USDA Forest Service

North Central Research Station


North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108

(651) 649-5000

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Product Details

Title: Marcell Experimental Forest cumulative hydrology database, 1960–2000.

Author: Verry, Elon S.; Elling, Arthur E.

Year: 2005

Product ID: RDS-NC-4351-2005-001

Abstract: This database contains soils, weather, and hydrologic data collected at the Marcell Experimental Forest from 1960–2000. The data came from six peatland / upland forest watersheds instrumented for hydrologic monitoring.

The particular variables measured are daily temperature (maximum, minimum, average), daily precipitation, daily water table, daily runoff, monthly water table, monthly maximum runoff (maximum flow head height, peak flow rate), maximum rain runoff, maximum snow runoff, monthly total runoff, frost (frost thickness, frost occurrence as percent of area) by covertype (conifer, deciduous, open), frost in bogs (depth to frost layer, frost thickness, frost occurrence as percent of area), maximum snowpack (maximum snow water content, maximum snowpack depth), soil temperature, soil properties (bulk density, soil moisture at 15 BAR), and soil available water.

Not all variables were measured at all watersheds in all years.

Related Publications: forest hydrology, peatlands, bogs, weather, temperature, streamflow, runoff, snow, frost, soil, Marcell, Minnesota.

Product Notes: This product is organized into 5 chapters, each of which contains a metadata document in addition to the main document available on this page.


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USDA Forest Service - North Central Research Station
Last Modified: Thursday, 31 March 2005

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