyright authorities in several major cities and provinces.

The Association of American Publishers is the national trade association of the U.S. book publishing industry. AAP’s more than 300 members include most of the major commercial book publishers in the United States, as well as smaller and non-profit publishers, university presses and scholarly societies. AAP members publish hardcover and paperback books in every field, educational materials for the elementary, secondary, postsecondary and professional markets, scholarly journals, computer software and electronic products and services. The protection of intellectual property rights in all media, the defense of intellectual freedom, and the promotion of reading and literacy are among the Association’s primary concerns.

The Publishers Association is the leading organization working on the behalf of book, journal and electronic publishers based in the UK. The PA's 150 members include all of the major publishers in the UK. The PA's mission is to strengthen the trading environment for UK publishers by ensuring that the needs and concerns of the industry are heard at all levels of Government in the UK, Europe and internationally. The PA is actively involved in issues such as copyright legislation, the adaptation of legislation to digital technology, the promotion of books and reading, anti-piracy campaigns and the protection of the freedom to publish.



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