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Title: Kitchen Care
Producer: Vocam S.E. Inc.
7061 Grand National Dr.
Suite 150, Grand National Plaza
Orlando, FL   32819-8379
Telephone: 888-26-VOCAM
Fax: 407-363-9001
Format: Videocassette (19 min), manual with checklists, training tips, script of video; interactive CD-ROM optional.
Date Produced: 1997
Description: Part I of this 19 minute video focuses on food safety issues in the kitchen - personal hygiene, cross contamination, temperatures, receiving and storage, cleaning and sanitizing, etc. Part II focuses on kitchen safety such as fire, lifting, knives. Videos could be shown in sections. CD-ROM version is interactive with questions. Curriculum includes video, manual with checklists, training tips, script of video; interactive CD-ROM optional. Also available in Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), German.
Non-English Language: Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), German
Audience: foodservice
Cost: $295 for video and manual; $495 includes CD-ROM
NAL Call Number: Videocassette no.2839 (English), Videocassette no. 2893 (Chinese), Videocassette no. 2892 (Spanish)

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Information for the database was collected by surveying academia, government agencies, industry, and trade and professional organizations for available food safety educational materials resources. Listings in this database are provided for information sharing purposes only. No endorsement is intended. Listings in the database are self reported and have not been evaluated. We recommend that you ask for a list of previous users so that you can assess whether the listing will meet your needs. Call the contacts listed for more information.

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