University of Arizona Cooperative Extension


Personal Leadership

Grassroots Leadership

Civic Leadership


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The University of Arizona's Arizona Community Training (ACT) leadership program provides participants with valuable skills and knowledge in understanding enhancing leadership abilities in working with community groups. The ACT leadership program is a research-based curriculum of current practices and theories designed to build capacity for grassroots leadership.

Program Goals:

  • Leadership development
  • Capcity building for communities
  • Civic action & community involvement
  • Positive community impact

ACT consists of three modules:

ACT utilizes seven focus areas of instruction in each of its modules:

  • Leadership
  • Values & ethics
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving/effecting change
  • Empowerment
  • Diversity
  • Action Planning

Target audience:

The ACT leadership program is designed as a course for emerging leaders, individuals who have little or no leadership experience.

Program delivery:

  • 8-12 units of instruction (depending on the module)
  • Each unit builds on previous units
  • Designed as a 8-12 hour (depends on module) or as individualized units of instruction

Program impacts:

  • Social: Citizens are involved in the decisions related to their community.
  • Civic: Build capacity for citizens to positively contribute to quality of life in their community.
  • Economic: Improved quality of life through civic involvement.
  • Environmental: Safe and self-sustaining communities.

The ACT leadership program is designed to develop leadership skills of community people so they can mobilize and take action for the community common good. The curriculum is in a modular format to present information and offer experiences that enhance individual, as well as team knowledge of community leadership and action. The curriculum moves the learner from awareness, conceptulatization, articulation, and application to intergration of skills and concepts learned.

For more information about Arizona Community Training contact:
Juanita O'Campo Waits
Area Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension
Navajo County
PO Box 668
Holbrook AZ 86025-0668
fax: 928-524-6272


University of Arizona
University of Arizona College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
University of Arizona Cooperative Extension

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© 2003 The University of Arizona. All contents copyrighted. All rights reserved.
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director, Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, The University of Arizona.
The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation in its programs and activities.