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Endangered Species

When air, land, water, plants and animals support each other in a healthy environmental system, all species, including humans, flourish. Alone among the animals, humans have the power to throw the system out of balance, to damage key elements in the web of life beyond repair.

But the same knowledge and technology that make humans uniquely destructive also give us the ability to prevent damage to the environment and to care for the environmental support system on which our very survival depends.

Focusing on the most sensitive elements in the system, DEC's Endangered Species Program is designed to find and correct fish or wildlife problems before certain species are gone forever.

Endangered Species Mission

To perpetuate and restore native animal life within New York State for the use and benefit of current and future generations, based upon sound scientific practices and in consideration of social values, so as not to foreclose these opportunities to future generations.

More about Endangered Species: