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Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve & Environmental Education Center

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Environmental Education Center at Reinstein Woods

Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve features a brand new, earth-friendly environmental education center.


93 Honorine Drive
Depew, NY 14043
(716) 683-5959
Fax: (716) 686-0210

Come Discover Reinstein Woods

Universal symbol of accessible site

Reinstein Woods Environmental Education Center is located at the Dr. Victor Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve - a unique 292-acre complex of forests, ponds, and wetlands surrounded by suburban development. Reinstein Woods offers a variety of opportunities to explore and learn about nature for families and people of all ages. In addition to free guided tours of the woods, DEC offers a variety of special programs each month, including snowshoe and ski adventures, walks on seasonal topics, and a fall nature festival. DEC invites you to visit this fascinating area!

Many species of wildlife native to western New York State, including white-tailed deer, beavers, waterfowl, red-tailed hawks, pileated woodpeckers and majestic great blue herons, live in or visit Reinstein Woods and thrive under its protection. Native wildflowers, ferns, and fungi are also found in "The Woods."

More about Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve & Environmental Education Center: