Temporary Stream and Wetland Crossing Options for Forest Management

Charles R. Blinn, Rick Dahlman, Lola Hislop, and Michael A. Thompson

Temporary Stream and Wetland Crossing Options for Forest Management, Charles R. Blinn, Rick Dahlman, Lola Hisop, and Michael A. Thompson.  NC-GTR202. 125 pages

Part 1
pages 1-21
(1,610 kb pdf)

Part 2
pages 22-55
(873 kb pdf)

Appendices 1-3
pages 56-73
(6,656 kb pdf)

Appendices 4-5
pages 74-125
(6,206 kb pdf)

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   USDA Forest Service at www.fs.fed.us

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Last modified on Wednesday, February 18, 2004
by  Sharon Hobrla