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Expo general event policies

2008 NGWA Ground Water Expo


Registration and refund policy

Once you register, we will send you—via mail—your receipt and badge. If you register on or after November 8, 2008, you will need to pick up your badge at the on-site registration area at Expo. Refund policy: a $25 cancellation fee per registrant applies to all refund requests made on or before November 18,2008; no refunds will be issued on or after November 19, 2008.


On-site registration

If you plan to register at the member rate, please be sure to have your current NGWA membership card (for verification purposes), as well as your payment, with you.


Registration notice

By virtue of registering for this NGWA event, you grant NGWA full rights to use any photos/videos/recordings containing your likeness taken during the routine business course of this event, by NGWA or its official representatives, to be used in any future promotional endeavors of NGWA and its affiliates, without any further notification or expectation of compensation.


Tax deduction for educational expenses

An income tax deduction is permitted for educational expenses (registration fees, cost of travel, lodging, and books) undertaken to (1) maintain or improve skills required in one's employment or business, or (2) meet expressed requirements of an employer imposed as a condition to retention of employment, rate status, or rate of compensation. Meals and beverages may be deductible up to 50 percent.


Cell phone use

Please be considerate of your fellow Expo attendees and refrain from cell phone use during general sessions and educational program offerings to not disturb or detract those around you.


Phone, video, and recording equipment

No photo, video, or recording equipment of any type may be used in the exhibit hall, general sessions, and meeting rooms, or during the outdoor demos and field trip, without the advance written approval of NGWA.


Note: NGWA reserves the right to amend programs and speakers as necessary to ensure a quality event.