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Dividends from Wood Research

Cumulative List of Publications from January-June 1998

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"Dividends From Wood Research" is a semiannual listing of recent publications resulting from wood utilization research at the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL). These publications are produced to encourage and facilitate application of Forest Service research. This issue lists publications received between July 1 and December 31, 2005.

Each publication listed in this brochure is available through at least one of the following sources.

Available from FPL (indicated by an order number before the title of the publication): Quantities limited. Order by sending the item number and your complete mailing address.

Available through Internet: Listed publications are available as PDF documents for viewing or printing through links provided in this document.

Available through sales outlets: Major sales outlets are the Superintendent of Documents, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), and various private publishers. Order directly from the outlet.

Available through libraries: Research publications are available through many public and university libraries in the United States and elsewhere. U.S. Government publications are also available through many Government Depository Libraries. Check with a major library near you to determine availability.

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Decay Processes and Bioprocessing



  • Sawtooth Forces in Cutting Tropical Hardwoods Native to South America (PDF 1.1 MB) Loehnertz, Stephen P.; Cooz, Iris Vazquez 1998. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. FPL-RP-567. 16 p. As a result of design, operation, and maintenance, sawblades used in tropical sawmills can cause many problems. Improvements in these areas are needed to reduce the waste associated with sawing of tropical species that are regarded as difficult to cut. In this study, cutting experiments that simulated bandsawing of tropical hardwoods showed the effect of chip thickness, moisture content, and edge condition on the forces acting on the sawtooth. Forces were measured in three directions: parallel, normal, and lateral to the cut.
  • Pest Risk Assessment of the Importation into the United States of Unprocessed Pinus and Abies Logs From Mexico (PDF 1.2 MB) Tkacz, Borys M.; Burdsall, Harold H., Jr.; DeNitto, Gregg A.; Eglitis Andris; Hanson, James B.; Kliejunas, John T.; Wallner, William E.; O'Brien, Joseph G.; Smith, Eric L. 1998. USDA Forest Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL-GTR-104. 116 p. The unmitigated pest risk potential for the importation of Pinus and Abies logs from all states of Mexico into the United States was assessed by estimating the probability and consequences of establishment of representative insects and pathogens of concern. Twenty-two individual pest risk assessments were prepared for Pinus logs, twelve dealing with insects and ten with pathogens. Six individual assessments were prepared for Abies logs. The selected organisms were representative examples of insects and pathogens found on the bark, in the bark, and in the wood of Pinus or Abies logs. Because of several requests from forest industries in the United States to import logs of Pinus and Abies species from Mexico, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service requested that the US Forest Service prepare a pest risk assessment. The objectives of the risk assessment were to identify potential pests in all the states of Mexico, estimate the probability of their entry on Mexican logs and establishment in the United States, and evaluate the economic, environmental, and social consequences of such an establishment. This report documents the results of this assessment.

Papermaking and Paper Recycling

Properties and Use of Wood, Composites, and Fiber Products

Surface Chemistry

Timber and Fiber Demand and Technology Assessment

Wood Anatomy and Identification

Wood Chemistry

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