The Science of plants includes how plants grow, what they need for growth, how they respond to their environment, how they evolved, and more. Plants are studied at various levels-from the chemical reactions and molecules fundamental to all life, to the role plants play in ecosystems.

The Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona introduces students to a wide variety of subjects important to understanding and improving plants for human use and enjoyment.
Our faculty have active research programs that span the fields of Plant Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Horticultural and Crop sciences as well as specific research programs in Plant Pathology and Microbiology.


We are located at...

1140 E. South Campus Drive
P.O. Box 210036
Forbes Building, Room 303
Tucson, AZ 85721-0036
(520) 621-1945
(520) 621-7186 Fax


Our Department Head is...

Dr. Kenneth A. Feldmann
Department Head

Forbes Building, Room 303
(520) 621-1977


Our Manager, Business & Finance is...

Donna-Rae Marquez
Manager, Business & Finance

Forbes Building, Room 303B
(520) 621-8689



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Site maintained by: Mario Marquez

Mailing Address: The University of Arizona
Department of Plant Sciences
Forbes Building

P.O. Box 210036
Tucson, AZ 85721