Welcome from Provost Hume

What will UC need to look like to serve the people of California in 2025?

The Long Range Guidance Team has provided a compelling vision – one of a system that works as one university, capable of focusing the unrivaled creative power of 10 distinct, world-class campuses. A university that is cross-disciplinary, nimble, innovative and responsive to the needs of society. And one that is grounded in a renewed social contract with the people of California that reaffirms UC’s founding land-grant mission and its commitment to serving all segments of the state’s diverse population.

Realizing this vision requires change. Clear, strategic thinking must guide that change. As chief operating officer acting in support of the President, I have outlined an action plan, focused on three objectives:

These plans provide a starting point, but they need your input. Charting the future of the University of California will be a public process, actively involving all of those who care about the University and its service to California – especially our passionate and dedicated UC community, who know best how we can do better.

This website will be updated regularly – with calls for specific ideas from you and reports on our progress – as our efforts take shape in the year ahead. Come back often.


Wyatt R. Hume
Provost and Executive Vice President