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Electric Programs

 News Spotlight  

2008 Farm Bill: See factsheet for Electric Programs provisions in the 2008 Farm Bill.

Recipients Selected for High Energy Cost Grants: See press release and recipient list.

2008 Engineering Seminar - Presentations available: See Engineering page for information.

Fourth Quarter 2008 Municipal Interest Rates Available: See Electric Programs Rates page for information.

Changes to Customer Initiated Payment procedures: See Customer Initiated Payments page for information.

The new Data Collection System (DCS) is available for use by borrowers. See the DCS page for information.

Coding Major Development Projects in Work Plans and Loan Applications: See October 5, 2006, letter from James R. Newby, Assistant Administrator.

Dates – Work Plan Completion, Loan Cutoff and Form 7: See July 8, 2008, letter from James R. Newby, Assistant Administrator.

Interested in employment with the Rural Development Electric Programs? See our Employment Opportunities page.

eAuthentication: On May 10, 2006, the Administrator signed a letter to all Electric and Telecommunication borrowers advising them of the need to obtain eAuthentication accounts for certain borrower employees. This effort needs to be completed by November 30, 2006, in order for the system to be used for the collection of the 2006 data in early 2007. See the Administrator's letter to Electric and Telecommunications borrowers concerning eAuthentication. Form 674, Certificate of Authority to Submit or Grant Access to Data, and sample board resolution, are now available on the Forms page. Form 674 is used by Borrowers to identify the Certifier and Security Administrator that will have access to the USDA Rural Development Data Collection System.

Are you interested in receiving e-mail updates from the Electric Programs , such as information about new or revised publications, Federal Register issuances, and other Electric Programs news? Visit the USDA Rural Development eMail News and Information page to sign up.


Welcome to USDA Rural Development's Electric Programs

Providing reliable, affordable electricity is essential to the economic well-being and quality of life for all of the nation's rural residents. The Electric Programs provide leadership and capital to upgrade, expand, maintain, and replace America's vast rural electric infrastructure. Under the authority of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, the Electric Programs make direct loans and loan guarantees to electric utilities to serve customers in rural areas.

The loans and loan guarantees finance the construction of electric distribution, transmission, and generation facilities, including system improvements and replacement required to furnish and improve electric service in rural areas, as well as demand side management, energy conservation programs, and on-grid and off-grid renewable energy systems. Loans are made to corporations, states, territories and subdivisions and agencies such as municipalities, people's utility districts, and cooperative, nonprofit, limited-dividend, or mutual associations that provide retail electric service needs to rural areas or supply the power needs of distribution borrowers in rural areas.

Through the Electric Programs, the Federal government is the majority noteholder for approximately 700 electric systems borrowers in 46 states.

The Electric Programs also provide financial assistance to rural communities with extremely high energy costs to acquire, construct, extend, upgrade, and otherwise improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities.

A fact sheet that describes the Electric Programs is available in both PDF and text formats.

Other highlights of our website are listed below.

Cushion of Credit Accounts: Describes the provisions of Section 313 of the Rural Electrification Act of 1936 (RE Act), as amended.

Waiver of Provisions: Read the May 15, 2001, letter from Blaine Stockton, former Assistant Administrator, Electric Program, to all electric borrowers concerning Waiver of Provisions of RUS Loan Documents - Current Ratio Limitation on Distributions. (Available in PDF and HTML.)

Special Equipment Accounting: Read the November 14, 2000, letter from Kenneth Ackerman, Assistant Administrator, Program Accounting and Regulatory Analysis, to all electric borrowers concerning special equipment accounting procedures. (Available in PDF and HTML.)

Homeland Security: Information on the certifications for Vulnerability and Risk Assessment and Emergency Restoration Plans is available on the Homeland Security page.

E-mail suggestions and comments to the Electric Programs Webmaster.  Please include your name, e-mail address, telephone number, and company affiliation in the body of your message so that we may be able to contact you for additional information, if necessary.

Rural Development Utility Programs Electric Telecommunications Water & Evironmental