Mark Your Calendar!

Illinois Specialty Crop and Agritourism Conference - January 7-9, 2009
Buy Local, Eat Fresh Seminar - January 10, 2009
Crowne Plaza Hotel and Convention Center
Springfield, Illinois
Pre-registration is closed at this time. You may register on site at the Crowne Plaza for any of the events that are taking place this week. All workshops and sessions are open to the public, and there is no limit on the number of people who may attend.
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Pre-Conference Workshops - Jan 7 (printer friendly)
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference Agenda - Jan 7-9 (printer friendly)
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference Flyer (pdf)
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Registration Form (pdf)
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Press Release
2009 Buy Local Eat Healthy Program Agenda - Jan 10
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops & Agritourism Exhibitor Prospectus
2009 Illinois Specialty Crops & Agritourism List of Exhibitors
2009 Display Contest
2009 Cider Contest Press Release
2009 Cider Contest Entry Form
For the 2009 conference, ISGA members and all past attendees will be mailed a brochure in early December 2008.
For more information or for a 2009 conference brochure, Contact:
Illinois Specialty Growers Association
1701 N. Towanda Ave.
Bloomington, IL 61701
Phone 309/557-2107 FAX 309/557-3729
For a review of 2008 conference events:
2008 Illinois Specialty Crop & Agritourism Agenda  (Broadband)
2008 Illinois Speciality Crop & Agritourism Agenda (dialup) 
2008 Illinois Specialty Crop & Agritourism release
Buy Local Eat Healthy Program Agenda
2008 Trade Show Exhibitors
2008 Cider Contest Results

2008 Conference Highlights 

The 2008 Illinois Specialty Crops and Agritourism Conference, held January 9-12 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, once again featured programming for both the Illinois Specialty Growers Association and the Agricultural Tourism Partners of Illinois (ATPI). The successful joint effort featured two pre-conference workshops, the traditional breakout sessions, and a new Saturday program called Buy Local, Eat Healthy.

Two pre-conference workshops were held on Wednesday, January 9: (1) High Tunnels and Greenhouses for Extending Seasons and Increasing Markets; and (2) Growing Grapes in Illinois. Both were crowd pleasers, with over 100 in attendance between the two workshops. The Greenhouse Workshop featured topics on high tunnel designs, bedding plant production, organic production, integrated pest management, weed management, and a grower’s perspective by Matt Klein, President of IVGA.

The Grape Workshop included topics on information resources, the importance of site selection, risk management options, choosing varieties and their sources, vineyard establishment, and insect, disease, and weed management.

On Thursday, January 10, the conference was kicked off by keynote speaker, Charlie Touchette, Executive Director, North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association, who talked on farm direct marketing and agritourism. Following were five tracks of breakout sessions on fruits, vegetables, herbs, and agritourism, as well as a more general track for all the member organizations that included talks on marketing and legal issues, pest monitoring, pesticide application, invasive organisms and pollinator health, and lastly, labor, i.e. H2A.

Invited speakers for the fruit sessions included Guido Schnabel, Clemson University, with two presentations on peaches (brown rot and root rot); Donn Johnson, University of Arkansas, held two talks on insect management in peaches and brambles; and Desmond Layne, Clemson University, spoke on canopy management of peaches. Janna Beckerman, Purdue University presented two talks on apples (scab resistance and crown rot). ISHS member and producer Tom Ringhausen spoke on growing and marketing peaches and apples in southwestern Illinois. U of I presenters included Rick Weinzierl (apple and peach insect management) and Jeff Kindhart (strawberries).

For vegetable growers, John Biernbaum, Michigan State University, talked on vegetable transplant production. Lewis Jett, West Virginia University, spoke on high tunnel systems, and Doug Doohan, Ohio State University, on weeds in vegetable production. U of I presenters included Mohammad Babadoost (peppers, tomatoes, and cucurbits), Rick Weinzierl (vegetable insects), Jeff Kindhart and Bill Shoemaker (vegetable trials), and John Masiunas (snap beans). IVGA producer Lloyd Nichols spoke on vegetable varieties.

The herb session recap can be found on the Illinois Herb Association page of this web site.

Agritourism sessions featured talks on marketing, making the sale, increasing sales, and promotional design, with speakers from Purdue, U of I, U of Kentucky, U of Missouri, Missouri Dept of Ag, tourism bureau professionals, and many agritourism producers.

The Thursday night banquet featured Andrew McCrea, radio broadcaster, author, farmer and rancher, who provided input on “Moving our Industry from Ordinary to Extraordinary.”

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Copyright © 2007 Illinois Specialty Growers Association
Last modified: 01/06/09