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Nobel Laureates

Since Berkeley Lab's founding, eleven Lab researchers have been awarded the Nobel Prize. The links below take you to the laureates' acceptance speeches and their biographies.

Ernest Orlando Lawrence 1939: Ernest Orlando Lawrence

Ernest Orlando Lawrence, founder of the Berkeley Lab, for "the invention and development of the cyclotron, and for the results thereby attained, especially with regard to artificial radioelements."

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Glenn T. Seaborg 1951: Glenn T. Seaborg

Glenn T. Seaborg, with Edwin M. McMillan for "their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranic elements."

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Edwin M. McMillan 1951: Edwin M. McMillan

Edwin M. McMillan, former Director of the Berkeley Lab, with Glenn T. Seaborg for "their discoveries in the chemistry of the transuranic elements."

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Owen Chamberlain 1959: Owen Chamberlain

Owen Chamberlain, with Emilio Segre, for "their discovery of the antiproton."

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Emilio G. Segre 1959: Emilio G. Segre

Emilio G. Segre, Physics Division, with Owen Chamberlain, for "their discovery of the antiproton."

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Donald A. Glaser 1960: Donald A. Glaser

Donald A. Glaser, Physics Division, for "the invention of the bubble chamber."

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Melvin Calvin 1961: Melvin Calvin

Melvin Calvin, for "his establishment of a sequence of chemical reactions involved when a plant assimilates carbon dioxide."

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Luis W. Alvarez 1968: Luis W. Alvarez

Luis W. Alvarez, "for decisive contributions to elementary particle physics ... through the development of the technique of using the hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis."

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Yuan T. Lee 1986: Yuan T. Lee

Yuan T. Lee, "for contributions to the development of a new field of research chemistry -- reaction dynamics."

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Steven Chu 1997: Steven Chu

Steven Chu, director of Berkeley Lab, for "development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light."

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George Smoot 2006: George F. Smoot III

George F. Smoot III, with John C. Mather of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation."

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