Medicinal Herbs for Commerce Project at NCSU

Want to grow medicinal herbs in NC? Steps: 1 2 3 4 5
Cal Poppy
California poppy processing

The Medicinal Herbs for Commerce project aims to provide North Carolina farmers an opportunity to explore the economic feasibility of medicinal herb production. As conventional crops like tobacco become less viable, our farmers are growing and marketing herbs for the natural products industry, an industry that is expected to reach $200 billion by 2008. Our program enables North Carolina growers to be at the helm of this exciting trend. The project is part of the NC Specialty Crops Program, a cooperative program between the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at NC State University and the Marketing Division of the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It is operated out of NC State University’s Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Fletcher, NC. Dr. Jeanine Davis, Associate Professor of Horticultural Science, Extension Specialist, and N.C. Specialty Crops Program Coordinator, serves as the Project Director.

Project Funders include:
NC Tobacco Trust Fund Commission
Golden Leaf Foundation
NC Rural Economic Development Center
NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services
NC State University Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development Grant

Want to grow?

STEP 1: Introduction
What is a medicinal herb?
What is the medicinal herb industry like?

STEP 2: Evaluating Your Resources and Personal Considerations
Land and physical resources
Other land considerations
How do you want to market?
Financial considerations

STEP 3: Planning
Have a Business Plan
Marketing Your Product

STEP 4: How to grow medicinal herbs
Do You Want to Grow Organic?
Site Selection and Field Preparation
Seed and Rootstock Sourcing
Planting and Growing 
Pest Control
Harvest the Bounty
Post Harvest Handling
Specific Herb Production Information

STEP 5: Growing Your Success
Stay Informed

Printable pdf versions: 1 2 3 4 5


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