Department of Crop and Soil Sciences

MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory

MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory (SPNL) operates as an integral part of Michigan State University providing support to teaching, research and extension programs. The SPNL offers a variety of analytical services on samples of soil, greenhouse growth media, composts, plant tissue, water and other materials related to the growing of plants (crops) received from commercial and part-time farmers, greenhouse operations, golf courses, homeowners, consultants, researchers, and others.

Many county extension operations use soil and plant tissue testing as the foundation for extension programs with their various clientele groups. Researchers in many departments within MSU and other universities have the SPNL analyze soil, plant and water samples as part of their research programs.

The SPNL reaches out to the general public through educational displays and presentations at expositions, conferences and meetings of organizations. Numerous groups tour the SPNL facilities throughout the year. Educational presentations and tours of the SPNL are part of five courses taught in the department of Horticulture and Crop and Soil Sciences.

When sending in a soil sample, please fill out an information sheet:

The soil testing procedures used in this laboratory are from the publication:

For more information contact:
Jon Dahl
Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1325
Phone: (517) 355-0218

Michigan State University