4-State Water Forum Agenda
March 29-30 2007
Oklahoma City, OK
Sponsored by the CSREES Southern Region Water Resources Project
List of Attendees
  Thursday Mar 29th    
8:00 AM Intro - Welcome, Charge to the Group Mike Smolen
1 8:30 AM Water Rights Across the Region Larry Sanders
Edward C. Swaim, General Council, AR Nat. Resources Comm.
Brian Hurd, Professor NMSU - NM priority water rights law 
Ron Kaiser, Professor - TAMU - Texas
Duane Smith, Exec Director, Oklahoma Water Resources Board
10:00 AM Break
2 10:30 AM Academia's Contribution to Water Policy-What do decisionmakers need from research and education? Craig Runyan
Mr. Joe Stell, Former NM State Representative and Legislative                                                                                                              Committee for Water & Natural Resources Chair
Van Kozak, Ag Advisor to Administrator, USEPA Region VI
Mr. Dave Dillon, State Water Plan Director, OK Water Resources Board
12:00 PM Lunch
3 1:00 PM Issues of Water Policy - State to State Mike Smolen
Frank Ward - New Mexico
Mike Smolen - Professor, OSU
Tom Riley, Director Public Policy, UA
Ron Kaiser, Professor - TAMU
2:30 PM Break
4 3:00 PM State Water Planning Processes Bruce Lesikar
Anne Watkins, Special Assistant to the NM State Engineer 
David Meesey, Water Resources Planning Leader, TX Water Dev. Board
Steve Loop, Engineer, State Water Planning Division, AK Nat. Resources Comm.
Evening  Dinner (Bricktown Brewery) Dutch Treat
  Friday March 30th    
5 8:00 AM Education Role in Water Planning Leeann DeMouche
Bob Mahler, University of Idaho - The CSREES Survey
Leeann DeMouche, New Mexico State University, Water Literacy
9:30 AM Break
6 9:45 AM Deliberative Processes in Policy Education Lorrie Barr
Leland McDaniel, OSU Extension, Deliberative Forums
Rossana Alvarez, NMSU, Open Systems Theory
Sue Tate, Admin. Office of the OK Supreme Court, Alt. Dispute Resolution
7 11:00 AM Wrap-up and Reactions - Academics and Decisionmakers Mike Smolen
  12:00 PM Adjourn