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RESNET Rating Standards of Practice and Rating Code of Ethics

Home Energy Ratings

Home energy ratings date back to 1981 and are now used by builders and homebuyers to verify the energy efficiency of a home. The demand for ratings is growing and the rating industry is expanding to meet this demand. Meeting the expectations of builders and consumers require that the industry create and meet high standards of quality. To set the standards for quality, the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) was formed in 1996 and has adopted the Rating Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics to ensure the clients of rating services receive accurate and unbiased information on a home’s energy efficiency.

Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET)

RESNET’s purpose is to set the standards for quality of home energy ratings. Through stringent industry standards and certification, the organization and its members seeks to increase public awareness of home energy ratings and to enhance the technical and ethical performance of home energy raters.

Rating Standards of Practice

The RESNET Rating Standards of Practice guides home energy raters in the inspection and testing of a home’s energy performance. The Standards of Practice were adopted by the RESNET Board of Directors to help clients of rating services to understand what is and what is not required in a home energy rating. To download the Standards of Practice, click on RESNET Rating Standards of Practice.

Rating Code of Ethics

RESNET’s Rating Code of Ethics stresses a home energy rater’s obligation to present accurate and unbiased information on a home’s energy performance in a professional manner and disclose any potential conflicts of interest. To download the code of ethics, click on RESNET Rating Code of Ethics.

Filing an Ethics Complaint

RESNET considers adherence to the RESNET Rating Code of Ethics so important, that the RESNET National Home Energy Rating Standards require the Code of Ethics be attached to every agreement between raters and their rating providers. In other words, every rater must sign an agreement attesting that they have read and agree to abide by the RESNET Rating Code of Ethics as part of their professional certification. RESNET Rating Providers are responsible for insuring that their certified raters abide by the Code of Ethics and have a progressive disciplinary process in place to deal with violations.

Alleged violations of the Code of Ethics by a rater should be reported to the rater’s rating provider according to the provider’s complaint process. If the complaint is not satisfied with the result of that process, complaints may be filed against the accredited provider for failing to enforce the ethics code with their certified raters with RESNET’s Executive Director. If the alleged violation is against the RESNET Rating Provider, the complaint should be filled directly with RESNET’s Executive Director.

A complaint shall document the alleged violation(s). The complaint shall also be specific about which section(s) of the Code of Ethics have been violated. To be considered, the full and complete complaint shall be sent by registered mail to the Executive Director of RESNET and contain the following information:

  • The name of the complainant and contact information
  • The accredited provider that is the subject of the complaint
  • A complete description of the alleged violation(s)
  • A recitation of all the facts documenting the complaint including contact information
  • Copies of any relevant documents

Upon receipt of the response, the RESNET Executive Director shall immediately forward the response to the RESNET Ethics Committee for consideration and action. Within thirty (30) days of receiving the complaint, the Ethics Committee shall take action on the complaint. The action may include, but is not limited to:

  • Dismissal of complaint.
  • Requirement that the rating provider take steps to correct the problem.
  • Recommendation of sanctions to the RESNET Board under Section 109 of the RESNET Standard.

All parties to the complaint shall be informed by registered mail of the Ethics Committee’s action.

All complaints, responses, and supporting documentation shall be handled in strict confidence by the RESNET staff, the Ethics Committee, and the Board of Directors.

RESNET Membership

Selecting the right home energy rater is critical. RESNET rater and rating provider members are dedicated to quality and ethics. They have meet RESNET’s rigorous standards and subscribe to RESNET’s Rating Standards of Practice and Rating Code of Ethics. Membership to RESNET shows the rater’s commitment to quality. For the directory of RESNET certified rater members, click on RESNET Certified Rater Directory.

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P.O. Box 4561, Oceanside, CA 92052-4561, (760) 806-3448
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