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GWMR readers

Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation® is mailed every quarter to more than 11,000 industry professionals.

Results from our last independently conducted readership/advertising survey confirmed...

  • Ninety-six percent of GWMR readers have purchasing influence
  • Eighty-five percent of GWMR readers took action in the past year by buying, recommending, or discussing products or services, or calling or visiting an advertiser's Web site
  • Our readers pass along their magazines—for every reader of GWMR, there is 0.8 "pass along" reader, comprising a total potential reading audience of more than 19,000 people
  • Ninety-nine percent of our readers have an Internet connection available to them.

Our readers say...

"Very pleased with this journal, especially with the technical articles and mentions of changes in our industry."


"I use it as a reference for products and services. I'm likely to go to an advertiser's Web site, too."


"This is a good, practical journal. I always read at least some parts of it."


"I frequently refer back to this magazine, and often request information from advertisers. I often refer copies to my peers."


"I use GWMR to keep up with what's going on in the ground water cleanup industry. A nice mix of news and well-written technical papers."


"It's a valuable tool and source of information."