Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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An intern conducting research


Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond was donated to the Smithsonian by Harry Winston Inc. in 1958.

The mission of the National Museum of Natural History is to investigate, document, and understand the natural world and the role of humans in it. Opened in 1910, Natural History is the largest Smithsonian museum and research facility, and most visited natural history museum in the world. While the Museum does receive some Federal funds, in order to continue the rich tradition of innovative research, exhibitions, and educational outreach, your help is needed today!

Ways of supporting the Museum financially include becoming a member of the Benefactors Circle, Director's Circle, or the Hope Diamond Society; using the Museum to hold your Special Event; or making a contribution. To learn more contact us at:

NMNH Development Office
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
NMNH Room 428, MRC 135
Washington, DC 20013-7012
(202) 633-0821 (phone)
(202) 786-2546 (fax) (E-mail)

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