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General Population Census Glossary (courtesy of the U.S. Census Bureau)

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>Ability to speak English
For a respondent who speaks a language other than English at home, refers to his/her assessment of his ability to speak English, from "very well" to "not at all."

Related term:
Language spoken at home

Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (A.C.E.)
A survey designed to measure the undercount/overcount of the census.

Adopted child
A child legally taken into a family to be raised by that family.

Related terms:
Foster children, Own children, Related children

Advanced query
A planned capability in American FactFinder that will enable users to construct tabulations from the full microdata files from Census 2000. The tabulations must pass confidentiality filters based on rules for electronic disclosure limitation developed by the Census Bureau.

Related term:
Microdata files

Age is generally derived from date of birth information, and is based on the age of the person in complete years.

Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC)
A corporate entity organized to conduct both business and nonprofit affairs of Alaska Natives pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.

Alaska Native village statistical area (ANVSA)
A statistical entity that represents the densely settled extent of an Alaska Native village, which is a local governmental unit in Alaska. An ANVSA is delineated for the Census Bureau by officials of the Alaska Native village or Alaska Native Regional Corporation in which the ANVSA is located for the purpose of presenting decennial census data.

American Community Survey (ACS)
The American Community Survey is a large, continuous demographic survey conducted by the Census Bureau that will eventually provide accurate and up-to-date profiles of America's communities every year. Questionnaires are mailed to a sample of addresses to obtain information about households -- that is, about each person and the housing unit itself. The survey produces annual and multi-year estimates of population and housing characteristics and produces data for small areas, including tracts and population subgroups.

Questions asked are similar to those on the decennial census long form.

Related term:
Continuous Measurement System

American FactFinder (AFF)
An electronic system for access and dissemination of Census Bureau data on the internet. The system offers prepackaged data products and user-selected data tables and maps from Census 2000, the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the 1997 Economic Census, and the American Community Survey. The system was formerly known as the Data Access and Dissemination System (DADS).

American Indian Area, Alaska Native Area, Hawaiian Home Land (AIANAHH)
A Census Bureau term referring to these types of geographic areas: federal and state American Indian reservations, American Indian off-reservation trust land (individual or tribal), Oklahoma tribal statistical area (in 1990 tribal jurisdictional statistical area), tribal designated statistical area, state designated American Indian statistical area, Alaska Native Regional Corporation, Alaska Native village statistical area, and Hawaiian home lands.

American Indian off-reservation trust land
Lands held in trust by the federal government for either a tribe or an individual member of that tribe. They may be located on or outside of the reservation; the Census Bureau recognizes and tabulates data only for the off-reservation trust lands because the tribe has primary governmental authority over these lands.

American Indian reservation
Land that has been set aside for the use of the tribe. There are two types of American Indian reservations, federal and state. These entities are designated as colonies, communities, pueblos, ranches, rancherias, reservations, reserves, tribal towns, and villages.

American Indian Reservation – federal
Areas with boundaries established by treaty, statute, and/or executive or court order recognized by the federal government as territory in which American Indian tribes have primary governmental authority. The U.S. Census Bureau contacts representatives of American Indian tribal governments to identify the boundaries. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) maintains a list of federally recognized tribal governments.

American Indian Reservation - state
Lands held in trust by state governments for the use and benefit of a given tribe. A governor-appointed state liaison provides the names and boundaries for state reservations. The names of the American Indian reservations recognized by state governments, but not by the federal government, are followed by "(state)" in the data presentations.

American Indian Tribal Subdivision
Administrative subdivisions of federally recognized American Indian reservations, off-reservations trust lands, and Okalahoma tribal statistical areas (OTSAs), known as an area, chapter, community, or district. Internal units of self-government or administration that serve social, cultural, and/or economic purposes for American Indians. Provided in 1980 as "American Indian subreservation areas." These areas were not available in 1990.

American Indian tribe
Self-identification among people of American Indian descent. Many American Indians are members of a principal tribe or group empowered to negotiate and make decisions on behalf of the individual members. Data are available in American FactFinder for more than 35 tribes.

Refers to a person’s self-identification of heritage, ethnic origin, descent, or close identification to an ethnic group.

Related terms:
Nationality, Place of birth

Annual payroll (in thousands of dollars)
Payroll includes all forms of compensation, such as salaries, wages, commissions, dismissal pay, bonuses, vacation allowances, sick-leave pay, and employee contributions, to qualified pension plans paid during the year to all employees. For corporations, payroll includes amounts paid to officers and executives; for unincorporated businesses, it does not include profit or other compensation of proprietors or partners. Payroll is reported before deductions for social security, income tax, insurance, union dues, etc. This definition of payroll is the same as that used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on Form 941.

The process of dividing up the 435 memberships, or seats, in the U. S. House of Representatives among the 50 states. The Census Bureau's role in apportionment is to conduct the census every 10 years as mandated by the Constitution. Apportionment does not affect Puerto Rico.

Related terms:
Decennial census, Reapportionment, Redistricting

Apportionment population
A state's apportionment population is the sum of its resident population and a count of overseas U.S. military and federal civilian employees (and their dependents living with them) allocated to the state, as reported by the employing federal agencies.

Related term:
Resident population

The size, in square miles or square meters, recorded for each geographic entity.

The number found by dividing the sum of all quantities by the total number of quantities.

Related terms:
Mean, Median

Average family size
A measure obtained by dividing the number of members of families by the total number of families.

Related term:

Average household size
A measure obtained by dividing the number of people in households by the total number of households.

Related term:

Average household size of owner-occupied units
A measure obtained by dividing the number of people living in owner-occupied housing units by the number of owner-occupied housing units.

Related term:
Owner-occupied housing unit

Average household size of renter-occupied units
A measure obtained by dividing the number of people living in renter-occupied housing units by the number of renter-occupied housing units.

Related term:
Renter-occupied housing unit


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